Compression clothes, yay or nay

There are various types of compression clothing, some are geared to esthetic effect, and some are health-oriented.

Those health-oriented ones are those I am going to address in this article.

Some are used by athletes to stabilize their joints, and some are used by patients to stabilize their health issues.

Those used by patients most commonly involve corset/hernia belts, and compression stockings.

I was asked to give my opinion on the benefits of compression stockings, so instead of limiting the explanation to just one issue, I have decided to lump them all up since the explanation will be the same no matter what type of compression garment is in question.

Taking into consideration the advertising, the supporting clothing makes a lot of sense and we would be stupid not to use it, but then, the garment industry will pick and choose what to say to make the garment look more beneficial. The goal is to make more sales, nothing else.

This brings a question. Why do doctors promote compression clothing, when they make no money on the sale?

The answer to this question is, that they have no idea how to help their patients with their health problems so if the compression garment can be pushed as a solution, it makes a great scapegoat.

For example, when doctors can no longer keep intestines in the abdominal cavity because the mesh, they have installed to close the hernia gave in and the muscles are too fragile to support stitches, a compression corset becomes the only solution.

Sometimes a simple compression belt can do the job.

When the blood circulation is bad varicose veins show up, and a lot of swelling appears in feet and ankles, compression stockings are the savior because doctors have no clue what to do about this issue. The doctor’s expertise will be to give you the soyentificaly based opinion on the type of elasticity of the compression stocking you should use based on your “condition”.

If you suffer from chronic water retention and your ankles swell on a daily basis, your doctor will recommend you wear compression stockings to avoid getting varicose veins and spider veins (smaller varices).

The question remains, are they beneficial to use?

This is like asking if it is beneficial to wear reading glasses or take metformin.

If you cannot help to fix the issue/heal and eliminate the symptom, you do the next worse thing which is put a patch on it and pretend that everything is OK.

Doctors will get paid, and remain looking significant, while in fact, they are worsening the situation by their actions.

Although the compression clothing may keep the symptoms less pronounced their pressure stops the movement of the lymph in the compressed area and this is very harmful to the organs and tissues in the area and in general.

Besides, once the symptom is patched, we tend to ignore it, and the situation that has caused the symptom will escalate without us being aware of it.

Why do some athletes use compression knee sleeve? Because their knee is unstable. The compression will help keep the joint in place but also it will give a false sense of stability and weaken the muscles that are supporting that joint.

Keeping swelling down and hiding varicose veins and supporting them through compression stocking will have the same effect. None of those compression garments provide the solution, only an excuse for the incompetent doctors who cannot provide healing.

Every single one of those issues that require compression garments can easily be solved through correct hydration and diet, but since this involves the consumption of large quantities of salt, doctors will never reach for it. They are indoctrinated to fear salt and to look at it as an evil thing that damages the body. This is what they have been made to believe and understand or stand under whichever way you want to look at it.

We have to realize that as soon as one symptom becomes visible be it a skin rash, prolonged cough, some digestive issue, or painful joint, the entire body is very toxic and through the symptom, it is showing its desperation for us to do something about it. When we put our focus only on the affected place, we are missing the train. The affected place is just the exhaust valve, the problem is in the entire body and the connecting link is the blood itself.

This is why symptomatic treatment is just a first-aid patch that has to be supported by addressing the culprit which is a toxic frequency the body is trying to eliminate.

Since our bodies are made to self-regulate, cleanse, and heal, all we have to do is stop poisoning them and provide hydration through plasma so that our body can perform the self-maintenance it is designed to do.

This is so simple that it is hard to believe, but because of indoctrination with lies, everything we do is contrary to what has to be done so that we can live healthily.

To an indoctrinated mind, the truth is stranger than fiction. This is what brings the question, are you ready to see/accept the truth?

Through my work, my articles, and videos, I am breaking down the indoctrinated soyence so that light can penetrate making it easier to see the truth. It is not an easy task as it is not easy for an indoctrinated mind to change its opinion. The more indoctrination we go through, the more of false knowledge we collect, and the more problematic it becomes to see the truth.

Here is an example of this.

If you feel bad, your partner or your parent will tell you “Lay down and sleep it over”. If the issue continues some tea or other known remedy will be used, or a visit to a healer will be recommended. You are given various options.

Once you see the doctor, your options are reduced to medication, or seeing a specialist.

The specialist will try to medicate and if this fails the only option is to see a surgeon.

Once the surgeon gets hold of you, the only solution becomes surgery.

The most indoctrinated sees the least.

Keep your mind open to possibilities. The more variables you allow and register, the more information will be available to your brain to come up with a better solution.

If you believe that your salvation depends on a bearded man in Heaven and nothing else can save you, you will miss the rope the bearded man is offering because you are expecting another type of manifestation.

Nothing is casual. Pay attention to everything that comes into your life. There is a reason for it.

As far as the compression garments go, get rid of them and support your body so that it can heal itself.

If you do not know how to do this, follow the SHP

If you need support, contact me or anyone who tried the protocol and has healed.

