Micro-plastic and health

We are all aware of the long life of plastics. Plastic polymers are widely used, practical, and cheap. This is the problem.
What is cheap is easily discarded and turns into garbage. Add to it a very long time of decomposition and soon you start drowning in it.

This is exactly what is happening. We find plastic everywhere.
Even here in the Amazon, there is plastic all over the place.
It comes through rivers that are being used as garbage dumps.

Under the influence of sunlight, plastic will start breaking down quickly into ever smaller pieces.
Most beaches are full of plastics breaking down and ending up in seawater.

Now, we are being warned of the dangers of micro=plastics in seawater. How it can penetrate into our body and cause harm.

We know that some polymers have a very similar chemical makeup to hormones. One of them is Bisphenol A which closely resembles the estrogen hormone.
People that are readily exposed to it grow female features.
Boys end up having female-looking breasts, and their behavior starts to mimic girls.

The great majority of plastics do not interfere with our biology, at least not that we know of, but still, more and more micro-plastics are showing up in our stool.

At first glance, this may be alarming but on the other side, it is comforting knowing that the great majority of microplastics do not penetrate into our body and is being eliminated from the digestive tract through stool.

Fortunately for us, our intestines will not absorb everything that ends up in them. Not even sugar can be absorbed from the digestive tract into our blood without a transporting mechanism.
Since plastics are not a natural (God-created) product, we do not have any mechanism for the absorption of plastics.

This does not mean that plastics cannot and do not penetrate into our blood.
In the order to do so, they have to be crushed into very small particles that can be passively absorbed through the cellular membranes of the intestines. We are talking about nanoparticles of plastic.

The same as any minuscule particle of mineral so does plastic enter our blood but since it does not resonate with the body, it is being expelled out the same as the surplus of minerals and toxic garbage.
For this to be done, the body has to be well hydrated and this means, it has to be loaded with water and minerals/plasma.

As you can see, well-hydrated people have nothing to worry about just keep in mind, we cannot hydrate with water, we need plasma.

Unfortunately, the great majority of people are afraid of salt, which prevents their cleansing mechanism to perform correctly.

Many articles are written about the problems of plastics and they all just create fear without bringing any solution to the problem.
To me, this is fearmongering and counterproductive.
Tons of plastics are trapped in the sea, rivers, lakes, forests and the plastic problem is growing so are we going to lock ourselves down and shiver in the basement?

The time has come to understand the truth and act accordingly.
Stop using plastic trash bags. Bring your own shopping bag when buying groceries.
Dispose of plastic correctly and slowly we will change the world we live in.

The same as it is with heavy metals, there is no reason to fear plastics but attention has to be given to protecting nature and life overall.
Many creatures fall as victims to plastic trash and we are the guilty ones for infesting the environment with it.

The fact is that we are being poisoned on many levels so it is crucial to support our body’s cleansing mechanism.

Again, this is where the SHP shines.

Cleansing is a part of the prevention and maintenance mechanism of our body and by refusing to eat salt, we are disabling it.

¨Follow the science” we are being told. But which science are we supposed to follow?
Just do the opposite of what you have been indoctrinated with, and you will do just fine.

Love and light to us all.

Do you suffer from HEPATITIS?

Many people are being told that they are having hepatitis.
Hepatitis means inflamed liver.
According to the symptoms they exhibit, their liver inflammation is classified as being hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or hepatitis C.

We are being told that each of them is caused by a virus.
So we have hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus, and hepatitis C virus.

If you are familiar with my work then you know that any time when the pathogen cannot be identified, the ¨disease¨ is being blamed on the illusive nonexistent bugger named virus.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis?

Since the liver is in question, there will be definitely some change in bilirubin and biliverdin distribution which may show as jaundice, dark urine, and yellow/green/brown stool.
The other symptoms of all of the three types of hepatitis are:
fatigue, nausea, fever, joint pain, dark urine, itchy skin, and in the case of hepatitis C we find fluid retention, weight loss, and cloudy mind since we are talking about a chronic problem.

Everyone who saw several of my videos or has read a few of my articles knows immediately that we are talking about symptoms of toxic blood and its detoxification.
The bogus diseases are an invention of the misled and greatly corrupt medical ¨science¨.

