Fat or glucose. What is the preferred cellular fuel?

I was asked to shed light on the Randle cycle of energy manipulation.

The Randle cycle is also known as the glucose and fatty-acid cycle in competition. Which type of fuel will be selected by our cells for energy production? Soyentist claim that The Randle cycle is a biochemical mechanism involving the competition between glucose and fatty acids for their oxidation and uptake into muscles and adipose tissue for the sake of energy production.

Here is the Randle, schematic

As we know, the blood plasma will transport glucose and triglycerides, and then cells will use those to produce energy. Since both the glucose and the triglycerides are readily available in the blood, which one will the cells prefer?  Soyentist decided that it is glucose, and said that the Randle cycle is proof of this.

There are many things overlooked and when you have to prove that the lie bears truth, many things have to be misinterpreted to be able to do so.

For example, when the glucose is in the plasma it is not absorbed into the adipose tissue to create pyruvate, this occurs within the mitochondria of the muscle cells where the energy is produced. The adipose tissue is storage for fatty acids in the form of triglycerides. This means that excessive triglycerides in the blood plasma will be deposited there and then released when cellular signaling occurs.

Since LDL cholesterol transports triglycerides, the flow of them will be from the plasma both ways, into the adipose tissue when the blood is saturated with triglycerides, and out of the adipose tissue when muscle cells demand it.

The adipose tissue does not produce fat. The fat comes from the intestines in the form of triglycerides (when we consume fatty food), or from the liver when the liver converts excess of glucose into triglycerides and releases it into the blood.

Cellular signaling involves the hormonal activity of leptin. Leptin releases fat from the adipose tissue and signals hunger. It is not specific to glucose or fat.

So, why does glucose have the preferential status in cellular energy production?

Well, it does not. When fatty acids and glucose are in the cell, glucose will create an explosive reaction creating energy instantaneously. Remember, animals use glucose as a buster fuel in the case of a life-threatening situation when a lot of energy has to be instantly available. The only time when the cells will be flooded with glucose is when the levels of blood glucose jump over the normal settings which triggers insulin secretion which forces cells to absorb glucose.

In a correctly functioning body, this occurs only when the liver releases glucose into the blood under the influence of stress hormones.

When we eat incorrectly, we increase blood sugar levels because of our diet so insulin will be triggered and cells flooded with glucose forcing cells to use it for energy production. Since the energy production from glucose is explosively fast, there is not time enough to produce energy from the fat since that is a slower process so when glucose floods the body, the majority of cellular energy will be produced by it. There is no predesigned mechanism that will select what type of energy source will be used.

By flooding the cell with glucose, we force it to use it for energy production. This takes us off the ketogenic state and reprograms our genes making us glucoholics. We fall out of the correct alignment causing a diseased state that soyence claims is our natural state of being.

Some of the changes of a glucoholic body are cellular production of an enzyme glucoside hydrolase named nagalase to confuse doctors, no production of GcMAF protein that labels garbage in the blood, reduction in number of active cellular mitochondria, lack of energy when we are not able to eat causing hypoglycemia, brain fog, inability to concentrate, bipolarity, difficulty to regenerate during the sleep, difficulty with hydration which causes many problems of which one is a problems in blood circulation as blood vessels get damaged…

We are told by soyence that the ketogenic state is bad for us When we fast, no glucose is absorbed through the food and genes start resonating correctly putting the body into a ketogenic state. Doctors say this is bad for us and should be avoided. This is Cabal talking.

During the fasting period, there is a normal level of glucose in the blood and a normal level of triglycerides. If glucose is the preferred supply of cellular energy, why is glucose not being used by cells to produce energy?

Instead, triglycerides are used and no hypoglycemia occurs. The body can remain fasting for as long as there are fatty deposits in the body that provide triglycerides. There are documented cases of obese people who have been fasting for a year and while losing weight (fat deposits) to power their cells, they have been healing from a variety of chronic health problems along the way.

The conclusion is obvious. The designated cellular fuel is fat that is provided in the form of triglycerides, and only when the blood levels of glucose jump over the designated marker of 90 mg/dl insulin is injected into the blood to force cells to accept the glucose. When cells are flooded with glucose they are forced to use it as fuel and since the energy production from glucose is explosively fast, way more glucose is used than fat in cellular energy production.

This is designed to happen during a life-threatening situation only when stress hormones are released. Because we eat heated plant food, we have stripped the starches of their protective cellulose and made it available for digestion. We convert them to glucose and start flooding the blood with it triggering the stress mechanism into action. This creates a shift in the gene response placing our bodies out of the natural alignment making us glucoholics.

All indoctrinated science of madsin is based on glucoholic bodies treating them as natural God-created creatures when in fact, glucoholic people are diseased, out of alignment/damaged robots.

No matter how much we try to validate scientific research, it will always bring false results because it is based on faulty premises of the soyentific world of modern madsin.

I sincerely hope that when the Sun appears after the eclipse on April 8th, the light will penetrate sleepers and start awakening them to the truth. It is time for humanity to wake up.

Please, go within, close your eyes, and visualize the world you want to live in.

My world is a world of freedom with no licenses and no boundaries. People love each other and help each other in their pursuits of happiness.


Love and light to us all because we are one

The divine consciousness, God, bless us all

Alopecia areata

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Alopecia areata is a condition where there is a sudden hair loss on the scalp, face, and sometimes other areas of the body. Since doctors have no clue why this happens, the culprit is blamed on an autoimmune trigger.

Madsin does not understand any chronic health issues. If it did, there would not be chronic diseases.

Before we elaborate on this health problem, let’s examine what other symptoms people with alopecia areata experience.

