Just another fake war. A battle against INFLAMMATION!

A young woman massaging her painful knee

I am always bombarded with the same questions of which is the relation between inflammation and hydration the most common of them all.
This is not surprising because our homogenization system we call the “educational system” is making sure that we come out brain-dead and obedient. Every critical thinking is suppressed and the most compliant are rewarded with the highest honors and titles.
Realizing this, you can understand why nothing works properly and why is everything corrupt.
Those who cannot do, become our teachers, and those who cannot teach, become our leaders.
It is sad but true in most cases. The most programmed go the furthest.

This is why it is not surprising why a majority of doctors cannot understand the significance of inflammation in any other way than as a precursor of a disease that has to be suppressed. As soon as the inflammation is suppressed those doctors pride themselves on a job well done and their great knowledge of medicine not realizing that they had won the battle but lost the war.

In medical school, we are being told that inflammation is the cause of all chronic diseases so it becomes obvious that those people with the highest honors are going to become the teachers and leaders of the future generations teaching them exactly the same stupid lies.

If the inflammation is present in every chronic disease, there has to be a relation there and since the inflammation causes pain, it is natural and easy to realize that by suppressing inflammation, we alleviate the pain which eliminates the symptom that brought the patient to see the doctor in the first place.

This is simple and easy to comprehend. The perfect example where a quick and simple explanation can be expected from a simple-minded person. This is like 2+2=4

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is an area with the increased pressure of an extracellular liquid in one tissue or an organ.

I had explained the inflammatory process many times before so if you haven’t seen it open this article


This explains that inflammation is a process of forced hydration that creates higher pressure of an extracellular liquid in a tissue. This makes the affected tissue expand (swell) which increases the pressure on the sensory nerve. This creates first itchiness and as the pressure continues to increase, the itchiness changes into pain.

All of this is a result of the body’s attempt to forcefully hydrate dehydrated and acidic cells so that they can use this water for their own cleansing. In this way, they detoxify some of the acids.

This means that the inflammation is just another symptom and recently I had explained that one symptom cannot cause another symptom, rather than both symptoms are caused simultaneously by an event in the body that has its culprit.

Symptoms cartoons, Symptoms cartoon, funny, Symptoms picture, Symptoms pictures, Symptoms image, Symptoms images, Symptoms illustration, Symptoms illustrations

The culprit, in this case, is a toxic acid that had to be cleaned out of the cells.
It does not matter if you look into a mainstream medicine or in the alternative one, they both will concentrate on the inflammation and how to suppress it and eliminate it, completely disregarding the culprit which triggered this process.
Do not be surprised because this would make the math more complicated like 1+1+2=4
For a simplified brain of an “expert”, this could be complicated but acceptable.
To eliminate the inflammation, medicinal suppressors are used that will counter the natural response of the body. It is done usually with an antihistamine.
Since the inflamed tissue has more fluid, for the simple brain it becomes logical that it is necessary to dehydrate this swollen tissue. This is why a diuretic will be administered. A simple brain can understand this. This is why doctors follow such a trend of thoughts.
Doctors have no idea that water and ions are necessary prerequisites for the cleansing organs to cleanse the blood and they do not know that cells of the body will refuse to hydrate if the blood has toxic elements in it. It is enough for the blood to contain a small amount of caffeine or alcohol or garlic (any medicinal remedy) for the cells to refuse to use it for their hydration.
When the cells refuse to hydrate by not engaging their osmotic pump, they risk becoming dehydrated and acidic which brings inflammation.
The necessary ingredients needed for the cells to engage their osmotic pump is clean blood, sodium, water, oxygen, and energy.
If we reach for medicines, we can quickly de-inflame a tissue but if we did not resolve the cellular acidity, as soon as the medicinal remedy is expulsed out from the blood, the inflammation will reappear.
Since it takes a medicinal remedy to counter the natural response of the body, the medicinal anti-inflammatory remedies are forcing the cells to stop their osmotic pumps. This means that as the tissue’s inflammation goes down, the cells close their osmotic system and in this way stay acidic and more acid is forming.
Now we come to the part that confuses everyone.
To stop the inflammation and to prevent it from occurring in the future we actually have to provide more water and more ions which will stimulate the cellular osmotic pump but at the same time, we cannot have poisons like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and MEDICINAL REMEDIES in the blood.

Herbal Remedy cartoons, Herbal Remedy cartoon, funny, Herbal Remedy picture, Herbal Remedy pictures, Herbal Remedy image, Herbal Remedy images, Herbal Remedy illustration, Herbal Remedy illustrations

This means that we have to drink more water, consume more sea salt and we cannot take any medicine when we want to stop the inflammation the natural way.

As you can see, here we cannot use simple logic. We actually have to understand the workings of the body.

Whenever we suppress the inflammation with medicinal remedies, we are deepening the problem. Turmeric is wildly promoted as a natural anti-inflammatory remedy. In Indian culture, it is a part of almost every meal. People praise Indian food for being the healthiest as it is loaded with medicinal remedies. There is no wonder in my mind why so many Indian people suffer from indigestion, hypertension, water retention, and diabetes.

All those chronic health problems start with dehydrated and acidic cells. And this means that there will be an inflammation going on.

Through the inflammation, our body is trying to solve the cellular acidity problem but we stop it because it is uncomfortable and we blame the problem on the inflammation. Blaming the inflammation is stupid but easily understood since our “experts” do not understand the body

This is why articles like this are popping up all the time: https://pages.thealternativedaily.com/cb-ie-intl/?mid=

In this article they attract people to buy a worthless book by advertising “Turn off chronic inflammation and you will prevent 7 out of the 10 deadliest chronic diseases”

Can you see how false, stupid, incorrect, fraudulent this statement is?

Hydrate your body with water and sea salt. This will allow the cleansing of the blood and clean blood is the necessity for cellular hydration. Once the cells are hydrated they can cleanse themselves and there will be no need for forced hydration which means the inflammation will not occur.

Because we doctors do not receive this information in medical school we do not understand the inflammation process. What one does not understand, one cannot correct. This is why doctors will call you an idiot when you tell them that to get rid of inflammation one has to drink water with sea salt and hydrate instead of what we are being told by our” experts” which is exactly the opposite.

As I share with you the truth and untold medical secrets, I am empowering you so that you are able to use this knowledge and heal yourself.

Please, share with me by contributing to my work through donations. Every dollar makes a difference.

With love and light for us all.


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Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

5 thoughts on “Just another fake war. A battle against INFLAMMATION!”

  1. Another great post Darko…What are your thoughts on fat sources that have been heated. I recently got some rendered duck fat but a little unsure about it, it seemed to make me super sleepy and gave me fogginess into the next day…What are your favorite fat sources?

    1. Mark, animal fats are saturated and they do not change much when heated. The animal fats contain a fat soluble vitamins and enzymes which may be deactivated by heat but there will be no toxicity attached to this. I used to reuse the fats over and over again and every time they tasted better and better since I used to mix the chicken left over fat with the fat of pork and a duck fat. The aroma was improving all of the time. Now my wife cooks so no more fat mixing bro. and we cook less and less since we eat less and mostly raw. The banana shake is often the only daily meal now.

      1. Oh wow, good to know! Yea chicken fat is really good, especially with sea salt. Definitely something I crave regularly.

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