This is clearly visible when we analyze hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C is a chronic version of the inflamed liver, this means that the body has been poisoned and did not detoxify itself. Now its toxicity is slowly increasing and the symptoms are showing signs of a very toxic and damaged body exhibiting water retention in the stomach cavity but also in the usual places like feet, ankles, and hands.

A great majority of people that suffer from hepatitis C are those that were born between the years 1945 and 1965.
Incidentally, the same goes for polio. Has DDT something to do with this?
Of course, it does.
There is no virus so we are talking about food poisoning, and do not forget vaccines.

When my wife was 18 years old, she ate raw oysters and several days later the symptoms of hepatitis emerged.
Her doctor diagnosed her with hepatitis A and was puzzled when she has returned a week later symptom-free. Her grandmother has wrapped her into banana leaves, rubbed her belly with warm coconut oil, gave her honey to eat and the ¨virus” was gone.

Local doctors called her grandmother a witch. No wonder since they do not know anything of value, they cannot help with the detoxification process.

Bible warns us to be careful when eating things that are frequently exposed to toxins.
As toxic garbage settles on the bottom, shellfish, crabs, and other bottom-dwelling creatures are more likely to have accumulated higher toxic load which can be transferred onto their predators.

The mistake Hilno`s grandmother did was depriving her of salt so toxic garbage continued accumulating as her body was unable to detoxify and Hilno ended up having her knee surgery when she was 28 years of age as her knees became very painful. She has also developed scoliosis, migraine headaches, and sciatica. All symptoms of severe dehydration on the cellular level are due to toxic blood.

Since this article is about hepatitis, I will not continue analyzing the toxic progress of Hilno and instead, I will point to the stupidity of licensed health professionals that are unable to put 2 and 2 together.

We know that alcohol is toxic to the liver, but so are many spices and medicines, pharmaceutical and natural alike, and let’s not forget herbicides our vegetables are loaded with.

Instead of detoxifying the blood and cells, we are trained to attack the symptom.
Since most of the symptoms are symptoms of cleansing, we are misled into preventing the body’s natural cleansing process tapping those toxins in the body.

No wonder almost every symptom turns into a chronic problem under the supervision of a licensed health provider.

Now the question arises. What are doctors testing to determine what ¨virus” is in question?

The test is as bogus as their treatment. It is based on changes observed in the body and not on identifying the ¨virus¨.
Sounds familiar? It is the same damn thing as testing for a nonexisting coronavirus.

This is why there are no medicinal remedies that kill the virus. How can you kill what does not exist?
But toxicity is being neglected, and cleansing suppressed.
What a fiasco.

So if you suffer from hepatitis, no matter how this hepatitis was labeled (A, B, C), the only thing you have to do to heal is to CLEANSE.

Here we are again.
SHP to the rescue.

We are destroying the Illuminati science of lies and deceptions, and awakening to the truth.
What a marvelous time to be alive.

Love and light to us all.

Detox and healing

When we feel sick and we ask a doctor to help us, we are being given medicinal remedies to suppress the symptoms.
This is an obvious action of intentional damaging of our body.

Healers do things differently.
The first action is always a purge.

By using medicinal plants or animal poisons, the body is forced to purge itself.
Depending on what plant was being used, a particular organ or system is being forced to detoxify itself. This is done through the increase of a toxic load of that area of the body being detoxified.
As the area is becoming overly toxic, a mechanism for detox is being triggered and all toxins from this area are being forced out.

When we ingest toxic material with a high level of toxicity, this makes us nauseous and we vomit.
If the toxic level was not that problematic, it will pass and cause intestinal inflammation and diarrhea will occur.
When toxins are being absorbed into the blood they will affect a particular organ of a similar vibration and cause a purging reaction of that organ.

One characteristic of toxins is that they have a foul odor. As they are being eliminated, we start to stink.

This means that if your stool has a foul odor, you are eliminating toxins. If your breath smells bad, your blood is toxic. When your urine stinks, you are eliminating toxins, and the same is with the stench of your skin.

I often mention we are not sick, we are toxic. If we are not being detoxified, we are not being healed.

Now the obvious question arises, what is modern medicine all about. If it is not based on cleansing, it is obvious that it is based on further poisoning of the body through the application of toxic medication.

Since the body has three cleansing organs which are the kidneys, mucose tissue, and the skin, this is where the toxins will be eliminated so this is where we are going to experience the foul odor, dark mucus, and visual changes.