The most common symptoms that appear in people with alopecia are asthma, anemia, thyroid problems (metabolism), down syndrome, seasonal allergies, and vitiligo.

When we analyze the symptoms, we realize that we are talking about a very toxic body. It is toxic because it is dehydrated, and poisoned. The question is, why does the alopecia areata affect only some patches of the skin?  For example, only one spot on the scalp or the chest.

If the body is toxic and dehydrated, it will force toxins out from the body through the skin so why it happens only in one isolated part of the skin?

In the area of toxic release, the hair follicles inflame causing the hair to fall off.  We can attack this part of the skin with toxic remedies to prevent the detox in this area which will allow the hair to grow back, but the toxic stuff will have to come out so the alopecia will occur in another place.

Since we blame the inflammation to be the cause, steroids are often used as a treatment with questionable results. Sometimes it works, sometimes not, but as soon as we stop applying steroids to the skin, alopecia reoccurs because we have been suppressing the symptoms and not healing the body by eliminating the culprit.

The question remains, why does alopecia occur in some places on the scalp or body and not in all places?

Here, we have to go quantum again. It is all about the frequency.

I am sure that you have heard of instances when an individual was exposed to a particular stress and its hair turned gray almost overnight. A doctor of soyence of madsin explains that this is a genetic problem, but even if it is, what caused the genes to change the color of the hair? A frequency shift. The low-frequency colors are red, orange, and yellow, and then we go into the high-frequency colors of green, blue, and violet. The same we see in our chakras from the base to the crown chakra.

When the hair shifts its vibration, its color changes according to the program of our robot/body. Because every part of our body is defined by its specific frequency, not all of the hair will be affected in the same way. This is why the hair may turn white and the beard and eyebrows remain dark.

The same mechanism that explains what is happening with the color of the hair can be used when we discuss alopecia. Depending on the frequency, the alopecia may occur as general leaving us bold, or as partial, affecting only some parts of the scull or other hairy part of the skin of the body. Sometimes it can be general leaving us completely hairless.

Since we do not like to lose hair, we refer to the frequency that causes alopecia as a toxic frequency or if we generalize, we call it a toxin.

When I explain frequencies, I point to the fact that we are not addressing only one frequency but an orchestra that is creating a particular sound in which there can be a disturbance that will manifest a particular symptom. Because of this many organs and tissues resonate similarly and toxins can influence them simultaneously.

For example, a few months ago I visited an intuitive healer that uses pulsations as a diagnostic tool, and acupuncture to relieve symptoms and he told me that I was fine but there was an energetic weakness in my spleen. Spleen is one of the emotional organs and it resonates with the frequency of empathy and integrity similar to the right side of my skull. Many generals have problems related to the spleen because they have to make decisions that will cause the death of their soldiers so this emotion weakens their spleen, and can cause alopecia on the right side of their scalps.

Well, I work with toxic people and whenever their symptoms are strong and they are in pain, or for some reason the protocol is not showing the expected improvements, I feel bad about it. This is why my spleen has a low voltage, and I have developed alopecia on the right side of my scalp.

The same as it is with cancer, if my cells were not toxic and dehydrated, they would maintain adequate voltage and the toxic emotion would not be able to shift their vibration. Since I am in a detox from cacao, my tissues and blood are very toxic and cells cannot hydrate. Add to this the energetic problem and symptoms related to this environment occur.

Alopecia Areata Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from CartoonStock

Applying acupuncture can resolve the problem temporarily and increase the energy of the spleen and similarly resonating organs and tissues but as the needles are removed, the toxicity takes over and symptoms reappear.

When we zero on alopecia, hydration and the correct diet will allow cells to hydrate and cleanse but we can also speed up the regrowing hair process by applying mild toxins on the affected parts of the skin to stop the cleansing process in this particular area.

One of the things we can do is mix coconut oil with lime juice and apply it daily to the scalp. Massage it with this solution. Since it is a mild toxin, it will not work until the blood becomes less toxic.

Massaging the scalp and forcing the elimination of the toxic lymph is also very effective.

I am not focusing on regrowing my hair. I am forcing the detox because my joints are making a cracking noise and pain is affecting some of my joints.

About the pain-related frequencies, I will write some other time.

Love and light to us all

P.S. Please be aware of the monumental shift that will be triggered this coming Monday, April 8th. Be part of the shift. Help us hold the light. Let us join together in meditation and visualization of the world we want to live in. Join the forces of light.

Frequency-based healing

Fifteen years ago, when I started mentioning the quantum field of energy that is used by consciousness to create this experience of what we call reality, I was reprimanded by some of my followers to stay away from this topic because I would lose those few followers I had since it makes no sense and makes the rest of my work questionable.

I am not revealing my work to gain popularity. I am guided and trust my guides over anything else. My faith is unshakable which gives me the strength to do what I am doing which is toppling the medical soyence, and as doing so, revealing the truth and empowering others to the awakening process we are in at this time.

I was asked to explain how sound therapy works.

To answer this question, we have to know what is sound. Sound is a result of vibration. The higher the vibration, the higher the sound.

The reason I was injecting quantum mechanics into my articles and videos was to broaden your understanding and bring you closer to the creation. I have explained that the essence of our reality is particles, and the essence of particles is energy expressed through various frequencies, and the essence of this energy is consciousness. It is all created from consciousness.

Once you comprehend that to be experienced in our reality, it first has to be created by consciousness, then manifested by our brain through various programs and sensors into the world of particles which becomes what we experience as reality.

This means that everything we experience is vibrating at a particular speed we call frequency.

Every cell of our body, every tissue, every organ, and the body as a whole are of a particular vibration characteristic for what they represent.