Love and light to us all.

From blood dialysis to healthy kidneys

What is the first recommendation given by a doctor to those whose kidneys show signs of trouble?

“Under no circumstance use salt,” your good doctor will warn you. “You have high blood pressure because you have too much salt in your blood which retains more water than necessary causing over-pressurized kidneys and they fail”.

Well, if you have too much plasma because of elevated salt content, your blood would be thin, and watery, but you have thick blood which indicates low plasma levels of the blood. Your blood is actually dehydrated. Confused doctors blame it on too many cells/polycythemia, how ignorant of them.

Dehydrated blood (lack of blood plasma, water, and minerals) is what prevents the detox of the blood, causes the accumulation of toxins in the body, and causes cellular dehydration which affects blood vessels in the body. This is what has increased blood pressure and caused problems with kidney filtration.

Now as the body shows the symptoms/problems, doctors double up on stupid by ordering you not to touch salt.

The patient’s blood becomes so dehydrated that the volume of urine goes down. Doctors say that the kidneys have deteriorated so much that they cannot filter even the water so the patient is instructed to decrease the amount of water he/she drinks. That’s tripling up on stupid.

Ultimately, doctors prescribe the water allowance not to be exceeded because kidneys are stopping filtering. What do they think the kidneys will filter when there is no plasma left in the blood to be filtered? The blood is becoming a thick sludge which makes it impossible to pass the fine capillaries of glomeruli and the patient stops urinating altogether.

The correct action that will save your kidneys is to do exactly the opposite of what your good doctor tells you to do.

Your kidneys are in a tough situation because you do not have enough blood plasma which means that as you were losing salt due to urination, sweating, and defecation and you were not replenishing this lost salt, your body had to eliminate some water to be able to establish the correct proportion between minerals and water for optima electroconductivity. You have dehydrated your blood, making it thicker and more difficult to filter.

The path to saving your kidneys is through blood hydration with plasma, water with sea salt, or diluted seawater 3X1.

How will one get rid of the water if the kidneys are not functioning?

Your mucus tissues and your skin are functioning and they will be used at first before the blood and the tissues hydrate and cleanse a bit, and as the situation starts to improve, the kidneys will start filtering and bit by bit, as the blood hydrates and cleanses, the cells will do the same, and the blood vessels will recuperate. They will regain their elasticity which will lower the blood pressure and the kidneys will start filtering better and better.

This looks simple, but it can be a very slow process accompanied by strong symptoms of detoxification of which the most difficult is water retention. Since the tissue is very toxic, as the blood plasma rises, a lot of this plasma will become instantly very toxic and remain trapped in the toxic tissue causing fluid retention. This can incapacitate the body and cause respiratory problems. Doctors are told that the water retention is the result of kidneys malfunctioning which is wrong.

Now comes the tricky part. To force the elimination of this retained toxic plasma from the tissues we can use sea salt as the diuretic. This means that a lot of salt has to be put into the plasma to achieve a toxic effect and force the body to eliminate it.

Here is my video explaining how to do this. It is on Rumble because I hate YouTube’s saturation with stupid commercials.

When my friend who is on blood dialysis 3 times a week, did this, his intestines started growling and diarrhea of a yellow thick very acidic stuff came out. The acidity was so strong that his rectum was on fire. Can you imagine what problems was this acid creating in his tissue?

Of course, he gained more plasma and the toxic plasma retention was fluctuating. This made him have more “water” in the body than what his doctors recommend and they were complaining that he has to restrain himself from water because they cannot remove more than a certain amount of it during one dialysis.

If they knew what he did, they would refuse to perform blood dialysis on him and he would be in trouble. Now he is fighting two evils. One is his health issue, and the other is the soyentificaly incapacitated and brainwashed doctors. It is hard to say which one of them is worse.

The hydration and detox are slow and the longer the individual has kidney problems, the more toxic is his body, the stronger the symptoms, and the more difficult it will be to hydrate, cleanse, and heal such body.

It takes a brave soul with determination to undertake this task, and when supported, the body will hydrate, detox, and heal itself.

During the process, the diet is crucial. No plants/carbs because they are also to blame. They create an acidic environment in the body, not the meat as we have been told by our soyence.

One can go about it slower by introducing a small amount of salt in the water they drink but as more minerals enter the blood, the body will accept more water to be able to increase its plasma level which will get stuck in the toxic tissue and water retention will occur. Doctors will complain that you drink too much water so it is best to bite the bullet and do the cleanse forcing the toxicity out through the mucus tissue and the skin.

The skin may become puffy, but using the diuretic effect of salt, the toxic plasma will be used for the elimination of the mineral surplus in the blood, and bit by bit, the body will cleanse, hydrate, and heal.

It is so sad that we have to hide the truth from doctors so that they won’t get angry at us spewing their soyentific explanations and threatening us with not providing blood dialysis unless we follow their moronic instructions designed to kill us.

I forgot to mention that my friend’s blood pressure after dialysis was always 200/120, and after one week of using salt, his blood pressure after dialysis dropped to 175/115. Doctor was scratching his head but did not say anything.