The modern allopathic madsin is calling this a symptom of a disease and focuses on stopping this process.
This is another tell that the allopathic madsin is controlled by evil. It is based on disturbing the self-healing mechanism.

The only time we experience symptoms of toxicity is when the toxins are present in the blood, or when they are being eliminated from it.
This is exactly what madsin is geared to prevent.

Our body can become toxic from the food we eat, from the liquids we drink, from the air we breathe, and from the emotions, we create as a response to some experiences.

We have to keep in mind that everything there is are fundamentally just energy in various frequencies which our brain manifests in accordance with its programming.

Many toxins that have penetrated our blood will be absorbed into our cells, analyzed, and if found harmful, an imprint will be kept so that the toxin can be recognized in the future and be prevented from entering our cells.

During our life, many of such toxic imprints will be accumulated within the cellular structure that will cumulatively increase the toxic state of our cells.
This is the reason why older people are more toxic and need more time to detoxify and heal once they start the cleansing process of their bodies.

Remember that toxins are electromagnetic imprints of particular frequencies and to be able to eliminate them, we have to paste those electromagnetic codes to something that will then be eliminated.
These ¨something¨ are minerals of an adequate vibration.
We call those minerals salts.

Every mineral has its particular frequency so the higher diversity of minerals will allow for a more powerful elimination of toxins.
This is the reason why SHP calls for the use of sea plasma which is diluted seawater, or water with added not refined sea salt to it.

Once cells start hydrating with plasma, they immediately go into the cleansing process.
They eliminate their toxic frequencies which end up in the blood creating symptoms of toxic blood and its detoxification.

Since we have accepted that such symptoms are diseases, we immediately search for help to stop those symptoms which will stop the cleansing process in its tack.

Often I hear from my clients/patients that the salt made them nauseous and they had to stop using it. ¨It does not agree with my body¨ I am being old.

Another concern is diarrhea. ¨For how long am I supposed to have diarrhea? It has been a week already. It will dehydrate me¨ I am being told.

As long as we hydrate with plasma, we remain hydrated but since we are cleansing (urinating, having diarrhea, sweating) we are losing a lot of plasma so there is a need to replenish it constantly.
This is the reason why we have to drink much more plasma during this time.
Some people have to drink eight liters of plasma a day to cope with their body’s detoxification process.

Our stool will let us know about the level of plasma we have to ingest.
When we are well hydrated our stool is soft and pasty.
If harder pieces of stool emerge, this is the sign that our body is in need of more plasma because it is reabsorbing all of the available plasma back into the blood circulation.
The soft mucus that accompanies the harder excrement is a toxic discharge.

If we increase the intake of plasma and diarrhea occurs, this is a sign of a toxic cleansing.

When we think that we have cleansed enough because we feel well, we can start diminishing the plasma intake. If the stool becomes soft and pasty, this means that we can remain on this lower plasma intake, and the rest of the toxins are being eliminated through the urine.

As you can see, our stool will indicate the level of plasma our body needs at a given moment.
The hardening of the stool has nothing to do with an inadequate intake of ¨digestive fibers¨ as we are being told by the ¨experts¨. It is a signal indicating that more plasma is needed in the body.

By consuming plants, we are increasing the toxic load in our intestines. Intestines inflame which slows down the absorption of plasma or water. More of it remains in the intestines making the stool softer.
This is the principle of all stool softeners.
The softer stool is achieved but the body becomes dehydrated which steadily increases the need for plasma and the stool will become harder and we experience constipation.

I hope that this article helps you to better understand your body.

Love and light to us all

Dry skin

When reading my articles or watching my videos you will notice that skin is often mentioned.
Most health topics will involve skin as well.
The skin is an organ that protects our body from the outside environment, it controls the body`s temperature, and absorbs energy from the surrounding environment.
The skin is also a blood-cleansing organ and an indicator of the state of cellular dehydration.

The skin has 3 layers. The inner layer of young growing cells, the central layer of mature cells, and the external layer of dying and dead cells serve as a shield.

If you own a leather jacket or belt, you know that they have to be periodically moisturized otherwise the leather dries up and starts cracking.
Leather is being moisturized with fat.