Every shift from their frequency will be processed by the brain and manifested in the form that represents this particular vibration. When you expose a piece of meat or carrot to heat, the heat will increase the frequency in which the meat and the carrot vibrate. As the frequency of the heated elements is increasing, the change in their vibration will manifest as a change in the smell, color, taste, and consistency. This is why we should not be eating cooked meals; they are no longer in synchronicity with our bodies and may cause a shift in the vibration of our cells especially if their voltage is low (low immune system).

Another source of incorrect vibration comes from our minds in the form of toxic thoughts. Every negative thought is toxic, but no matter how toxic one gets, as long as the cells have a strong voltage, the cellular frequency cannot be shifted which means that no ill effect will be created. Our bodies continue resonating in the correct frequencies and manifestation will be bliss, happiness, and love.

Unfortunately, toxic bodies cannot hold electric voltage, and the biggest consumer of electricity in the body is the brain while producing thoughts. The brain is the most active when it is under stress. The most stress is created in the state of fear. We have been told that demons feed on our fears. This is incorrect. We drop our power in fear. Without the power, we cannot maintain our cellular voltage and we easily lower the resilience of our cells to maintain their correct vibratory state (low immunity), and as our cells shift their vibration, we start experiencing changes in our reality. Those changes can be related to our health, and our mental state, including the manifestation of demons and the Devil.

This means that when we talk about toxicity, we are talking about a state of vibration that is disturbing to us. Those disturbed/toxic frequencies create an illusion of toxic and distorted reality.

When we harmonize our vibration by synchronizing the frequencies with the frequencies of creation, we achieve harmony, happiness, health, love, and bliss.

There are various methods we can use since the frequencies can be transmitted through sound, light, aroma, and electromagnetic impulses. This has created various healing techniques such as aroma therapy, sound therapy, light therapy…

We can use a perfectly tuned musical fork for example to a tune of A of a C scale which has a frequency of 432 Hz and sweep the body with it listening to the changes of sound as it reaches places that are not synchronized. Then focus on those areas that dampen the sound of the tuning fork and keep bringing it closer and closer to the area of distortion until the distortion disappears, and the tuning fork remains vibrating correctly in that area. The toxic, out-of-tune frequency was corrected into the correct, healthy way of vibration.

The most sophisticated and the most powerful healing device that will be soon revealed is called the med bed. Since reality is based on electromagnetic properties of the quantum field, med bed technology is based on electromagnetic impulses that can correct every frequency in the body and it can even influence manifestation when processed by the brain.

This means that it can stimulate the manifestation of a lost limb or organ, change the shape of our physicality, the color of our hair and eyes…

The best part of it is that no cleansing is necessary. We do not have to go through the elimination of undesirable frequencies, we simply correct them and the healing is achieved.

Marvelous times are in front of us, but first, we have to wake up and realize that everything we have been told is a lie used to enslave us. This is why the truth has to be exposed and it will be very difficult for many to accept it because the truth is contrary to everything we know.

This is the reason why the truth is being exposed gradually and even so, a lot of confusion is occurring.

Be patient. Do not reject what you hear and see. Absorb it and allow your brain to integrate the information and bit by bit, you will adjust to the truth and resonate with it.

Love and light to us all

This is an interesting video revealing the truth

Senescence and the Zombie Cells

Senescence is a state where cells of the body stop growing but continue releasing inflammatory and tissue-degrading molecules. Soyence explains that when a person is young, the immune system responds and eliminates senescent cells, often referred to as zombie cells. However, zombie cells linger and contribute to the development of various age-related health problems and diseases.

Soyentists found out that a group of diverse proteins secreted by zombie cells can serve as biomarkers of senescence and can predict health outcomes in older adults. They also found that measuring these biomarkers in the blood can help predict mortality beyond the combination of a person’s chronologic age, sex, or presence of a chronic disease.

Senescent cells display decreased mitophagy, resulting in an “old,” defective mitochondrial network that may contribute to metabolic dysfunction in age

Even in the absence of disease, biomarkers are highly predictive of bad health outcomes in the future. Soyentists noted that the most common chronic conditions in the group were arthritis, high cholesterol, and a history of cancer. They found that higher levels of specific senescent biomarkers, such as GDF15, VEGFA, PARC, and MMP2, were all associated with an increased risk of death.

Soyentists have discovered that mitochondria are responsible for producing energy but also play a crucial role when a cell incurs excessive damage. They can initiate a self-destruct mechanism called apoptosis, which leads to a cell’s death. Senescent cells, which do not die, are notorious for resisting apoptosis. These two processes, apoptosis, and senescence, have often been regarded as opposite cell fates.

We can simplify the soyence of zombie cells by saying that zombie cells are damaged cells that cannot function correctly, they are of low energy but refuse to die and metabolize themselves which prevents stem cells from becoming embedded in their place and assuming their job which would heal the adequate tissue or organ.

Even when such cells undergo partial apoptosis, there are remnants of their proteins and organelles remaining contributing to the overall toxic load of the body.

The job of the macrophage/white blood cells is to dispose of this garbage and to dispose of low-energy damaged cells. To be able to do so, the macrophage has to be alerted to which cells are of low energy, what is the garbage and what is the functioning protein. This means that the garbage and dysfunctional cells have to be marked as being garbage, ready for disposal. This means that the body has to have GcMAF protein available for labeling the garbage.

As I have explained through my articles about glucoholic state of the body, once the body is out of ketosis and in glucoholic state, it no longer produces GcMAF marker because it has genetically shifted so that it can produce energy from glucose which requires it to manufacture nagalase instead of GcMAF marker.

The question remains, why do young people not have zombie cells and the elderly do?

The answer is simple.