If your kidneys are not functioning well, I recommend that you accept to be guided through the healing process, and keep in mind, doctors are indoctrinated with soyence and unable to help you unless they snap out of it.

Freedom is knocking on our doors. Keep your mind open and you will realize the truth when you hear it. Have no fear, have faith.

Love and light to us all

What strengthens the immune system, vitamins, or laughter

Mark sent me an article with a sensational headline; “VERY URGENT: The mRNA Covid jabs damage immune responses to other viruses in children, a new study finds”.

I have addressed this issue many times but reprogramming the brain is a painfully slow process so we have to pound on it. Repetition is the mother of studies as they say.

Here is the article

Basically, the article reveals the findings of Australian soyentists. “Blood taken from the children produced fewer crucial signaling molecules when stimulated with several common potential bacteria and viruses,” they write.

Well, we know that viruses do not exist, no one has yet found one so, what did they test, really?

I bet you that they have looked at statistics and noticed that jabbed children succumb easily to “infectious diseases”.

Those of you following my work know right away that all vaccines introduce toxins/bioweapons into the body by bypassing its defense systems. They are designed to create a toxic environment in the body and speed up its toxic buildup for the faster manifestation of diseases carefully crafted by Biolabs.

Once those toxins are in their place, all that is needed to trigger the manifestation of the disease is a sudden drop in cellular voltage which is often triggered when seasons change, or a strong emotional outburst is created.

A disease manifests through symptoms. The most common symptoms of diseases are pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, headaches, skin lesions and breakouts, and a loss of energy.

Medical soyence has been crafted to suppress those symptoms so we feel better and it does this by locking the toxins in the body and cutting the body’s signaling to alert us that we have to change.

Again, my followers know that those symptoms are just symptoms of a toxic blood and its cleansing.

This makes what we call a disease actually symptoms of the body’s cleansing and healing.

This is a quiet turnover don’t you think?

Doctors are actually trained in stopping the natural healing process by poisoning the body more and forcing it into a fight and flight situation locking all the poisons in the body, and since this is done through toxic medication or toxic medicinal plants (for you, so-called alternative healers), those “hellth” experts are actually increasing the toxic load in the body.

With an increased toxic load, the body’s symptoms change and doctors respond by saying “You have been cured of the disease you had and now your disease has changed, you have caught another bug”.

The more toxic the body, the easier it will show symptoms of disease/cleansing. So, if you jab someone with a very toxic jab, it will require just a touch of additional toxin, or a small change in the environment to be triggered into a detox or as our madsin experts say, to become sick.

Now, how can we strengthen the immune system and prevent the body from becoming diseased?

Since the disease is nothing more than a cleansing process of a toxic body, whenever we attempt to stop the “disease” we are stopping the cleansing process. If you have only a quarter of your brain functioning, it should be obvious that stopping the detox is a stupid thing to do. This is not obvious to an indoctrinated brain. This information is not included in the indoctrination package students receive at the University of madsin.

The indoctrination package includes information about pharmaceutical chemicals and for the “alternative” package, a vitamins and supplements information cluster is provided.

Both of those contain toxins that force cellular closure and defensive reaction which will stop cells from hydrating and cleansing which will result in stopping the cleansing/disease symptoms.

No wonder so many chronic diseases are showing up.

If vitamins (from plants) with their toxicity are stopping the cellular detox by placing cells into a fight-and-flight position, which we are made to understand as strengthening of the immune system, how can this compare to the effect that laughter will create?

Does laughter also create a toxic environment forcing cells into a lockdown?

This can only be answered by going quantum.

Everything we experience as our reality is nothing more than energetic frequency expressed through our body’s sensors.

As long as the frequencies are synchronized with the original resonance of creation, or the frequency of Mother Earth and its nature, we will vibrate correctly and our reality will be beautiful with no diseases and no pain.

When our vibration shifts, we go out of alignment, and our reality changes. Some of those shifted frequencies we perceive as a disease.

Our cells are programmed to vibrate correctly and because the cellular voltage has dropped, the energetic field becomes weak and easily shifts under the influence of the environment it is exposed to. The only way the cells can resist the out-of-tune environment is by increasing its resistance to vibratory shift and it will do this by increasing its voltage.

The higher the voltage, the stronger and more stable becomes the cellular vibration.

No matter how toxic is the environment (the body and what surrounds it), the cellular frequency will resist shifting as long as the cellular voltage is high. This means that the body will continue vibrating correctly and no energy shift/disease will occur.

Here is a video in which I explain how laughter reinforces our immune system

Laughter is one supplement you cannot buy. It was given to us by the Creator to keep us healthy and sane.

Laugh, and the whole world will laugh with you.

Love and light to us all

Barbara’s O’Neill’s soyence of rheumatism

Please, do not take this article as an attack on Barbara O’Neil.

She is an excellent interpreter of soyence, unfortunately, the soyence is misinterpreted science created to mislead us and I will point to some of those false statements that interfere with manifesting true results, only resulting in medicinal manipulation of symptoms and an illusion of healing.

