Brown water, can it heal the body?

Brown water refers to hydrogenated water or water with additional dissolved hydrogen gas.

Here is a video of an interview with George Wiseman explaining how this brown gas can be used for healing purposes.

I have often mentioned that healing can be achieved in various ways because it is all about reestablishing the correct frequency that our bodies are tuned to.

When everything in our body/robot resonates according to its program, the body/robot will be manifested as healthy. If some tissue, organ, or cell resonate differently from their designed frequency, this change of vibration will be manifested into our “reality” showing a change. This change if it undermines the workings of the body, we call a symptom or disease.

I have to go into the quantum way of explanation because this is the only way we can comprehend what is going on. After all, our soyence separates us from the truth. Soyenifically things are as they are and do not change while scientifically, everything is made of energy, prone to changes which are controlled through frequencies, and frequencies can be modulated/changed.

Since Mr. Wiseman clings to a soyence, he is misinterpreting some causes of action when he refers to the hydrogen as an atom and mentions the importance of the gut flora for a correctly functioning body.

I also see an issue when blood circulation is analyzed since the blood cells are positively charged and not negatively, and if the plasma is negatively charged and if the inner arterial wall is negatively charged, blood cells would be sticking to it and unable to circulate.

Here is one of my articles on this topic

Going back to the brown water, Mr. Wiseman noticed that the effects of hydrogen gas change, become more positive when delivered through water. The reason for this is a shift of sacred geometry under the influence of the vibratory field of water.

Here is an Internet page you can use to clarify those things for yourself

When we talk about frequency, we have to keep in mind that to manifest something, an entire array of frequencies is involved so we are shifting only some of those frequencies. This shift creates changes in the properties of those elements. I explain this when mentioning the transformation of sodium into potassium or potassium into calcium which cells do regularly.

To those of you who are skeptical that mutation can occur based on frequency when discussing food, I often mention that the naturally tuned frequency of a piece of meat will be red, soft, and have a particular taste and smell, and an apple will be hard, with a certain shape and adequate flavor, taste, and consistency.

When we apply heat, at one point the frequency will start rising and by doing so, the meat and the apple will start to smell differently and will change their color, consistency, and flavor. Why?

Because those shifted frequencies will be analyzed by the brain and manifested in the way the robot was designed to show them to us in our “reality”.

When we eat and hydrate correctly, our robot will maintain itself and remain at the perfect frequency. We can use minerals with water and help the body cleanse and hydrate, but the body is a programmed robot and not conscious intelligence. This is why it will react as programmed which can sometimes lead to its destruction.

As an example of this, we can use an anaphylactic shock where the robot reacts with a severe inflammation that obstructs the air passage and suffocates it, or produces storage for toxins we call a tumor that presses onto an artery causing a suffocation we call the stroke.

This means that it is not as Mr. Wiseman states that the “intelligent body” knows what has to be resolved first and does it. Everyone who is on the SHP has experienced some symptoms they wanted to eliminate and found out that those symptoms became worse at the beginning, and gradually subsided as the toxicity diminished. If the body was intelligent, it would not store toxic lymph causing water retention that can interfere with breathing and choke the body.

When talking about hydrogen, I explain it as being a unit of energy. In physics, we refer to it as the electron. It is a pure energy our cells extract from fat of glucose during cellular energy production. Since the fat and glucose that are used contain various frequencies that have to be eliminated, this process of hydrogen separation creates waste, and the accumulation of this waste becomes toxic. Here we mostly refer to carbon.

When we provide pure hydrogen, we are electrifying cells without creating waste. They raise their voltage which forces them to correct their vibration. The correcting of the vibration is manifested as a healing of the cell, tissue, organ, or the body as a whole. No waste was created but cells are polluted from before. This is why we had symptoms of “disease”. The question is, will the body remain in the correct frequency when we stop utilizing the brown water, and for how long since the cells did not have the opportunity to cleanse?

Mr. Wiseman has mentioned healing Lupus. Lupus is caused by dehydration and all my clients with Lupus have healed, and the changes were rapid in most cases.

I have no personal experience with brown water but according to Mr. Wiseman, it can be applied locally forcing a shift of vibration resulting in healing.

If this is true, this would be a fantastic addition to the SHP, especially for those suffering from joint inflammation because the natural way of healing through the SHP is slow in organs that depend on the lymphatic flow as are joints, bones, and the brain.

Many people are asking me how to structure the water they drink. I suggest we learn and trust how to use our power of intent, but if in doubt (manifestation does not work if we doubt) there is a very good water-structuring device that Susan promotes

I am not receiving any kickback from promoting those things and continue to encourage everyone to take back their power and heal themselves naturally, but we are not talking about toxic medication and supplements, rather than useful mechanical equipment that can alleviate symptoms and promote healing without poisoning us on the way.

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

16 thoughts on “Brown water, can it heal the body?”

    1. Stimulation with high-frequency electromagnetic waves can stimulate health. Many devices are being sold that produce this frequency. I never tried any of them so I cannot speak from my own experience. I am focusing on self-empowerment since our brains can reproduce any frequency they are familiar with or programmed to.

      1. Thanks brother. Would like to train on this self empowerment too if you can point me to any link or relevant articles you have.

      2. Cheng, the self empowerment is all about understanding the body, the “reality” and slowly letting go of the indoctrinated programs and accept what we feel is good, what resonates with us.

        It is about meditation, reconnecting with our heart/soul/spirit, and letting go of what no longer resonates with us. We have to cleanse out what our bodies reject so using the SHP as a tool.

  1. Thanks Brother Darko. Understand better in the latest article about reality.

    Enjoy SHP-ing now :)!

  2. Do you get any benefits from drinking food grade diluted hydrogen peroxide, as you do drinking brown gas water thks

  3. Hey Darko, There seems to be some fascinating potential with this Brown gas. I’m trying to figure out whether or not it is worth a try in order to expedite healings.

    Have you had any further thoughts, experiences or testimonials about the use of Brown gas and Brown water?

    1. I am not focusing on anything that requires technology unless we are talking about direct frequency manipulation. I would not spend thousands of dollars for something that brings marginal results.

      Soon way more potent technology will be released free of charge. To me, nothing beats the autopilot of healing. We just have to understand it better and implement it correctly.

      1. Thanks for your input! Yes, the direct frequency manipulation is much preferred by me as well.

        What is the name of the way more potent technology that will soon be released free of charge?

      2. Everything will start changing after the collapse of the old system this year. There is a chance that the new healing technology will be released this year although more likely it will be in 2025.

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