Young people are less toxic. Toxicity is the underlying culprit that damages cells. Since we cannot cleanse correctly because of the false indoctrinated beliefs promoting the wrong type of food, and creating fear toward salt consumption, our bodies become toxic and unable to cleanse. Toxic elements continue building up and the older we are the more toxic we become. It has nothing to do with the aging process at all. This is why some older people are healthier than some young ones. The age has absolutely nothing to do with senescence and the appearance of zombie cells.

The experiment with the longevity of a cell from a chicken heart proves this. As long as the chicken cell was kept in a clean environment, it was perfectly sound, not even proliferating for 25 years. Once its environment was polluted, the cell entered the senescent state and died.

Soyentists have discovered many things that show the obvious connection between toxicity and ill health but are unable to solve the puzzle because they cling to the crooked soyentiffic lies perpetrated by the cabalistic mafia of the Rockefeller Foundation.

Unless we cleanse out the indoctrinated false soyence we have been polluted with, we will remain in the dark. Fortunately, the light is penetrating and the truth is being exposed.

Welcome to the new age which is starting through the disclosure that will help us to cleanse and expand.

Love and light to us all

Inflammation and fructose

There are many incorrect beliefs related to inflammation and fructose as being the most problematic culprits that undermine our health.

Every doctor and alternative madsin guru will make you fear those two things, and they will use soyence and soyentiffic studies to prove it.

It becomes very difficult to trust anything I say when thousands of articles on the internet, combined with medical books, journals, and final studies prove that the soyence of madsin is correct and fructose is the evilest sugar there is and one of the culprits that trigger inflammatory processes in the body.

Recently I received this video to comment on where Dr. Gary Fettke uses the indoctrinated medical soyence in explaining how to suppress inflammation in order to heal or to prevent the occurrence of inflammation and various chronic diseases that the inflammation causes.

As usual, I will make comments on the falsehood of the information/soyentiffic claims, and debunk the soyence implementing reasoning and science.

So, here we go.

Dr. Fettke starts correctly by bashing the indoctrinated soyence of nutrition, but the changes he proposes are marginal at best.

The first question Dr. Fettke is asked starts with a statement that the root cause of every chronic health problem is inflammation, so how to fight it?

The question has a false claim so if this is what Dr. Fettke believes, everything that he does will be wrong because he will be fighting the body’s healing mechanism.

For new readers who are not familiar with what is inflammation, please read this article

And, yes. Dr. F. confirms his belief that the root of all chronic diseases is inflammation. This means if we prevent inflammation, we will not have chronic diseases. This is not true.

It is the fact that inflammation is present with every chronic disease, but it is a symptom and not a cause of them. Dr. F. made a model of the causes of inflammation and at the base of it is fructose.

Fructose is not metabolized like glucose. Our bodies cannot use it so the liver will break it down into fat and uric acid. It is a wrong soyentiffic belief that our body will convert it into glycogen because our cells will not convert it into glucose but into fat.

All glycogen reserves in the muscles, brain, and liver will be manufactured by mitochondria utilizing fat. That is the basic set program that does not change in the glucoholic body.

The statement that uric acid is the product of fructose metabolism is mostly inaccurate because uric acid will be produced the same way from glucose as it is produced from fructose if there is too much glucose in the blood. People become obese when eating too many carbohydrates because the glucose is converted into fat and the side product is uric acid.

Once we start thinking and free ourselves from the lies of soyentiffic truths, a completely different picture emerges. It becomes clear that fructose has an insignificant role in uric acid production. Glucose ought to be blamed for it.

Soyentists ignore many facts and concentrate on those that prove their theories. Since our body cannot use fructose, all fructose we absorb into the blood will be converted to fat. This creates a problem, correct?

How much fructose do we actually receive through our diet? Not much because the sugar absorption is dependent on GLUT levels and unless we supply our bodies with dietary carbs/starches, the GLUT levels will remain low no matter how much fruit we consume.

The difference is with artificial food such as packaged carbohydrate products and drinks loaded with sweeteners containing a high level of fructose and glucose. The corn syrup contains approximately 60% fructose and 40% glucose. The experts blame fructose when glucose and fructose both create fat and uric acid when supplied to the body in high quantities. Just because some of the glucose will be used by our cells for energy production does not make the glucose healthy as some experts like Dr. Joseph Mercola claim it to be. They call starches the “safe” carbohydrate. This is an utter nonsense.

Although the relation between nitric oxide and uric acid is correct, lowering uric acid will lower blood pressure only in people who do not have cellular dehydration. Because of the chronic nature of health problems, the majority of people suffer from cellular dehydration, and dropping BP by reducing blood levels of uric acid will not happen.

The fastest way to lower uric acid is by hydrating the blood because when there is enough plasma available, no matter how much uric acid is being produced, the plasma will flush out the surplus.

The claim that animals get fat when gorging on fruits is nonsensical. Try to gain weight by eating fruits. There is no starch there and the level of fructose is minuscule, and on top of this, the absorption of sugar especially in wild ketogenic animals is negligible. I tested this with bananas and became thin like Mahatma Gandhi during his hunger strike.

Dr. F. is inventing new LDL particles because everyone knows that small LDL causes circulatory problems, right? Dr. F. could not disengage from soyence if his life depended on it. Basically, he states that by reducing fruit consumption we become healthier. This is a true statement but has very little to do with fructose as I explain in my articles.

He correctly states that fructose will make you hungry, lethargic, and anxious, and will make your intestines noisy, but this is not because of fructose, glucose does exactly the same things and we consume 100 times more glucose/starch than fructose.

Almost everything he states about fructose and bears is incorrect which I explain in many of my articles and videos when carbohydrates are the topic.

Honey does not contain glucose. It is made from nectar which is pure fructose.