The same as the jacket, our skin has to be moisturized and our body does it through the secretion of cholesterol on its surface.

This cholesterol has multiple purposes.
It keeps the skin soft and elastic, shields it from various foreign proteins that make a contact with our body, reduces the rate of evaporation, and prevents bacterial and fungal growth on the skin.

The dead skin of the superficial skin layer is a good source of nutrients for bacteria and larger predators/parasites. Cholesterol makes it inaccessible maintaining our skin looking vibrant and healthy.

The cholesterol layer prevents the decay of the dead cells by shielding the dead cells from oxygen.
In the past, before refrigeration, people were preserving meat by dipping it into animal fat.

The big mistake people do is soaping their bodies every day. Some do it multiple times a day.
This dissolves the cholesterol protection and exposes the skin to the elements, oxygen, and predators.

The body tries to compensate and starts to produce more cholesterol making the skin oilier.

If our cells are in need of more cholesterol because they have to protect or repair themselves less cholesterol will reach the skin.
Many lotions will affect the skin pores so cholesterol will not be released. Talcum powder will do the same as will starch powder.
This makes skin dry.

Often when we talk about dry skin we refer to the dryness of skin cells.
The skin cells will not hydrate when the blood and the lymph are toxic.
Dry cells become acidic and toxic so they proliferate faster and a thicker layer of dead skin cells appears. The skin looks hard, dry, and scaly.

Since such cells are acidic, often forced hydration is activated (inflammation) and the skin becomes itchy.

If we neglect this or if we suppress this state with medicinal creams, the inflammation starts getting worse and the skin starts getting red patches. We scratch it and toxic, often smelly, plasma appears.
That is toxic lymph being eliminated and we call this stage an autoimmune disease, psoriasis.
A general mistake is made by people who are hydrating their skin. The mistake is the trust in the ¨science”. They buy expensive cosmetic skin moisturizers. They smell so good and leave the skin so smooth, but to achieve this, the lotion has to be prevented from soaking into the skin.
To achieve this, mineral oil (Vaseline )is being used.

Since inorganic oil is not absorbed into the skin, it closes the pores leaving the skin smooth, but on the other hand, the cholesterol cannot come out since the pores are closed.
The body does what it is designed to do. It starts adjusting to this environment by increasing the size of pores which in time makes the skin look like a crater.

If you have dry skin, you are dehydrated so stop soaping the skin daily and drink more plasma and hydrate.

If you want to moisturize it, use organic fat (coconut oil, olive oil, animal fat).

When we start the hydration protocol, the initial symptoms will be symptoms of cleansing so if there was skin irritation, it will explode.
As soon as the toxicity diminishes, the skin starts calming down.

Since there are two phases in the detoxification process (extracellular fluid and the intracellular fluid cleanses), during the second phase, the cellular hydration forces cellular detox so more poison shows up in the blood triggering another skin eruption.

As the cells hydrate and cleanse, the skin finally goes into the healing process.

Well-hydrated skin cells make a BEAUTIFUL, SMOOTH, AND VIBRANT SKIN.

Love and light to us all.

When do we know that our cells are cleansed?

Darko, ¨when do we know that our cells are clean?¨
This is one of the most common questions people are asking after being on the SHP for some time.

We have been living our entire lives educated to trust the modern madsin.
When we do not notice discomfort and pain, we are being told that we are healthy.
If we go to see a doctor ( Deeply Occult Creator of Toxic Organic Reality), he/she will find something wrong to be able to start our medicated reality.

Medications are toxic remedies used to suppress symptoms and as soon as they are implemented, the poisoning of our bodies accelerates 10 fold.

One of the most common first doctors detected symptoms of ¨disease” is high blood pressure.
With the use of medication, the blood pressure will ¨normalize” within a couple of hours.

If the symptom that brought us to see the doctor was the pain, medication will put it under control within an hour.

We are used to seeing instant gratification not realizing that all that was being done is an interruption in the functioning of our body, and not healing.
This is the reason why the symptoms keep reoccurring and we remain being medicated indefinitely.

Through my work, I am disclosing that almost all of the symptoms we encounter and call diseases are created as the result of toxic blood and its cleansing so when people decide to implement the SHP, they basically expect to see reasonably fast results.

What could be a reasonably fast result?
One day, one week, one month?