Barbara mentions that inflammation is the cause of arthritis, no matter what other label is given to this symptom of inflamed joints. So, Barbara goes into explaining the cause of this symptom/disease.

Barbara correctly pinpoints the acidic environment as the cause. This acid environment she attributes soyentifically to the inheritance/genetics, and injury, and she stops short of mentioning food but starts with cellular physiology.

Here the soyence is twisting the truth. Barbara starts the way we are indoctrinated. Glucose is taken by the cell and to be able to enter the Krebs energy cycle, it is hydrogenated, but fails to mention that this process requires an enzyme, glycoside hydrolase soyence calls nagalaze. The body has to genetically adjust to produce this enzyme which naturally occurs in the cells of plants, and by doing so, it stops producing GcMAF immunologic marker. None of those important things she mentions because we are not told this during our indoctrination process studying the soyence of madsin.

Barbara correctly states that this is an anaerobic process that does not need oxygen and the final result is energy in the form of free hydrogen, and CO2.

CO2 is acidic, but Barbara keeps talking about oxygen being released, this makes no sense. The oxygen has to be provided to replace the CO2 and force it out of the cell which is achieved by the relative pressure of blood oxygen being higher than the relative pressure of the cellular CO2.

Since no oxygen is necessary during energy production when glucose is the fuel, CO2 levels will increase. This means that the relative pressure of CO2 within the cells is increasing making it more difficult to be replaced by oxygen until the relative pressure of the CO2 within cells becomes equal or higher than the relative pressure of blood oxygen making it impossible to be replaced and cells become overly acidic. This is most evident in cancer cells and it is the reason why cancer cells become anaerobic, but many other cells in the glucoholic body become anaerobic as well for the same reason.

None of this is correctly explained by Barbara’s soyence.

Exercising will force us to breathe deeply so we will increase the relative pressure of blood oxygen, but definitely not enough when the cells are overly saturated with CO2. This is why much stronger oxygenation must be implemented through concentrated hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, or ozonated water.

Barbara mentions everything that the blood does with the exception of carrying electrical charge which is actually the most important thing.

Barbara mentions how important it is to get the blood into an arthritic joint but fails to inform that joints are poorly supplied with blood, they are supplied with lymph that does not have red blood cells. So, oxygenation of joints is very difficult to achieve, and it makes the healing process painfully slow.

Barbara is mentioning water and oxygen which is the biggest error. Blood does not contain water, it contains plasma (water with mineral ions), so salt is totally ignored which is the biggest mistake of Barbara’s presentation, but perfectly aligned with soyence she represents.

Her soyentific statement that the entire body has to be alkaline with the exception of the stomach is incorrect scientifically because cells are slightly acidic while the extracellular fluids are slightly alkaline. Overall, the body is Ph neutral.

Every time we consume dietary carbohydrates, we are misaligning our genetics and harming our health. We are acidifying the body immensely by consuming carbohydrates. The body can handle a lot of our nonsense if it contains enough blood plasma so that it can eliminate those toxic acids, but when we are ill-informed and shy away from salt, we become dehydrated, unable to cleanse, and in this case, we rapidly deteriorate.

Many people are fascinated with soyence Barbara preaches unaware of its shortcomings.

The essential thing to do to prevent and heal our joints is to correct our diet, eliminate all plants from it, and hydrate with plasma so that the body can eliminate those acids and reestablish its correct Ph.

Again, this presentation is not to badmouth Barbara O’Neil but to show her incorrect soyentific statements, and offer better information that will actually make a difference.

If you are lost and do not know how to proceed, follow the SHP and heal yourself.

Love and light to us all

Infectious diseases

The soyence about pathogens is slowly becoming undermined and in order to fully accept it, one question is on everyone’s mind.

If pathogens do not cause diseases, what is the mechanism behind the spreading of a disease from one individual to another?

If a pathogen causes disease, then by transferring the same pathogen from one individual to another, we should see the same set of symptoms.

Well, this is not what we see most of the time. When symptoms occur, often they are different or of different intensity, and sometimes the symptoms do not appear at all.

In that case, we are told that the body has a strong immune system.

How come that toxin sometimes is used to strengthen the immune system?

During the flu season, it is common to drink strong alcohol sometimes with honey as the tool for strengthening the immune system and people who do so will avoid having symptoms of flu.

We can notice that vegans are more resilient to infectious diseases and they are more toxic so their voltage is low but they do not come down with the flu. How does that work?

Vegans and vegetarians trust soyence so they do not consume salt or animal fats.

They gradually lower their blood plasma levels so they cannot cleanse their blood and by consuming toxic plants their blood becomes toxic. Toxic blood forces cells to reduce their pores and now the cells have difficulty hydrating, but also, they have difficulty eliminating their toxins which prevents blood’s intoxication by them.

Even when a sudden change in the environment causes cells to cringe, no toxins are expelled so blood’s toxicity does not increase and no blood detox is triggered. No symptoms of flu appear.