Listening to this video is like reading the Bible. Some truth is exposed and then smeared and misguided by false beliefs that eating fruit provides animals with a surplus of energy making them fat. Simple two-week experiment will debunk this entire narrative and soyence.

Dehydrated things will not get mold. Moist bread will get moldy, another wrong statement when Dr. F. states that bread, because it is a sugar, does not get moldy.

Fat will not grow mold because mold loves sugar.

I am only into the first 22 minutes of the video and the article is becoming too long so I will stop here.

A lot of what Dr. Fettke talks about is correct, but the overall information is incorrect because the soyence stands in the way.

Fructose is the safest sweetener as long as our GLUT levels are low. Nobody gets obese by eating fruits. This is very easy to prove so if in doubt, experiment and let me know.

We learn through our experiences so do not be lazy and do not argue until you live the experience.

Love and light to us all.

Can stem cells rejuvenate the body?

I wrote about stem cell therapy before but Peter sent me recently this video made by Andrew Tunstall I am sharing with you here, to give my opinion on this issue.

There are many incorrect statements in this video which I am going to address, so let’s roll the tape.

Andrew is stating correctly that most stem cells of our body are located in the bone marrow and that they produce red blood cells and bone cells. Then he states that stem cells are also found in the brain, muscles, and other organs, but they do not linger there. If they had remained in those organs for more than a couple of hours, they would no longer be stem cells. They would have mutated into the cells of those organs.

A stem cell is an original cell of the body that is not predetermined to have any particular function in the body. Every stem cell has a complete genetic code and can resume the function of any tissue or organ of the body.

Stem cells are circulating in the blood and the lymph. They go through the entire body, and wherever they lodge themselves, under the frequency of the environment in that area, they mutate to assume the properties of those cells of that particular tissue or organ.

Why are most stem cells lodged in the bone marrow?

Because we constantly produce red blood cells. Red blood cells like any other cell in our body start from stem cells. By remaining in the bone marrow for a couple of hours, the stem cells in the bone marrow mutate into red blood cells.

Stem cells that lodge themselves in the bone, become bone cells, in the liver they become liver cells, and so on.

Mislead soyentists claim that we have in our bodies circulating cancer stem cells. This is a ridiculous statement showing the incompetence of those soyentists, and their misunderstanding of what stem cells are all about. Once the cell becomes predetermined, such as a cancer cell, it is no longer a stem cell. It has become a cancer cell and the reason for this is the environment in which it has become stuck. A toxic environment of low electric voltage will mutate the stem cell into a cancer cell of perpetual proliferation.

Andrew states that if we do not look after our bodies, we damage those stem cells which leads to hair loss, diabetes, dementia, and the rest of the health issues we encounter.

This is only partially correct. Stem cells are there to replace damaged cells and even tissues and organs since they possess the complete genetic code. To be able to replace a damaged cell, they have to lodge themselves in this area. As long as a cell of any organ has an electric charge, it has its electromagnetic field which prevents any cell from touching it or settling in this area. This is why the stem cell will have to wait till the damaged cell is completely depowered/dead. Then a GcMAF protein has to label it so that the macrophage knows that this is garbage to be disposed of and the new stem cell can lodge itself there and resume a normal function of the cell of this particular tissue or organ.

Unfortunately, the same toxicity that has damaged the functioning cells of our tissues and organs is also damaging our stem cells. The telomeres shrink and become less sensitive towards the frequencies of their environment which makes the stem cells also less responsive to the environment. They cannot perform as designed.

Andrew here, repeats the nonsensical soyentific claims that as we get older stem cells lose the ability to act as designed. Age has nothing to do with it other than the older we are the more toxic our bodies become because we are eating and hydrating incorrectly and living in fear just makes it worse.

Andrew also focuses on the “bad things” inflammation causes which is all false and the next article I will publish will be again about inflammation.

 The culprit causing the deterioration of our body is the cause of inflammation. Inflammation is not a cause but a symptom. Symptoms do not cause any problems other than alerting us to them.

Andrew correctly advises us not to consume toxic stuff but limits it to just a few toxic habits and again he blames obesity as a culprit to the toxic body which is incorrect. The body can be obese and healthy. Unfortunately, we become obese by eating toxic food so again, it is the toxic stuff and not the obesity that is in question here.

After correctly addressing exercise and moderate eating he advises us to poison ourselves with teas including green tea that contains caffeine among other toxic substances that can cause leukemia. And to top it off, he highly recommends dark chocolate, another strong poison made of roasted cacao nuts. It is not sugar and milk in chocolate that is a problem. The most toxic part is cacao powder itself which is the main ingredient of dark chocolate.

So, here we have a nutrition expert having over 26 thousand followers offering incorrect nutritional recommendations and misleading people with his soyence.

This is not as bad as Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mike Adams, David Wolfe, and others with millions of followers doing exactly the same.

Learning the truth is the key but what is the truth and what is not? It is difficult to decipher in our world of deception.

Observe, think, and experiment. As we are awakening, the truth starts resonating with us and we instantly know when the truth is presented. Pay attention.

Love and light to us all

Consciousness and programming

This will be an article about consciousness, and our reality.

Regularly, to explain diseases, I reach for quantum mechanics because many things cannot be explained using our comprehension and soyence. I explain that our reality is a dream state of our soul. So, what is soul?

Soul or spirit is consciousness. Consciousness is creating energy, and everything is made from this energy. Once the consciousness has created the brain, it has installed programs that control our experiences.

We have been duped into believing the existence of some creature that looks like us, loves us, and judges us, and the same as everything else, it has its opposite that wants to harm us. It is the good cop and the bad cop scenario Cabal uses in everything it does.

If you buy into believing this nonsense you accept the existence of the Devil, Hell, and demons.