Reading my articles or watching my videos, one expects to notice some results rapidly, within three days or so which usually happens but those are symptoms of cleansing of the blood.
As the blood becomes cleaner, we start feeling better, the pain subsides so we become excited about fast healing not realizing that we were never sick and diseases do not exist. The symptoms we have experienced are symptoms of toxicity so as the blood becomes cleaner, the symptoms change and we feel better.

In approximately 21 days, the blood becomes clean enough for the cells to relax their membranes and a better flow of plasma into our cells starts the second phase of the cleansing protocol called cellular hydration and cleansing.

As more plasma enters our cells, more toxic elements become eliminated from our cells which instantly increases the toxicity of our blood.
This brings back all the symptoms we were suffering from before we have started the protocol.
The longer we have been living with the toxic blood, the more toxic stuff has been accumulated within our cells and more toxic stuff will hit the bloodstream when the cellular hydration starts.

The blood will become more toxic than ever before which will create strong detox symptoms.
As the cells become cleaner, lesser toxicity will be entering our blood and we will feel better and better.

Many symptoms are simply an alert mechanism informing us to make a change because we are poisoning our bodies.
By following the SHP, we are providing the body with everything it needs to be able to cleanse itself, and we have stopped poisoning it through the food we have been eating, the body does not have to alert us any longer and we feel healthy.

Now the question comes to mind, are our cells clean yet? Have we finished our cellular detox?

You will be disappointed with the answer.

Cellular cleansing is a constant process. As long as we eat, we are bringing stuff into our body that has to be eliminated. This means that no matter how clean you eat, the cleansing process will continue but there will be no pain associated with it unless the toxic load hits the fan.

The cleaner is your body, the more reactive it will be towards the toxic load you bring into it. The body simply works better.
Every increase in a toxic load will trigger diarrhea.
Your body will let you know instantly when you bring a toxic element into it. Since we have been told that having diarrhea is a symptom of disease, we do not like to experience it so we try to use remedies to suppress it.
Do not do this. Diarrhea is a symptom of cleansing so help your body to eliminate the toxic material. Give your body plenty of plasma so that it can do the cleansing, and keep you well hydrated.

Diarrhea will stop when the blood and the digestive tract are low in toxicity and kidneys are able to take care of it.

To speed up the cleansing process we make stronger plasma with at least one teaspoon of sea salt for each liter of water we drink. This will force the cleansing organs to eliminate the surplus of minerals we are bringing into the body and at the same time, it will eliminate any other toxic elements including heavy metals from our blood.

To be able to eliminate heavy metals from our cells, our cells have to be pressurized.
This will be achieved by engaging the cellular osmotic pump.
We can do this by using Dr. Beck’s blood electrifier, but also naturally by strictly following the SHP.

No matter how clean are our cells and our blood, if some cellular toxins appear in the blood, cellular receptors will prevent the engagement of the cellular osmotic pump and no pressurization of cells will not occur.
Plants are loaded with toxins that our cells consider to be toxic to them so when you eat a vegetarian diet, no cellular pressurization will be possible without the use of Beck’s blood electrifier/Pulser.
This is the reason why vegans are frail, pail, and extremely dehydrated.

On the other side, if you force cellular hydration with the use of Pulser and you have toxic/medicinal plant elements in your blood, you can cause cellular destruction and death, so be careful there.

The common cellular toxins that will cause cellular poisoning if they are present in the blood and the Pulser is implemented are caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and medicinal remedies.
Since garlic has very strong medicinal properties, it is neurotoxic, the consumption of garlic during pulsation will have a strong, harmful impact.

We are living in a very toxic environment so cleansing is a continuous process. As long as we supply our body with enough plasma (water with sea salt), our bodies can cope with the toxicity, and to disable the cleansing system, we are being ¨educated” to fear salt.

What I am trying to explain is that it is not important for us to know how clean are our cells. We just have to make sure that we provide our bodies with plenty of water and minerals by drinking plasma and to stop poisoning it by eating toxic garbage.

SHP shows you how to achieve this.
SHP is not just a healing protocol, it is a guide to healthy living.

Once we have cleansed our bodies, for young people 6 months may be necessary to achieve this point but older people a vegetarians/vegans may need a year or two to achieve this, we can occasionally eat a toxic meal since our bodies will cleanse and resume working correctly.