People whose blood toxicity increases suddenly, have no time to genetically adapt to this new environment and are triggered into a cleansing process.

Everything that is part of our reality has its ruth in the quantum field of creative conscious energy. So, when the body is showing symptoms of toxic blood and the symptoms of its detox, what we call the infectious disease, this means that the body’s frequency is triggering those changes and the brain is manifesting them as a diseased state of the body by transmuting the frequency into the physical symptoms of our “reality”.

Simply, when we are showing any symptom of abnormality, our body is actually vibrating with the corresponding frequency.

This frequency radiates outward into the electromagnetic field of our body we call the Aura.

When another individual comes with his/her Aura into contact with the Aura of a “sick” individual, it starts to resonate with the same frequency. This resonance in the brain will manifest with the same symptoms of a disease that the sick individual is vibrating with.

It is simply an electromagnetic conductivity and transfer from one electric device to another.

Since the frequency of a detox stimulates detox, the more toxic is the individual, the stronger the symptoms of detox he/she will experience.

If in one individual the frequency manifests a bubble of liquid in the skin and the other individual has the same toxin in the body, it will most likely exhibit the same symptoms since the vibration is going to be the same.

Transmission of an infection has nothing to do with any pathogen organism. It is all about the frequency and electromagnetic conductivity.

Because our essence comes from the quantum field of conscious creative energy, I refer to our body as an electronic robot that responds to the laws of physics. Scientists are aware of this and they are developing ways to manipulate our bodies remotely as this presentation shows

As long as we are connected to our essence, our soul/spirit, we can overpower outside influence as long as we learn how to do this.

Here is Sabrina Wallace again explaining this in detail

Ultimately, we have to realize that our reality is formed around a vibration/frequency, and the only thing that can make the frequency stable is a voltage. The higher the voltage, the more stable will be the frequency. Stable frequency will resist alteration and we call this a strong immune system.

The strongest draw on our energy is created by over-exciting the brain into a frantic thinking/transmitting process which is achieved through fear.

The most important action we can do to raise our voltage is to control our fears.

We are told not to come close to sick individuals because they will make us sick.

If you are toxic and in fear, you will be easy prey to any disease, but the disease is actually a symptom of the body’s cleansing so the entire concept is wrong, upside down.

Are you waking up? Do you see how we are being manipulated?

No matter how much we think we know, it is time for us to go back to the first class and start learning the truth fresh, from scratch.

Lesson 1

  I am the embodiment of conscious creative energy!

I was, I am, and I always will be.

Love and light to us all.

Should we get vaccinated against Tetanus

We are told that, unlike other vaccine-preventable diseases, tetanus is not spread from person to person. The disease most commonly occurs in unvaccinated individuals or elderly patients with waning immunity. Vaccination campaigns have decreased the incidence and prevalence of tetanus worldwide.

In other words, vaccinate yourself against Tetanus so you do not contract it.

Tetanus is a disease, we are told that it is caused by a bacteria called Clostridium tetani. We are told that this bacterium is everywhere and when it enters the body, it produces a neurotoxin that causes painful muscle contractions, making it hard to open the mouth or swallow. Although vaccination efforts have reduced the public health threat, tetanus is still a potentially fatal condition.

As you can see, there is a lot of fearmongering. This is why whenever you have a scratch on your skin or a puncture wound, doctors try to persuade you to get the tetanus jab.

Should you do it? Is your life in danger if you don’t?

I had so many accidents in my life. Once, playing table tennis I stepped on a plank with an old rusty nail sticking through it. The nail went through my sneaker and my foot out on the top side of my foot. When I lifted my leg to get the nail out, the plank lifted with it. I had to step on the plank with one leg and then yank the foot up and help it with my hands to get the nail out. It was a very strange sensation. I did not see much blood coming out and being young and eager to play, I continued playing table tennis for another 20 minutes. The pain started after I was cooling down. More blood had soaked my sneaker and sock so I washed everything in cold water and that was all I did for my puncture wound, and all I had was a prolonged draining from the wound as it was cleaning itself and healing.

Now, this was not a smart thing to do, I should have rinsed it through and used colloidal silver as an antiseptic, but then, I had no knowledge of this. I just want to point out that Clostridium tetani is not everywhere, as we are being told. It is only in contaminated areas, and those are known to doctors because this is where tetanus will occur. So, encouraging everyone to be vaccinated for tetanus even if they were not injured is nonsense.

Now, it is becoming an open knowledge that vaccines are used to make us ill. You will develop the disease you have been vaccinated against but you will be told, “Luckily you have been vaccinated. Can you imagine how dangerous it would have been if you had contracted this disease and not been protected against it? You would have died!”

People who receive tetanus vaccine do not contract tetanus symptoms so are they vaccinated just so that the false madsin profits on you?

Partially yes, but there is a more sinister thing going on. Tetanus vaccines are laced with antifertility poisons. The purpose of its administration is to make people sterile. This is why tetanus vaccines are mostly promoted in Africa where the Cabal wants the greatest depopulation, and in the USA.