The more you fear the Devil, the more likely it will be for you to experience it because you will manifest it. The devil does not exist until you create it.

This is a great video about the personal experience of a church-going lady, listen and absorb

Simple logic tells us that the Devil and demons do not exist because everything there is, is created by consciousness. If God is the creative consciousness, it only creates good. So, who created the demons? We did. Our minds can create anything. We use our intent to do so.

Since demons are not God’s creation, they cannot reproduce and they cannot manifest as matter.

The Cabal is trying forever to create a matter and implant a consciousness into it but they fail all the time. They are trying to create a living Baphomet, but they did not succeed.

Here is a video where a psychic medium explains demons.

What you stop believing, you will stop manifesting if it was not God’s creation.

As a child, listening about God and Devil, I believed that Devil exists and once, in the Christmas time when I was told that Santa would bring gifts but the Devil would be with him so if I did something wrong the Devil would get me, I freaked out when the door opened. I saw Baphomet with horns, a long red tongue, hoofs, and a pitchfork. I almost passed out from fear screaming like a lunatic. I will never forget what I saw.

The Baphomet was my father with an upside-down coat and hat. I expected to see the Devil, and I have manifested it.

Since then, I have cleared the religion out of me, and never ever did I see the Devil or any kind of demon, not even under Ayahuasca. I am a spiritual being, I do not need religion to be with God. God is consciousness as this video presents.

Often, I am being asked to explain the Soul Contract.

Watch those videos and you will get to understand what Soul Contract is all about.

It is our purpose that we can readjust through our intent.

Here is another very good video explaining that the Soul is part of the conscious energy we call God that resides within us, and the consciousness of our physicality is a sliver of that consciousness which is influenced by our manifested experience we call reality.

I know there may be too many videos in this article, but we have to realize the truth, and instead of me sharing my thoughts, there are other people explaining things from their experiences.

The Spring Equinox is here. The end of the slavery system is to be experienced now and most likely, the Eclipse of the Sun on April 8th will be used as the dawn of the new era for humankind. It is also the beginning of the year in the new world we are still creating.

When is the beast the most dangerous? When it is cornered with no way out. Be careful.

This is the time. Fortunately, the beast is no more. Just the remnants of what used to be the beast.

p.s. as usually, I may be wrong about the timing but not about the outcome. The war against evil is at the end and we are victorious. Nothing can change what is coming.

Enjoy the ending and realize, that everything has consciousness

Love and light to us all

Should we fight parasites?

Just recently I wrote an article about toxoplasmosis.

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii.

In that article, I have explained that the symptoms people experience when they are diagnosed with this parasite are symptoms of a toxic body. It is exactly the same with every other parasite, bacteria, and fungus. The symptoms will vary depending on the tissue that is affected making certain symptoms specific to that tissue, but we wrongly assume that those symptoms are specific to the pathogen in question.

Here is the article

Attached to that article is a video in which soyentists claim that cancer is a parasitic problem. That parasites cause cancer and if we eliminate those parasites, the cancer will be cured.

They go as far as claiming that diseases in general are most likely parasitic problems.

Before it was the virus, but now it is a parasite because the virus no one saw or has proved its existence so since parasites can be seen, there is proof. If parasites are in the cells and the individual is sick, the parasite is to blame. The germ theory for which Luis Pasteur received the Nobel Prize proves that this is the case. This satisfies everyone who is looking for the scientific truth. After all, countless studies are pointing in that direction. The fact that no transfer of a pathogen was ever able to trigger the same, pathogen-related symptoms, is dismissed, and rendered as not an important part of the puzzle.

When it comes to the germ theory, it is more and more obvious that it is totally wrong, and even Luis Pasteur on his deathbed said that his rival scientist Antoine Beauchamp was correct.

Antonie Beauchamp argued that the environment will produce and support microscopic life to deal with the stuff the body cannot handle.

Let me explain this in the example of cancer.

When a dehydrated cell becomes overly acidic, it cannot hold an electric charge. If the electricity stops being provided to such a cell, her voltage will drop. When the voltage drops to 0.7 volts or below, the cell is programmed to proliferate.

Proliferation is a process in which the cell creates a membrane splitting itself in half. One half contains the nucleus and vital organelles like the mitochondria, and the other part of the cell will be filled with the garbage and acids that prevent the cell from maintaining its correct voltage. We are wrongly indoctrinated into believing that the cells split apart and the “old part of the cell will be eliminated and what remains is a brand-new cell. This is soyentific nonsense.

What we have is the same cell that has divided itself, separating as much garbage as possible so that it can survive. If the cell does not succeed in raising its voltage, it will proliferate again and again creating a cluster of toxic bags appearing as an uncontrollable growth of a tissue.

Those toxic bags are of low energy and as such, they should be marked with a GcMAF protein marker signaling to the macrophages that they are garbage they should dispose of.

Unfortunately, because of our genetic reprogramming through adaptation to using glucose for cellular fuel, the bodies of glucoholics do not produce this marker since they have to produce nagalase in order to deal with glucose. The discarded garbage bags are not recycled and the growth we call tumor or cancer. The body has to find a solution and produce microorganisms and parasites to deal with this garbage.

Since we have been duped into believing the germ theory, after noticing bacteria, fungus, or parasites, we immediately assume that this is why we have this health situation.

To deal with the “pathogens” we use poisons. Cells protect themselves from poisons. This means that to destroy intracellular parasites we have to poison the cell.

Fortunately, this is not how things work and those poisons in most cases just force cells to close their membranes. This prevents cellular toxins from entering the blood. The blood slowly cleanses a bit and the symptoms of the toxic blood/germs subsides, and we are under the impression that the germs had been killed and this is why the symptoms are gone.