Getting rid of our health issues does not mean that we are clean. This simply means that we are less toxic and our bodies have what they need to work properly, we are healthy.

Love and light to us all.

Are new plandemics brewing?

Dr. F. and high school dropout B. Gates are warning the world of new very dangerous plandemic to hit the human population.
Do they have the looking glass? Do they know the future?

I don’t think so, but I have eyes and ears.
Seven or more bio-weapons manufacturing laboratories have just been taken out in Ukraine by the Russian white hats.
The Chinese Wuhan bio-lab was destroyed as well.

The question remains, will the plandemic occur anyway?

Researchers that are looking into the content of the experimental jabs are noticing that they are loaded with the same toxins that produce AIDS, herpes, polio, smallpox, and other patented biological weapons.

This means that depending on the individual toxicity of every jabbed individual, one or more of those ¨diseases” can occur, or some new ¨disease” can manifest under the influence of this cocktail.

Just two nights ago at about 9 PM under the cover of darkness, a low flying helicopter was heard over the town of Tarapoto, Peru for hours.
I wonder if some new plandemic will appear after this, or was this a part of the White Hat operations?

Hilno and I are drinking plenty of plasma making sure to cleanse through diarrhea every morning.

I just hope that this is the last of it and that the Spring Equinox will bring the rebirth of our planet.
The energies are very hard.
We feel constantly tired with heavy eyes.

I can just imagine how toxic people must feel in these circumstances.
It is easy to go into a depression so find a way to get out of the stagnation/daily routine.

The easiest way to do this is to change your environment.
Take a trip, spend a weekend in the countryside in some inn, on a boat, or camping.
The change of the environment will switch your focus and make you more aware of the present.
It will make you busy observing so you will have a lesser time to think of the past.

Keep in mind that you are the creator of your experiences/reality.
Stop dwelling on what was and focus on what you want it to be, and put it into a motion,

The future is now, start enjoying it by pleasing yourself.
A new concept for the new reality of abundance and joy.

Think big, why not?
It is the quantum field of infinite possibilities and we are immersed in it.

What glorious times we live in.

Love and light to us all.

This article is not health-related.

I do not get political in my blogs. This is a site where we learn about our body, reality, and how to heal and live healthily.

Hilno and I were guided to go to the Amazon region of Peru during this time of change.
Since we were procrastinating and delaying our transition from a life on a luxury sailing yacht to living in primitive conditions of life in the jungle, we have lost everything and came here empty-handed.

We live a frugal life and since what I do is not welcomed by the ruling class, I cannot work legally so I depend on donations.
Hilno has obtained a working permit (it cost us a hefty sum of money). Peru has a communistic government setup, inefficient, costly, and very corrupt.

Since donations are scars, Hilno is making soaps and selling them as a small-time home artist.

Her having a working permit she can have a banking account and this allows us to retrieve money from Paypal donations.

When renewing her working permit she has overlooked a small administrative raiment.
She did not receive any warning. All of a sudden she could no longer retrieve money from Paypal to her bank.
This is where she discovered that an error was made so she went to fix it.
Because she was four months late, now she has to pay an administrative penalty of 5.525 soles which is 1.485$ US.
The basic monthly salary here in Peru is 250$ US.

This hit us like a rock. If she does not pay, she cannot get to our money.
Fortunately, since I know that banks are criminal organizations based on extortion, we do not keep money there so we can now pay the extortion money to the political Mafia and retrieve money from the Paypal account.

The whole system has to go.
The nest of corruption that inflicts misery onto people has to be completely destroyed, and I will not stop fighting it until this is done.

Because of anger/stress, I am in no position to write an article on health at this time so please excuse me for this.
I have to go and meditate to calm down.

I know 1.500$ US is not the end of the world, but in our case, it really hurts.
Please, if you can, send us some small donations so we can recover this loss.


The destruction of Cabal is done, and soon the new system will emerge.
Let us make sure that we do not repeat the mistakes from the past.
No more politicians, no more bureaucrats, no more banks, please!
No more licenses and permits.
Freedom is the only way.

The only law is a natural law, treat others the way you want to be treated.
Nothing else will do.

Love and light to us all

Edema, bloating, and liquid retention

As more and more people are following the SHP, one of the most common debilitating symptoms is edema or fluid retention.

