Virus-Disease X

Free vector coronavirus bacteria held prisoner for developing a vaccine

Media is again full of fearmongering about a disease X. A disease that will be caused by a virus and the virus is virus X.
Why do they talk about a disease X?
Because they do not know exactly what will be the prevailing symptoms that they will use as the symptom of disease X and then accordingly, they will choose the name for the virus. This is why, for now, the disease and the culprit are called X, meaning not determined yet.

At this moment, many people are affected with blood circulation problems related to microcoagulation, the formation of huge blood cloths, stillbirths, deformations of newborn babies, neural issues, nerve damage, Parkinson-like symptoms in young people, and many other symptoms usually known as chronic health problems but occurring in young people.

After the introduction of child vaccines, crib death, also known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), started to appear.
After the COVID vaccine, the same thing is happening to young healthy people. They just fall dead and the new “disease” has been named Sudden death syndrome also known as sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS).
Early Death Cartoons and Comics - funny ...

As the Spring comes, the common flu is going to hit and no opportunity will be wasted to use the common flu as the excuse to promote the disease X. The narrative starts with some animals getting sick. Some cattle are having symptoms of viral attack, then, some chickens as well. People are not buying it so other animals are used to promote this scare and possible upcoming mutation as the virus will jump from an animal onto the human. Birds, chickens, and pigs have been commonly used before but this no longer scares people. Bats were the last one that closed the entire world, so which one will be the next?

I doubt that a disease will be used to lock people in their homes so that mail-in voting can be used to steal the election this year again.
The majority of people are not aware that the 2020 presidency was not stolen and that Donald J, Trump is the current wartime president of the Republic of the USA. The Biden presidency is fake and serves to awaken people so that a civil war is prevented.
Now, as over 80% of Americans are unhappy with Bidens presidency, the truth can be told and soon this will be done and it will be synchronized with the collapse of the old system.
Since there are numerous people who have been convinced that Trump is evil and destroying democracy, such people are dumb enough to stand against their own military to protect the Biden Democracy. To protect them from their stupidity a lockdown will be implemented to keep such people from harming themselves from unnecessary conflict.
Once Over Lightly: Freedom of Speech ...

A Third world war will be used as an excuse. This is why all you hear now is war-mongering that is pushing the disease X into the background. The majority of sleepers who hate Trump are not aware that they have been poisoned by COVID jabs and can still be put into submission with viral scare. This is why Robert Kenedy Junior is yapping about the gain-function of a bird flu virus as the upcoming deadly disease created in the military laboratory, a possible virus X.

We are now in very turbulent times of death and rebirth of society on a scale we never saw before. The entire planet is in turmoil because the White Hats have synchronized a military action to occur everywhere simultaneously.
The birthing process is always the most painful one for the mother and the baby, but then, a beautiful world opens up full of wonders and experiences.

Do not worry about the diseases or the virus X. The jabbed ones should be concerned and start hydrating and cleansing to save their lives, but first, they have to become aware of the situation they are in. This is why the disclosure is necessary but it has to be shown through the major media because the sleepers trust only what they are told through their trusted source of misinformation on the Tel a Lie Vision.

Some people are slowly awakening to some political truths because it was made so obvious that people are ruled by idiots in service of evil but still cannot fathom the evil of madsin. They cannot believe that their trusted doctors can be so evil that for the sake of money, they will deliberately poison children and pregnant women with a depopulation jab.
Why is it so difficult to believe when many willingly had themselves jabbed so that they could keep their job or so that they could go on vacation or to some stupid concert? Is it so difficult to see that doctors would poison people when they are given much money to do so, and they are protected from lawsuits because they are licensed 007 agents of the Cabal?
News Channel Cartoons and Comics ...
Everything will change when sleepers awake and I would not like to be in a doctor’s shoes when the sheeple wake up.

The truth is making it to the Tel a lie Vision. Pedos and crooked presidents are being imprisoned or assassinated, but the dying beast is still dangerous and trying to kill those who are in their way. Fortunately, their attempts are being stopped since there is no backup and financial support. This is their end, my friends.

Since the evil has no backup anymore, now is the time people can go and take power back without worrying about reprisals. Say no to taxation, no to vaccination, no to occupation, no to travel permits, licensed working permits, no to government control over people’s lives including policing…
Now we have the opportunity to create the world we want to live in. The world where we are free.
Be strong, focused, and hold the light.