When we look at this process from the quantum point of understanding, things become clearer. Whatever we experience is just a brain-generated interpretation of electromagnetic impulses/frequencies. This means that if you have a “pathogen” munching on the cellular garbage, from the quantum point it is one set of frequencies countering and nullifying another set of frequencies. To be able to do this, they have to be synchronized, play the same song in the same harmonic scale.

There are some plants that resonate with similar frequency and when introduced into the body, this frequency will assume the work of the ”pathogen” and because it is of a stronger intensity, it will nullify not just the toxin, but also the “pathogen” if it is present there.

We call such plants medicinal. They are toxic but because of their vibratory field, they assist in helping the toxic body to detoxify a particular set of frequencies. If you use them when that frequency is not affecting you, they will be toxic because they prevent cellular hydration and lead not just to causing the same problem they are supposed to eliminate, but since they affect all cells of the body, a variety of chronic problems may occur in the future.

This is the reason why we should not medicate ourselves in order to prevent diseases.

What goes for medicinal plants, goes for pharma drugs including vaccines. Being constantly medicated will cause a health issue. Fortunately, the body will adapt to poisons if they are introduced slowly giving time to genes to modify the cellular response.

When we are vaccinated, the area of the jab swells up. It becomes tender or painful depending on the intensity in which the body reacts trying to eliminate this poison. The intensity will depend on how toxic is the body already. A cleaner body will have a stronger reaction to the poison because it has longer telomeres which makes it more sensitive.

The inflammation that occurs is the attempt to push those toxins out. The veins constrict preventing those toxins from spreading through the blood to other parts of the body. The more dehydrated we are, the less opportunity there is for the body to cleanse and the toxins will be stored in the tissue. This will create a long-lasting irritant to which the body has to adapt and genes will react to it and change the cellular response. We wrongly refer to it as the immunity.

The more toxic we are, the shorter will be the telomeres and our bodies simply do not recognize some of the toxins although, they do interfere with the proper functioning of the body.

Some parasites are predators that are spread by blood-sucking insects, or through the eggs of such parasites which, depending on the predator, we can deal with in various ways but we should always refrain from poisoning them because inevitably, we will be poisoning our bodies and creating chronic health issues.

For this reason, if medicinal remedies are used, they should not be implemented for more than a week at a time.

People who are using ivermectin or other medicinal remedies regularly to prevent COVID, or cancer, or whatever other disease they are fearful of, are slowly poisoning themselves opening the door for a manifestation of chronic health problems.

Love and light to us all

POTS syndrome

Did it ever happen to you that when you stood up fast from a laying position, you became lightheaded or even blacked out? If yes, you have experienced Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, (POTS).

What has happened is, that by rapidly raising your torso, the brain experiences low oxygen moment since the blood takes some time to increase the pressure and reach the head.

Because of the lack of oxygen, you’ve become lightheaded or could even black out. The heart instantly gets the message to remedy this situation and increases its speed of contractions which we call tachycardia, and this increases the blood pressure which is necessary to bring an adequate level of oxygen to the brain. As soon as this happens, the lightheadedness vanishes.

The POTS moments usually occur when it is very hot as the blood vessels relax to better cool the body, so when we abruptly stand up, the blood remains trapped in those dilated arteries and veins and it takes a faster heartbeat to compensate for this situation.

Some people regularly suffer from symptoms of POTS and as usual, doctors are baffled about why this is happening to them. Such people often show other symptoms like chronic fatigue, constipation or diarrhea, muscle and joint pains, headaches, blurred vision, and foggy brain, and those symptoms are used to make a diagnosis of POTS.

Beating Fatigue: Funny and Relatable Cartoons

The Web MD site has this to say

“POTS Risk Factors

People assigned female at birth aged between 15 and 50 years are more likely to have POTS. It can run in families, but researchers haven’t identified a single gene that might be linked to the condition.”

Everybody is becoming woke. What other female is there but the one that was born as such?

And again, why is POTS more likely going to affect women of childbearing age? Because women of childbearing age lose more plasma and blood. Maintenance and menstruation combined with inadequate hydration and a toxic diet will cause low blood levels which will increase the risk of POTS.

This just proves my conclusion that POTS is a dehydration and toxic problem of a known origin, easily solvable and preventable.

Here is my video on this topic

As soon as we analyze the symptoms, we realize that what causes this syndrome is dehydration and the consequent increase in blood toxicity.

Nowadays, COVID-19 vaccines have created problems in blood coagulation which creates problems in oxygenation of the body. If the brain lacks oxygen we faint. If the heart lacks oxygen we die from a heart stroke. This explains the sudden deaths of athletes and other young people, too young to be suffering from what is generally known as a disease of old people.

Here is a video where Dr. Ardis talks about the venoms in COVID-19 vaccines

Dr. Ardis also mentions that nicotine patches break down those toxins. Still, hydration with plasma is what should be done to ensure that the body has enough of it to be able to cleanse the blood. Blood electrification also breaks the proteins of the animal-based venoms so by electrifying the blood of jabbed people we prevent the appearance of those coagulums in the blood.

All of the symptoms that are associated with POTS are symptoms of toxic blood, toxic body, and the attempt of the body to cleanse itself. Just look at them. It cannot be more obvious.

Every vaccine ever received, especially the depopulation jabs they call the COVID-19 vaccine are increasing toxicity of the body. By not providing adequate mineralization by avoiding eating meat, eating plants that are very low in mineral content, and avoiding using salt, we prevent our bodies from cleansing. Our toxicity increases and sooner or later the body will have to release those toxins into the blood. The increased blood toxicity will trigger symptoms of what we call disease, and doctors will start poisoning us even more to stop those symptoms causing the appearance of chronic health problems. Once they can no longer suppress those symptoms, the “disease” is said to be of a genetic origin or is caused by the body attacking itself. This is named an autoimmune disease.