The reason why this symptom creates debilitating problems is that it scares people, often limits their mobility, causes the feeling of bloatedness, and can interfere with breathing.

Some people had never experienced this state so when it appears during the cleansing protocol, they get surprised and frightened that something in the protocol is harming their health.

Since following the SHP requires doing things contrary to what we have been “educated to do” by our experts and so-called scientists, the fear kicks in and the wrong interpretation makes people quit the cleansing process.

The most common blame falls on sea salt.
Since deprivation of salt and diuretic are used by our medical “experts” to tackle edema, people and most doctors, think that since salt plasma is used in the hydration and detoxification process, the salt must be the cause of edema.

Another commonly used culprits are dairy products.
Dairy is considered to be difficult to digest and that it produces excessive mucus production.
Somehow, mucus and edema end up in the same box.

Almost every time when people suffer from water retention, one of those two culprits are being mentioned, and none of them has anything to do with the formation of edema.

So, what is edema all about?

I often mention that our body is an electronic robot that has its sensors, switches, and programs that instruct organs on what to do in a certain situation and it is all controlled by the genome/gene expression.

When the blood is very toxic and low on plasma, it cannot be cleansed since the water reserve is extremely low.
We can make relation to other parts of the body and how they deal with their garbage when they cannot cleanse because of lack of water/plasma.

When cells are dehydrated and toxins cannot be flushed out with water, toxins accumulate within the cell. Not to be negatively affected by those toxins, cells produce small bags and bag their trash. The bagged trash we have named mesosome or as I call it a microsoma because they are very small in size.
If cells cringe, some of the microsoma is squeezed out from the cell and ends up in the blood. Fake scientists refer to them as being viruses, but they are actually bagged cellular toxins being expelled out of cells.

When a cell becomes extremely toxic and cannot hold energy/electric charge, the cell will proliferate.
What this means is that the cell will create an internal curtain separating the cell into two halves.
One of the halves will be filled with toxins creating a huge microsome.
The cleaner half will try to raise the electric charge. If it fails, new proliferation will start, then another, and tumor stats to form.

When blood becomes very toxic and unable to cleanse because of low plasma levels, toxic plasma starts separating from the blood so that the toxic load of blood diminishes.
This toxic plasma may fill connective tissue, or it can settle in lower parts of cavities such as are the stomach and chest cavities.

By the force of gravity, it can cause swelling of extremities.

This is why toxic people, and the older we are the more toxic we become, we can develop liquid retention without showing any symptom of toxicity/infection which would indicate sickness.

Since toxic people are low on plasma, their blood volume is low, and many toxins become trapped in the connective and adipose tissue.

Once we start increasing plasma levels, the blood level increases, and those trapped toxins reintegrate into the blood making the blood even more toxic.
Since there is enough plasma now in the blood, the blood cleansing organs start the cleansing process so symptoms of toxic blood and its detox show up. We call them symptoms of flu, but since we are not in flu season, we do not know how to explain it and we start blaming the usual suspects for the awful way we feel.

Edema is a common symptom of chronically toxic bodies.
Unfortunately, chronically toxic people are frail, low on energy, often in pain so water retention elevates their state of misery and they prefer to remain toxic and with lesser pain rather than forcing the detoxification process.

The common mistake is the reduction of plasma.
Now you have increased blood toxicity and no water to cleanse it out.
The best thing is first to add more sea salt and trigger the diuretic effect.

Well, if you are convinced that salt is what has caused the edema or bloating, you will do just the opposite and again create a worse situation for yourself.

Continuing with hydration and using diuretics to force faster water elimination is another good way to go about it.

If you simply want to give up on the whole thing of detox because of the toxic liquid buildup, start drinking pure water and use diuretics.
This way you will rapidly decrease the number of ions in the blood and the body will be forced to lower plasma levels in the blood.

As the swelling diminishes, you will feel better since your blood will be much cleaner and maybe this will give you the motivation to give the SHP another try.

Without cleansing or transforming the toxic frequencies of our body there can´t be any healing.

We can induce transformation of the toxic frequencies through the application of heat, oxygenation, and mental persuasion.

I hope that this information makes you understand your body better and gives you options in tackling the situation.

If you can, please make a donation.

Love and light to us all

War, fear, and health

Since we are in the last days of the old game/paradigm, many terrible things are happening on our planet.

