Morgellons disease

I mentioned the Morgellons disease about 5 years ago. There were polemics about it and then I stopped hearing much on this topic so it surprised me when my friend requested me to address this issue a week ago.

Where I live, people seem not to have any issue with Morgellons disease, and nobody was asking about it through requests or comments. I thought that the deliberate poisoning was redirected to COVID-19.

So, I went to check what the soyence has to say about Morgellons disease, and no surprise there. They call it a delusional parasitosis in some cases, or soyentitically Morgellons disease (MD) is labeled as a rare and poorly understood skin condition associated with spirochetal infection and tick-borne illness.

Spirochete is a Gram-negative bacteria. We know that Morgellons fibers do not have organelles, they are not a living form but they move. They cannot be bacteria so why are they presented as such? Soyence in action.

The soyencetifically primary symptoms of MD are multicolored fibers appearing under the skin or emerging from sores that are slow to heal. Because the fibers can be red, green, blue, white, or black, they may look like microscopic fibers from clothing.

Soyentifical studies show that Morgellons fibers were mostly made of superficial skin or from cellulose, which is a plant-based fiber. Since our clothing is made of cotton, soyence suggests clothes having to do something with MD. Dyes were detected in some samples as well.

A cellulose is a complex sugar plants are made from and does not belong in the animal/human body. Now, soyentists are trying to pin the problem to our clothing and dyes which is hilarious since our clothes do not move by themselves as the Morgellons fibers do, and our clothing does not grow or regenerate when it is torn apart as Morgellons fibers do.

This just shows the complicity of doctors. Instead of revealing the truth, they hide it.

It is obvious that the body is trying to eliminate those fibers. Itchy skin, rashes, and open wounds are proof of this. When something is in the blood or tissue that the body wants to eliminate, it will use the blood-cleansing organs to do this job. If the body is low on plasma, in order to preserve it, the cleansing will be done through the skin.

As the toxicity of the skin increases, inflammation appears which causes itchiness. When we scratch it, we create open wounds. Open wounds become outlets for faster detox and this is why in the case of Morgellons disease, those wounds are loaded with Morgellons fibers. Those fibers are inorganic but they move as if they are alive, and if you break them, each part continues moving and regenerating itself.

In this video, I explain what I know about this disease

The fibers are partly inorganic and partly organic. Some organic parts should not be in the human body because they are part of plant-based biology, cellulose is an example.

This comment was posted on my Rumble channel

Fruknudsen has just posted a comment on your video “Morgellons, delusional parasitosis”. Here is the full comment:

“I tried to comment on YT but it was censored (I didn’t post any links but it was removed anyway). Have you heard of Clifford Carnicom and his research? He has investigated human blood, soil, air, rain water, animals, plants ++ for many years and found out that everything and everyone is infected with what he calls CDB/cross domain bacteria. He claims it comes from aerosoles from airplanes (chems). This CDB is partly synthetic and partly organic («manmade») and grows inside human blood and it makes this filaments called morgellons when exposed to EMF. A summary of his work in this interview with Harry Blazer (part 3) His work can be found here:

Symptoms of Morgellons disease show that the body is toxic and dehydrated. Those who suffer from this issue should follow the SHP, eat correctly, and hydrate so that the cleansing is reoriented to the colon, and keep away from cell phones and antennas/routers to prevent these fibers from assembling and moving since it is all synthetically done through microwave frequencies sent through the cell phone signal.

Be patient for just a little while. The crash of the old system is imminent. Everything will change beyond our imagination.

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

10 thoughts on “Morgellons disease”

  1. What is the point by tptb in creating Morgellons in our body? Also, if we are detoxing sufficiently Morgellons may not affect us? Does detoxing sufficiently imply detoxing continually every day and all day or just every morning?

      1. So is there benefit in oxygenating the blood just before sleep.

        As the cellular osmosis pump needs “oxygen”.

        I’ve been doing 4 or 5 drops of activated MMS (chlorine dioxide in solution).

      2. Hi Darko would you pay $3000 for a brown gas and water machine are the benifits worth the price? thks

  2. Ray, I would not pay for machine that does nothing more than the protocol can do. The brown water can most likely benefit you less than keeping a strict SHP.

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