When things are laid out in this way, one cannot but be amazed how is it possible that doctors do not realize this.

Moderately Confused by Jeff Stahler for February 12, 2021 | GoComics.com |  Parenting comics, Funny cards, Medical humor

Do you realize why we have to be educated for so many years? The brainwashing process is slow but produces excellent results. As you can see, today, the new college generation thinks that one can decide to be a man or a woman whenever they wish to do so. Just imagine what today’s new doctors believe to be true. I would not allow them to wipe my behind for fear they may go after my nose. Who knows what stupidity they have been told lately?

I cannot imagine how shocked people will be when the truth comes out.

My articles and videos are just an insignificant outlet for truth since most people simply cannot believe that anything I say could be true. Just wait a couple more months and you will see.

Those few who are awakened resonate with truth and immediately realize it when it is shown to them. Such are those who follow my work and implement what resonates with them, and for that, I salute you.

Love and light to us all

Is it healthy to eat only red meat, part II

Understanding our diet and the impact the wrong diet has on our bodies is a complex issue. This is why there are so many theories often contradicting each other. Add to this confusion the corrupt Cabal-controlled soyence creates, and you get a soup that is almost impossible to swallow.

As we can see from the videos provided in the previous article, everyone who has endured the symptoms experienced while their bodies were adapting to a strict diet of only red meat, felt amazing once their bodies completely adjusted to this type of diet. But they had become intolerant to the food they were eating before. This is to be expected once you comprehend the way our body functions.

Through a manipulated soyence we are told that our cells need glucose to produce energy and fat is just a reserve for emergencies. The truth is just the opposite. We should be using fat as the primary fuel and glucose which is stored in the form of glycogen, is the emergency fuel.

The correctly functioning human body has to be in a ketogenic state the same as all mammals. Why should we be the exception?

And if we are the exception, why are we the only ones who suffer from chronic health problems/diseases, and our pets will suffer from the same diseases as we do when we feed them our type of diet?

When a baby is born and starts suckling its mother’s milk, it will go into a ketogenic state, and it will remain there until it is given formula, or starts to be introduced to solid food. Since mothers do not know the truth, they start giving their children the same garbage they eat. Mothers realize that if they give the child mushy carbs, like oatmeal or polenta (corn pure) their children will become sick with cramps, vomit, and diarrhea. Their little bodies are rejecting this toxic stuff.

So, what are they instructed to do? They cook fruits and make compote from them. Fruit compote is high in fiber and low in carbohydrates. Fibers will be eliminated and the small amount of glucose will start influencing their genes to start the adaptation process in turning their bodies into glucoholic ones.

Bit by bit, stronger carbohydrate content is introduced and the baby starts tolerating this poison just fine, genetically adjusting to survive this type of poisoning.

Different cultures have different customs and their bodies have adjusted to their diets, but when a traveler comes from another area with different customs, they do not often tolerate this new food and develop digestive problems.

Most Americans get runs when they go to Mexico and eat their food. The soyence blames it on germs, but why do those germs spare the local population?

It is not just about the carbs, but spices and the way the food is prepared. We are designed to adapt to changes in the environment but the adaptation takes time. A sudden change will cause a slight poisoning and symptoms appear.

By not comprehending how the body works, we have invented different digestive types.

Here is my old article on this topic

Scientists continue inventing soyence, based on the soyence they were indoctrinated with. They understand everything the opposite way. Every symptom becomes a symptom of disease and since almost all symptoms we experience are the signs of the body’s cleansing and reparation, we start interfering and stopping our body’s natural healing process.

The longer we remain dehydrated, the more toxic become our bodies. Once we stop poisoning ourselves and more minerals enter our bodies, the hydration, cleansing, and healing process starts, and with it, the symptoms of healing occur. Unfortunately, healers see them as the symptoms of disease that have to be remedied.

Because of this misunderstanding, those who started eating correctly and noticed great improvements at first, start doubting their diet when the body starts to heal.

At first, they blame parts of their diet like dairy or eggs, and then as the symptoms persist, they go back to introducing the toxic plant food and miraculously, they start to feel much better. Their cells close down to protect themselves from the incoming toxins. This makes their blood cleaner since the cellular acids are way more toxic than plat phenols and oxalates, they consume. Cleaner blood reduces symptoms and they feel better. Since cellular membranes reduce the porosity and the cellular osmotic pump stops, no energy is being used in potassium production and they feel more energetic.

People ask me “How come some people feel better when they go back to eating toxic plants when many feel terrible after eating plant food after being on the carnivore diet for a prolonged time?”  

It is all about what plant food you start consuming first. I have explained that starches are not toxic, they do not stop cellular osmotic pumps because our bodies are programmed to handle glucose, but they reprogram our genetic expression which is a slow process.

By introducing pasta, bread, and rice… to your meat diet, all you will feel the first time you do is a slight heaviness in the stomach which will become unrecognizable after the second meal. Your body will need much more energy to digest this stuff so you will feel a bit tired after the meal. Since we love to eat salad, the cellular osmotic pump will stop so more energy is available and we feel less sleepy and more energetic afterwards.

More blood plasma will be needed for the elimination of the non-digestible cellulose and plant toxins from the blood and we will start dehydrating especially when we continue following the soyentific claims that salt is toxic and should be avoided in food.

By misunderstanding the body’s symptoms, we bark on the wrong tree, and since we are adaptable, symptoms slowly diminish and we no longer know what to make of it. Everyone becomes confused and soyentific theories hit the sky. Everyone becomes an expert while no one knows the truth.

I hope that this article has clarified some things that were unanswered in the last post.

Love and light to us all