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

35 thoughts on “Virus-Disease X”

  1. I’ve seen that nettles can be used for healing by purposely stinging the skin to correct the frequency what’s your thoughts on that ?

    1. I doubt stinging yourself is a good idea but we’ll see what Darko says.

      I like how everyone just ignores all of Darko’s Q stuff. The only comment is some nonsense about purposely stinging yourself.

      I’ve followed Darko for years and donated many times and I get such a kick out of the political articles where he repeats what he heard from some grifter on bitchute or rumble about how Trump is a superhero and he will deploy med beds and save the day within 2 weeks of whatever it is. I’ve Laughed myself silly over the years reading these.

      Or is the lack of comments because Darko is deleting comments that go against his Q narrative? I saw a comment by one guy who just pointed out what a 3 gun salute actually is and explained to him that Biden’s inauguration cannot have been a military funeral disappear.

      A Shame Darko has to rely on censorship, but it’s not surprising given how absurd the Q hoax really is when you look into it.

      Please don’t sting yourself.

      1. There are many fountains of info and theories about Q. The unique contributions of Darko are related more to physical health than to Q. It is understandable that commenters and readers come to his site for physical healing advice and avoid wading into the Q world. Why should they? But unlike the roles played by doctors and youtubers, Darko reveals himself as a whole person with a mind open to a world broader than one topic. Take the good he offers; there’s really no reason to be offended by the rest, even if you disagree.

      2. Unless you can explain something better or have a better understanding then it’s better not to act like you know all the answers Connor

      3. Jacob, I can explain the issue better. Otherwise I would not have commented.

        The “WW3” scenario Darko discusses in this article was planned in the late 19th century. There is a surviving letter from high ranking freemason Albert Pike where he discusses how it will play out.

        The centrepiece of WW3 will be the middle Eastern conflict, with Israel fighting an Arab coalition. The nations of the world will be divided into the Zionist (Europe/America/Israel) camp and the Non-Zionist (Russia, China, Iran) camp.

        This war will be used to accomplish many different goals. Firstly, demographic transformation: young white males will be shipped off from America to die fighting Iran and Europe to die fighting Russia. They may introduce conscription. The Kalergi plan will be complete by killing off this generation of white men.

        That is why this Q/Trump narrative is so dangerous: Trump will likely be the war leader sending these young men to die for Israel. He will be locking down the country and issuing internal passports, ruling as a dictator. The Q cultists will nod their head at all of this because they have been taught that he is secretly batman and is going to save them when he is perhaps the most important NWO stooge currently living.

        The other goals of WW3 will be economic ruination leading to general rationing, increased surveillance and removal of freedom of speech – all of these things happened during WW2.

        Instead of living with the fairies like Darko is, people should be treating the situation seriously – we are heading into global calamity and the governments of the world are not secretly on your side like the Q cultists claim. They hate you and want you dead.

  2. All nations that shun God fall. Save your soul, the nation is a lost cause, short of a complete turn around to God, IMHO. God Bless

    1. In case anyone doesn’t believe me, read this from Darko’s article: “To protect them from their stupidity a lockdown will be implemented to keep such people from harming themselves from unnecessary conflict.” Darko’s mind has been so warped by the Q hoax that he supports a military police state locking down the population to “protect” them.

      This is what the Q psyop does – it takes truth seeking people and makes them support the rolling out of the NWO agenda by convincing them that global governments are actually going to save them. Nothing could be more wrong, and nothing could be more dangerous.

  3. I agree, full disclosure is closer than ever before. A few decades ago, they would assassinate multiple people to even keep the idea of secret societies hidden and now they promote it on almost every new hollywood release. The symbolism is becoming so blatant and the predictive programming are more like official guidelines step by step processess into their thought process. There have been some crazy new movies released lately like Free Guy that is hinting into the gnostic esoteric secrets of our reality and how consciousness creates (like in Dark City).

    Disease X(twitter), spaceX, etc. a rotated cross. Any mention of disease X in the news is ritualistic, it’s always easy to debunk by using gematria because the matrix (fake reality) is coded by numbers. XX is the freemason logo. They know things are coming to an end so they are releasing hints and information like never before. Very fascinating times to be in. The culture is changing too. majority of young men/women are not interested in slave work, destroying environment, supporting money anymore. return to nature.

    1. Talking about full disclosure and what is really happening in our world and nobody is ever mentioning, I have here a most important conversation for all of you here on this channel. I really hope, being on the SHP and detoxing on a daily basis, can make a little difference, but I do not know. We are being distracted on multiple levels for decades and Awakening for me personally, is a very painful experiece!