All vaccines are toxic as is the medical soyence. Never do what doctors tell you. Doing the exact opposite may save your life.

Through my articles, I have explained the importance of the GcMAF protein marker and why animals in the wild never have debilitating infections.

When we eat correctly and we eat the correct food, our bodies produce GcMAF, they mark foreign protein in our body so that our garbage collectors, the white blood cells, know what to eliminate and we will also become protected from a bacterial invasion. Then even if we are injured in the affected place a bacterium tetani enters our body, they will be marked and destroyed. This eliminates the need for any other kind of protection and the excuse for vaccination is gone forever.

Learn the truth and use it as your armor against the assault of the madsin and its soyntific fraud.

Use the scientific truth and take care of yourself, heal yourself.

Love and light to us all

In which way EMF influences our bodies

I often mention that our body is a sophisticated electronic robot. Because of this, it conforms to the laws of physics. Biochemistry was invented to confuse us. It makes things complex and complicated, and much easier to misinterpret the wrong way.

The essence of our “reality” lies in the quantum field of pure conscious energy.

What we call “reality” is the visible spectrum of frequencies that are manifested through programs where some frequencies are programmed to be experienced through the sensors of the quantum expression of energy shown in the form of sacred geometry.

This is why, probably the best description of what is our “reality” is that reality is just a dream state of our consciousness.

The sacred geometry of the quantum field creates forces of expansion which we call the magnetic positive pole.

The opposite of expansion is the force that keeps the thing together which we call the gravitational field or the magnetic negative pole.

We call the forces that control those poles an electromagnetic field or simply electricity.

There are points when the positive and negative poles make contact causing a spark which we have named a light.

These are the basic forces of the quantum field that are involved in creating our “reality” and the three-dimensional experience.

Since everything is based on energy, everything radiates electromagnetic fields. In living things, we call this field an Aura. In the soyence of physics, we call this an orbit or a mist, like when electrons are discussed. First, we have been told that electrons create an energetic field because they orbit around a nucleus made of protons and neutrons. Then, because many chemical reactions would require the same electron to be in different places at the same time, now the soyentist claim that electrons form a mist, which also does not make any sense because the number of electrons would have to change so the whole construct of an atom is proven to be a phantasy.

It is all about the electromagnetic field, and the consciousness creates particles so that it can have a three-dimensional experience.

The energetic field of one energy source can influence changes in the energetic field of another source. I have explained that this is how we contract symptoms/diseases from one another. One individual’s Aura entering into the field of another individual Aura will be affected by their energetic field and the lower their voltage is, the stronger the energetic field’s impact on their frequency causing shit/disease will be.

The one who can manipulate those forces can manipulate our reality.

Here are two videos where Sabrina Wallace explains how we are being manipulated through electromagnetic frequencies radiated from cell phone transmitters, routers, and cell phones.

The disclosure is a bitch, don’t you think?

Are you capable of accepting the truth?

Love and light to us all.


On another note, people have to be forced to stay home during the open military action of rounding up and imprisoning the bad players around the world.

There were three scenarios in play of which one will be selected to achieve this.

The options were a new plandemic, an alien invasion, or the start of WWIII.

Last week, President Donald J. Trump signaled what was chosen.

President Trump said “World War Three”

The decision was made. Do you understand what is really happening with the attack on Israel?

Years ago, President Trump said, that Israel would be last.

People will not believe, they must be shown.

How much horror will it take for people to see, and to wake up to the truth?

Have no fear, freedom is near.

Political addendum

Unfortunately, the majority of people are indoctrinated slaves, comfortable in their slavery, never questioning anything. They are a herd, sheep, following their shepherds. This is why everything is so manipulated.

My political comment above was just to calm you down so that you do not fear that a real WWIII is starting because it is going to look like it is.

The Cabal tried several times to ignite it but failed. First in Cuba, then by taking the World Trade Center down, then by the war in Ukraine, and now by attacking Israel.

What the majority of people do not understand is that there is a group of Jews who have origin from Kazaria. They are calling themselves the Ashkenazi Jews. They created Zionism. They control the banking system. They are originators of WWI, purpose of obtaining Palestinian land for a Jewish state. Jews did not want to migrate there so WWII was created to force Jews to go there. Now, Israel is attacked to serve as an excuse to retaliate and ignite WWIII.

The Zionist Jews are behind it as they were behind the other WW’s. The worst victims are always the Jews not realizing how they are being played by the Ashkenazi, Zionistic group.

The Ashkenazi are using the Jewish religion to hide behind the antisemitism. Do not touch the Jews, can question them, they are the victims while they are unknowingly to them, the instigators. Hitler and many top Nazis were Ashkenazi Jews. Jewish people were quiet, liking the privilege and victimhood not realizing the prize they had and still are paying for with this latest planned invasion. to pay for it. The holocaust the way it is paraded through history is false, they know it and are quiet, so it is coming back to bite them.

Now the Jews and the world will blame the Palestinians and Iranians while it is the Jewish government, the Ashkenazi behind all of the Jewish and world’s suffering.