Depending on the information that reaches us, and on the program we trust, we form our opinion about what is going on.
Unfortunately, nothing is clear cut, the doubt sets in, and with it, fear starts poisoning our mind and body.

From the lying News Broadcasts, we learn that WW III has just started.
The misleading religion is informing us on Armageddon, the Wrath of God.
People are shown false images which in the combination of the past experiences create more confusion and misinterpretation which contributes to the fear factor.

Some believe that people have to stand up in arms and defend themselves.
Others say stay in prayer and let God save us.
Some say that only the military can resolve this situation and others who believe that the military is as corrupted as anyone else and should not be trusted.

Confusion and fear are the precursors of death.
Do not become trapped. Observe, think, and have faith in your power of creation. Use your power and create the desired outcome.
This is what the Shamans and conscious light-workers are doing so that a new positive world is created.

I will shed some light on the situation we are in.
Yes, we are at war, but this war did not start with the Russian attack on Ukraine.
This war has started with the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and now we are in the last battle, a battle of the good/God, against the bad the evil/Devil.

The military forces of good have joined together under the symbol of Q who has after faking his death assumed the role of the leader of the liberation movement.

To be able to rule, one has to win.
The only way evil is able to win is through cheating, lying, killing, and deceit.
Almost everyone who has become known and popular with people had to be forced to join the evil or be eliminated.

Many have joined and made a contract with Devil, and those who did not have vanished. They were suicided or have died in accidents.

Knowing this, those who were incorruptible and wanted to save their lives, had to fake their deaths.
Knowing this, what do you think really happened to John Denver, Janice Joplin, Elvis Presley, George Harrison, Jimmy Hendrix…

The civil servants cannot be counted on because most of them were corrupted so even if the head of the command is changed, the system could not be trusted.
We can see this in the way the police conduct themselves.
The same is with the CIA, the FBI, the MOSSAD, and other ¨government” agencies.

Political leaders are not chosen through the will of the population. They were selected by the evil because they were corruptible or dumb and easily controlled. If they grew a conscience, they were eliminated.

To think that all that is needed is to go to the streets and fight the evil in an open battle is foolish.
The only way of succeeding can be achieved by utilizing the tactic of confusion.
A frontman was selected to draw the attention onto himself, and who can be the best at it?

Mister attention-drawing Donal J. Trump assumed this role and was brilliant at it so much that even after he has moved away from the stage, the full attention remained at him allowing the Q-anons to work without drawing attention onto themselves.

The execution of brilliant planning was so great and above expectation that by the time the evil has realized what had happened, it was de-powered and left to rot.

Every battle that we will witness now is the action of the good/White Hats against the evil/Black Hats. No matter which country the battle involves. It is the good against the evil and not Russia or China, or the USA… against other/United nations.

The United Nations is a fake construct controlled by evil.
The evil is parading and hiding behind many so-called alternative structures.
One of them is the famous hacking group, Anonymous.

I have become aware of the true face of Anonymous several years ago when they threatened me by telling me to ¨stop revealing the truth or else¨.

To me, this was a direct confirmation that I was on the correct path and that science was taken over by evil, and was intentionally twisted.

We can only trust our personal experience being it an observation or a direct confrontation.
People are celebrating their awakening by marching through the streets and hugging each other but if or when the word from the military says to stay at home, please do so. This way you will be safe as the final bad seeds are being picked up and disposed of.

Most of the action was underground or being done during the night as we sleep, but some final things may have to be done during the day so stay safe and keep away.

Russian President Putin has warned the Ukrainian people to stay at home to be safe.
The presidential messages of the sitting president of the USA, Donald J. Trump, will direct us the same.

The eye of the storm is upon us and the more we understand, the better we can protect ourselves.
Eighty percent of the world military is controlled by Q-anons, a military intelligence under the command of John F. Kennedy Junior who was selected to be the vice president of the United States of America, replacing the fake vice president Mike Pence.

The truth is emerging to those who are able to see.
Do not fear when the communications go down. That will be the final step before the quantum reality is switched on.

I do not have direct intel on this situation and the same as with our health, I draw my opinions based on observation and clear thinking.
We are again being swindled by the media but to the awakened people, the situation is very transparent.

Control your fear, itl be over soon.


Love and light to us all