      6G, Willful Ignorance (Sabrina Wallace & Juxtaposition1) (

  4. Originally I was a Trump supporter. Then c19 happened! I would watch him stand on stage with his little troll friend Fauci. I could see right through his “Fauci”

    fakeness, his stories would change daily. I couldn’t believe someone who is supposed to be as smart as DJT couldn’t see it. Then comes the jibby jab….. at first I thought ok they have DJT convinced that this is a good thing but 4 years later after all the damage has come out and been reported, DJT is still bragging about how he is the father of the jab. How he saved the world and on and on……either he’s on the take or he has to be the dumbest person on the planet!!

    1. You haven’t noticed that everyone Trump places on the stage is lit by the light and exposed for everyone to see. People would not be aware of “Falstaff” if Trump had not exposed him. Many have been exposed this way.

      1. The truth about Trump is of course he is jewish puppet. But if you want to know what Trump really did in mrt 2020 when he signed the state of emergency law concerning the covid hoax, you need to watch the following video. Thanks to Trump it is FEMA that is in power since mrt 2020. So from mrt 2020 Trump was no more president and Biden is no president either. FEMA is in control. Here is the video.

        FEMA Controls the Show, Aug 29, 2023 (

    2. Trump isn’t dumb, he’s bought and paid for. He was bailed about in the 1990s by Zionists and paid that debt in office. That’s why he is out there today saying that the Israelis need to “finish” killing off the Palestinians and that student protesters against Israel should be beaten and arrested by the police. It’s also why he’s clamouring for a war with Iran, which he will trigger when he becomes president again. All scripted by the NWO and then acted out on the world stage by Trump and other key puppets.

      Darko supports all of this, in this very article he said that he supported a military police state locking down the population to “protect them”. When Trump rules America as a dictator, outlawing criticism of the NWO agenda, and ships young men off to die for Israel Darko will cheer from the sidelines because it’s all part of his great plan and surely he will save us within 2 weeks!

      It’s not just about Darko being ignorant, he admitted in this article that he supports the NWO – lockdowns being a key part of the coming agenda. Darko also supported operation warp speed and the poison jab rollout because it was “part of the plan” That’s what the Q Psyop does to people. It’s a real shame.

      1. The truth about Trump is of course he is jewish puppet. But if you want to know what Trump really did in mrt 2020 when he signed the state of emergency law concerning the covid hoax, you need to watch the following video. Thanks to Trump it is FEMA that is in power since mrt 2020. So from mrt 2020 Trump was no more president and Biden is no president either. FEMA is in control. Here is the video.

        FEMA Controls the Show, Aug 29, 2023 (

    3. If you want to know what Trump really did in mrt 2020 when he signed the state of emergency law concerning the covid hoax, you need to watch the following video. Thanks to Trump it is FEMA that is in power since mrt 2020. So from mrt 2020 Trump was no more president and Biden is no president either. FEMA is in control. Here is the video.

      FEMA Controls the Show, Aug 29, 2023 (

      1. Musmez, the little thing that you are missing is that FEMA was tacked and destroyed in Hawaii during the laser attack, and right now is being destroyed in the US by the good military. Everyone that Trump has exposed is to shine a light on them to make them visible to the public so the public realizes it is a good thing to take them out and not trigger a civil war. Wake up, brother. If it were so simple to see the truth, the enemy would be better prepared and more people would die. Confusion had saved millions of lives.

    1. Stop lying Darko. Just pretending that everything is being secretly sorted out behind the scenes is pathetic. You have no evidence that FEMA was destroyed in Hawaii and nor will you present any.

      You support lockdowns (as you admitted in this article), death jab rollouts and handing the country over to FEMA. You are not just deluded, you are a NWO shill.

      I would tell you to wake up but that’s not the issue at play: you know what you’re doing, and the damage it is doing but you don’t care. Disgusting.

      1. Your head is in the sand, brother. You do not see that Klaus Martin Schwab is nowhere to be seen? You are not aware that Biden is an actor in a mask? Have you missed the photographs of Nancy Pelosi surrounded with sheriffs whose badges are visible in the pictures? Do I have to continue with the most obvious tells you are blind to?

      2. Did you think you could get away with calling for a military police state to lockdown the population by changing the subject? I have the quote Darko: “To protect them from their stupidity a lockdown will be implemented to keep such people from harming themselves from unnecessary conflict.” You will never live that down. You’re a NWO shill.