Wake up, people, open your eyes. Can you accept the truth?

Plants to the rescue

We have been trained to trust what we are being told especially if it comes from a “trustworthy” source.

The trustworthy source is the one that is based on the accepted science which is backed by scientific studies. It is like the mainstream media, based on reading the script. You do not hear the truth. You hear what they want you to know.

As far as health goes, very few know that those scientific studies have been manipulated in a way to show the expected results and confirm the validity of what is being promoted. The end result is fraud and the promoted science is a faulty scoyence we are forced to accept or we cannot obtain a diploma.

The diploma is proof that we have been dumbed down by soyence and now we are eligible to receive a license to practice the madsin on unsuspected individuals that are suffering from a variety of symptoms mostly caused by the same soyence which is now supposed to heal them.

Since medical doctors “healing” records suck, more and more people have started to research by themselves to see how best to help themselves. It became obvious to many that doctors do not know how to heal and only medicate people suppressing their symptoms so the focus has shifted to alternative medicine.

The doctors of alternative medicine use the same soyence they have been indoctrinated with but instead of using patented pharmaceutical drugs, they reach for medicinal plants traditional healers (those without diplomas) use.

I have just mentioned a crucial piece of information. The practitioner of alternative madsin is a licensed madsin practitioner with a diploma of fake soyence, and the traditional healer is an awakened soul connected spiritually to his/her environment and the source/spirit/creator.

An alternative madsin practitioner will analyze the natural medicinal plant and explain how it blocks the calcium pathways and relaxes the blood vessels. It will support his/her claims by referring to studies and pride him/herself on not using toxic pharmaceuticals. Instead, the “healthy” medicinal plants will be used often as supplements for as long as necessary which may happen to be for a lifetime.

Everyone and their grandmother knows how healthy it is to eat garlic. The alternative madsin calls it a superfood. They say that the more you eat it the better will be for your health. The same goes for ginger, turmeric, onions, cinnamon, and other so-called spices not realizing that all spices originate first as medicinal remedies used by healers.

A healer knows no soyence. They know energy. They have no clue about the calcium pathways, but they understand that you can shift energy by using certain plants. Different frequencies require different types of plants whose vibration can suppress the symptoms of an out-of-balance vibratory field that has occure within the body, and knows and feels how long the plant has to be used to do its job. Usually, this is just a couple of days or a week, and then the medicinal plant is taken away because prolonged exposure to this vibration can cause the body more harm than good. One cannot focus the energetic action of a medicinal remedy, no matter if it is a pharmaceutical or natural, plant-based poison only on the desired place. Always, the effect will affect the entire body so as it is suppressing the part of the body with the symptom, it is affecting the good parts of the body without a symptom to defend themselves from this toxic action. Cells will close down and stop hydrating.

Prolonged exposure to medicinal remedies (pharmaceutical or natural) will dehydrate and acidify the rest of the body.

When I mention the toxicity of plants and spices, I am often asked to explain in which way the medicine affects the body. If somebody is incapacitated with a broken leg, what does it matter what has happened? How did he break his leg? What is important is to align it and mobilize it so that it can heal properly. Besides, all soyentific explanations are bogus since nothing is the way soyence tells us.

Everything is just an energy with a particular vibration. When the vibration is out of the sink, the tune is off and we develop a signal so that we pay attention to it and fix it. This signal we call a symptom.

Our body sends us signals all of the time but we pay no attention. We may get an itch, a bit of gas in the stomach or intestine, and urine gets a bit darker or smellier but we pay no attention unless pain shows up. Even then we find excuses, I slept wrong, or I moved my arm too fast.

We are so indoctrinated by soyence that unless we cannot move, we wait for things to get better not changing anything so when we finally decide to see the doctor, our body is a mess.

Those who are more conscient, they notice things earlier and reach for natural medicines not realizing that they are just suppressing their symptoms. They surf the Internet and become indoctrinated through the information the alternative gurus push and end up consuming a supplement for the liver, a supplement for the gut, a supplement for the blood, a supplement for a supplement…

Those with more wits about them, go to see a healer.

And what does the healer do before anything else?

The healer initiates a purge of the body. Before anything else, the healer will use some toxic medicinal remedy to force the body into elimination resulting in cleansing of the blood and lymph. After a night of vomiting diarrhea, and using mucus, the individual will feel much better. Then if the healer senses that deeper cleansing has to be performed, he reaches for a specific plant that has a particular vibration and instructs how to use this remedy and what to expect from it.

Those specialized medicinal plants are mostly used to tackle emotional deeply buried frequencies to fish them out in the open so that they can be dealt with and released.

None of this you will get from an alternative medical practitioner. They are stuck on coenzyme A, hormones, and heavy metals bologny, far removed from reality and deeply entrenched in soyentific explanations with no clue of how to help.

Our bodies are programmed to constantly cleanse and maintain themselves. When the maintenance is in progress, the more toxic we are, the more energy demanding the process is and we feel tired.

