How important is infrared light in water structuring?

Stanislaw wanted to hear my opinion on the influence of light, especially infrared light on structuring water. Is infrared lighting necessary to achieve the optimal water structure?

His question was triggered by a video he provided and I am sharing it with you so that more clarity is exposed.

This is a good video to watch, but I want to clarify some statements so that we can demystify certain things and make them simple to comprehend.

In the video, the word “biophoton” is mentioned. What is a photon?

A photon is a symbol for a single particle of light. Who produces particles from the quantum field of energy? It is our brain/mind we call the observer/creator. In fact, the photon is a frequency that is manifested through our sense of vision in the form of a particle so that a picture can be created. This means that the photon is a vibration and has nothing to do with it being biological in nature. The name biophoton is nonsense, it is photon which is vibration of a particular frequency. Depending on the frequency, a color will be displayed. Low vibration produces a red color, and high vibration produces a violate color. Low frequencies are known to penetrate deeper into our tissue so they will also penetrate deeper into the water. As they penetrate they cause friction and create heat which is what infrared light is known to do.

I often mention that healing can be achieved in various ways because the energy can be provided through light, sound, odor, flavor, and emotion. Ultimately, we are talking about the various ways frequencies are manifested in our “reality”/awareness.

Every frequency we have been programmed with will be presented to us through our senses in a particular way. The idea that red light is necessary to achieve a certain effect is incorrect since the light represents a particular frequency that is also present in the form of sound, flavor, odor and ultimately, it is an electromagnetic impulse and this means that it is present in emotion. Our brains can create it on demand. This is how we create our reality. Nothing is as powerful as our consciousness. Our consciousness is the ultimate creator of everything there is. We have to start realizing who we are and how powerful we are. We can move mountains, we can create new worlds. Focusing on one type of manifestation is limiting us and preventing us from realizing the truth.

Mr. Dolf Zantinge is doing great work but he will never know the truth until he broadens his understanding of the quantum field consciousness uses to create from.

Since he focuses strictly on photons, he sees the moon phases as phases of different intensities of light that are reflected by the moon causing effects on nature but unexplained effects occur like more heat is present in the shadow that the moon creates. How is this possible when an obstruction will block the infrared light? The shade should be cooler as it is with the shadow caused by the sun.

We know that the moon causes a magnetic effect. This creates tides. The closer the moon is to the sun, the higher tides we experience. It is the electromagnetic field that influences our experiences on every level including in biology. The magnetic field influences vibrational changes. The light is just one expression of such changes. We can call it a symptom. Symptoms are consequences and not causes of events.

It is the same as with the science of medicine. A culprit will cause inflammation and the inflammation will cause pain. We blame the inflammation for the pain and by suppressing it, we control the pain but by eliminating the toxin that has caused the inflammation we actually heal the body.

We can look at the infrared light as the inflammation. By applying it, we will see effects but the underlying base of every event is the vibration/frequency.

New healing equipment is emerging that uses light or sound to deliver the desired frequencies into the body to promote healing. They all show a positive effect but we have to realize that the foundation of the entire construct of our reality is a vibrational field of electromagnetic frequencies. There is nothing that can surpass the effect of an electromagnetic-based frequency modulator when it comes to healing or creating no matter what we desire to achieve.

The most powerful electromagnetic modulator there is, is the brain. This makes our thoughts the most powerful means of transmitting electromagnetic frequencies that can be amplified through sound/words.

Once we know and accept the truth the only limit to our creation will be the lack of ideas.

Once you comprehend the truth you realize that nothing can structure the water better than your thoughts assuming you have faith.

We are loaded with too many false programs that stay in the way of us being able to fully grasp the truth. We are now dismantling those false programs. We have to clear out the debris and then we will be able to fully engage in creating the new.

Do not allow your mind/ego to stay in the way. Empower your soul by going into your heart reaching singularity for we are all ONE and the same consciousness.

How can we help this process, you may ask?