        Do you remember when you claimed that Biden’s inauguration was a military funeral because there was a “3 gun salute”. Then when it was pointed out to you what a 3 gun salute was, you got upset and deleted the comment? That is why no one bothers to engage with your nonsense. You lie and change the subject to protect your narrative.

        Does that hurt your feelings? Are you going to delete my comment?

        PS. When your police thugs come to lock me down I’m not going to comply with their orders. You can sit in your home like the coward you are waiting for Trump to save you. You’ve already done it for 5 years, here’s to 5 more!

      3. Get over yourself and start using your brain, brother.

        Are you aware that during Obama’s presidency convoys of armored vehicles with UN logos were stored in undisclosed locations throughout the US? Do you know that most of the “migrants” are UN soldiers who are supposed to attack the American people. This is a Cabal plan. The alliance knows this and every “migrant” was given a cellphone so that they can be tracked. Things will be allowed to happen but only as a scare tactic to wake people. Most of the militants will be apprehended and jailed before this event and then the blackout and final destruction of the Cabal plans will take place. While you are fearmongering, we are cleaning the mess up, brother.

        Happy awakening.

      4. And as expected you have no evidence for your claims. Very well. I didn’t expect any better from a mindless Q follower.

      5. I do not have the time to investigatewhat is Cabal doing, but I have an open mind and I am not blinded with hate. I observe. Alex Jones was showing those convoys being transported by trains, videos were shown even on Youtube and many have dismissed them. Observe, pay no attention what others are saying. Observe and think, brother. There is plenty to see every day.

      6. If your investigation is constrained by time then you should avoid making sweeping statements about things you haven’t had time to look into properly. Take for instance the claim that Biden’s inauguration was a military funeral because of a “3 gun salute”. It’s so easily disproven that is discredits everything you say.

      7. It was Biden’s funeral because Biden was not inaugurated. He was taken out and the entire inauguration was filmed on two occasions and with an actor. Part is with a cloudy sky and part is with a clear sky. I told you, be observant. With the exception of timing, everything I disclose is true.

      8. Yes, I should be observant like you are and claim that there was a “3 gun salute” when I have absolutely no clue what that means and make a complete fool of myself. You really set a good example for me Darko.

      9. And by the way you don’t “disclose” anything. As usual you are giving yourself far too much credit. You mindlessly repeat what Charlie Ward and his merry band of gold selling grifters say and then pass it off as if it’s some “divine inspiration” when actually it’s less valuable than dung on my shoe.

        Not only are you wrong about the “timing”, you’re also wrong about every other element and you’ve wasted years of your life. How does that make you feel?

        It doesn’t have to make you angry or sad. Admit that you made a mistake and got pulled into a psyop and start listening and thinking rather than looking for a saviour and the right answers will appear very quickly. Be observant.

  5. Erdogan the president of Turkey has been saying that Israel was committing genocide in Gaza. He also compared Nethanyahoo to Hitler. Wow wow, shame on Erdogan the president of the muslim country Turkey. Now hold on to your seats because Erdogan is a crypto jew ( a jew disguised as a muslim). It is all theater. It is part of the jewish playbook ”waging war by deception”. By the way, the entire leadership of the Middle East consist of crypto jews. Iran the socalled biggest enemy and who wants to destroy Israel, full of crypto jews. Putin just like Zelenski both jews. Zelenski has said it himself. Putin is hiding his jewish identity, he is a crypto jew. China has been ruled by crypto jews for a vey long time. Now if you add this info with the China Wuhan virus and the deadly covid vaccines made by jews, everything makes sense. I am just trying to wake people up to these evil scum.

    I almost forgot. Here is the video that proves Erogan is a crypto jew.

    Erdogan, Putin Freimaurer Symbolik (

    1. You’re wasting your breath. Darko isn’t interested in research or investigation. He doesn’t care about the truth.

      In another article he claimed that Biden’s inauguration was actually a military funeral, as evidenced by a “3 gun salute”. When another commenter pointed out what a 3 gun salute actually was, and what was involved in a military funeral, showing Darko had no clue what he was talking about Darko just deleted the comment because it hurt his feelings.

      Darko admitted in this article that he supports a military police state locking down the population. Here is a direct quote: “To protect them from their stupidity a lockdown will be implemented to keep such people from harming themselves from unnecessary conflict.”

      It shouldn’t be any surprise that he also supports mass censorship, as evidenced by his deleting of comments that expose his many lies about his precious Q and Trump.

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