Every plant is toxic enough to stop cellular hydration. This is why when we consume some medicinal plants like spirulina, ginger, turmeric… cellular maintenance stops. Now, the energy that was usually used for this maintenance remains untouched and we feel it as a surge of energy we can use for important things like watching Tel a Lie Vision, playing games, reading novels… We think that those plants give us energy because they make us feel energetic not realizing what has happened.

How can some non-digestible cellulose fiber ever provide us with energy? Just take a moment and think about it.

Everything we have ever been told is a lie especially when it comes through the indoctrination/schooling system.

Love and light to us all

Disclosure, Dr. Bryan Ardis, and beyond

People are slowly awakening to the truth realizing that everything we have been told is a lie. This is why it is so difficult for people to accept it. We have been indoctrinated our entire lives and conditioned not to think, only to obey. The more educated/indoctrinated we are, the more difficult it is for us to accept the truth.

Here is a video in which Bryan Ardis is exposing his findings and battles with the medical industry misinformation, and I am going to make you think even deeper so that everyone understands that madsin and the popular soyence are just manufactured lies.

This video discusses COVID, and flu and this plandemic was crucial for awakening some doctors after directly experiencing the most obvious contradictions and even so, only very few were able to notice.

Through this video, Bryan Ardis is exposing how the Cabal creates plandemic, epidemics, and diseases overall. I purposely did not place his title in front of his name. I think too highly of him to label him a Dumb-ass robot or Dr.

Brian correctly points to what we are being indoctrinated with as far as the antibiotic goes. It has no influence on “viruses” because viruses do not exist.

I just want to add that the purpose of antibiotics is not to kill bacteria, most of them will just prevent bacterial growth but antibiotics are so toxic that our cells shut down into self-preservation. In this state, they cannot release their toxins and this is what creates the “healing” effect. By slowly filtering out blood toxins we eliminate symptoms.

Brian mentions plasmid membranes. In my opinion, those are the “cellular garbage bags” cells create to store toxins if they are too low on plasma and unable to rinse them out into the blood.

As Brian mentions, bacteria do the same so if the toxins enter their membrane, they will produce plasmid bags to store the toxin. If the toxin contains DNA material, it can be reproduced and when the cell has the opportunity, it will release those plasmid bags into the environment. This is how the gut bacteria become weaponized against us.

As far as the nicotinic acid or Niacin goes, we manufacture it, it is part of our chemistry. The richest food with niacin is red meat. Because of the indoctrination, Brian is mentioning plants that contain nicotinic acid not realizing that plants chemistry has different vibration so the plant-based niacin will block the animal niacin receptor and actually close the cell which will in the case of venom, stop it from being absorbed.

Since plant-based niacin will close cells of our body, we will not be poisoned by the venom, but in the long run, our cells will dehydrate and this is why nicotine is bad for our health. I am pointing to this all the time.

Here, I would like everyone who is suffering from diabetes 1 and using insulin daily, and uses SHP, and eats correctly to use a nicotine patch as Brian suggests or even stronger. A stronger dose of nicotinic acid will fork faster but it can cause nausea because it is TOXIC and the body will want to eliminate it.

If nicotinic acid from plants manages to penetrate into the cells of the pancreas, it could replace the venom and re-establish insulin production in the pancreas.

If you do this, please, let me know of the result.

Why do I continue claiming that plant-based proteins and vitamins are different from animal-based ones? Because of how they affect our health.

Soyentific claims have no merit. Doctors claim that insufficiency of niacin in the body causes symptoms such as nausea, dermatitis, and cognitive decline. How can a deficiency of anything cause symptoms of toxicity and detox?

We know that red meat has a high concentration of niacin but it does not fill the nicotine/niacin receptors and plant-based ones do this. Please stop and think.

Every plant-based protein and vitamin has a different vibration from animal one and actually interferes with the cellular functioning of animal cells. Sometimes this is a good thing because they close cells/receptors and prevent some animal-based toxins from penetrating into the cell. We call this suppression and not healing.

We are wrongly educated/indoctrinated so seeing the truth becomes impossible.

Covid is not a virus because viruses do not exist. Brian is proving that we are talking about animal-based venom that is packaged into a plasmid bag and delivered through drinking water.

Then it infects our gut flora and this is why we are told how important it is to maintain strong gut flora, and multiple lies are promoted as truths including the wrong diet because what we cannot digest, microflora will sprout and help to break it down. Then the infected microflora with venomous plasmid bag starts producing and multiplying venom-producing DNA in the plasmid bag and poisoning our body.

What a sic but ingenious plan.

So, we can use nicotine patches to block the infestation of our cells and by drinking a lot of plasma, we can force rapid blood cleansing and cleanse the toxic plasmid venom out of our blood.

We can use a stronger nicotine patch for faster results. The stronger nicotine patch will most likely provoke nausea because the body will want to eliminate that toxin, but at the same time, the cellular receptors will saturate faster, and fewer cells will be affected by the animal venom in the blood.

There is much more we can discuss on this video that is full of great information so if you have a question, let me know and I will plunge into it.

Bit by bit we are getting to the truth.

Love and light to us all.