Get comfortable, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and slowly exhale. While exhaling focus on relaxing and when fully relaxed, surrender your ego to the soul in your heart.

Enforce the effect through sound by saying “I surrender to love”.

Do this every day, and your reality will shift.


Love and light to us all.

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

8 thoughts on “How important is infrared light in water structuring?”

  1. we are Not the same consciousness

    you could never in a million years do what hendrix or beethoven or homer did – I don’t even think you can totally comprehend their ideas

    i am continually surprised at your susceptibility to socialistic propaganda – the basis of which is we are all the same – we are all one

    when in fact you are one of the most individualistic people I have ever met

    7000 languages are spoken on earth

    earth is re-known for its individuals

    (biden may ask you to be in his 2025 cabinet at this rate 🙂

      1. mind doesn’t make Foxy Lady 9th Symphony or The Odyssey

        i don’t believe individuals have any need for higher powers (religion)

        what is difference between what you offer and biden’s continue crow all for one ?

      2. You have much to learn. Keep on discovering the truth. Never place spirituality and religion into the same basket. Religion enslaves and spirituality liberates.

    1. Dear Mike, I hope I can help you with the journey to the oneness and collective consciousness that Darko mentions. So we can gain some experience and use our own discernment to distinguish the mainstream “we are all one” with the collective consciousness.

      I share this video starting at this part that I mark, about mass, collective consciousness that can make the change:

      The whole documentary is also interesting to watch if we’re open 😊

      Another one is Bashar, an entity whom Darryl Anka is channelling. Before searching for Bashar videos, I recommend you watch this introduction video first to understand who Bashar is, what channeling is. Otherwise, if we search for Bashar right away, we might have an impression that this guy is a maniac 😜.

      In addition, I created a forum specifically for SHP that we can discuss and help each other. Welcome you all to join 😊

  2. Darko, are raw eggs a healthy/safe food to consume in large quantities?

    I remember that I used to drink many raw eggs and eventually I felt a sharp pain in my gut after drinking them, so I stopped. But those were store-bought eggs and my mother has a farmer friend whom she gets eggs from. Still, I feel an odd toxic sort of “buzz” after drinking those eggs that makes me skeptical of this. I also think that raw eggs are best alone because they digest very fast.

    What are your thoughts on mixing foods? Is raw eggs with raw beef a bad idea?

    Is it possible to gain weight/muscles on SHP without dairy?

    I can eat a lot of meat if I don’t stop myself, but I wonder if that’s unhealthy and it probably slows down SHP. You say to eat when you feel hungry on the SHP, but I never feel hungry when I’m not in glucosis, so I usually just try to limit myself to one meal a day and eat until my stomach is “full”. I’ve heard that beef takes four hours to digest, so if I ever eat more than one meal, I try to follow that spacing. But I’m concerned if its possible to overeat beef, or if the body can adapt and be healthy eating lots of beef

    I watched a video of a bodybuilder who ate 4500 calories of raw beef a day and seemed healthy, but he ate lots of ground beef. Is ground beef easier to digest?

    My apologies for all the questions, but your health knowledge is the most accurate I’ve found online, so there’s a lot I wanted to ask you.

    1. Animal protein is animal protein no matter from which animal it comes. The digestive process is the same.

      You can have as many eggs as you want as long as they are not toxic because the chicken was fed with plants and grain instead of insects. A big part of commercial chicken feed is soy. Such eggs I would avoid and definitely not eat too many of them.

      When we eat the meat raw, it is not enticing, we do not overeat and a small fatty part is more than enough to sustain us.

    2. I get a similar reaction from raw eggs as you do. They give me digestive issues. Unless you’re raising your own hens on their natural diet, all eggs produced in the western world are toxic in one way or another. Even local farmers that sell “pastured” are still feeding their birds tons of toxic supplement feed. I’ve given up trying to find clean eggs and just stick to meat nowadays which seems harder for them to poison.

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