bacon 2

The last article was shading some light on the health benefits of the coconut and its products which are now under the attack by the accomplices of the Devil worshipping Cabal controlled shadow government of our planet.

Since the Cabal is finished, now the Stooges are on their own and they use the same tools from the past to keep us dumb and misguided, only this is not working any longer and their lies are now easily debunked.

I just want to add to the previous article the fact that most of the coconut oil is produced from previously shredded coconuts. Since the coconut is the perfect food for all animals, including the fungus, once when the hard shell is broken, the coconut meat and water very quickly succumb to the fungus and spoils.

Not to lose coconuts to the fungus, all big coconut oil producing plants utilize sulfides to preserve it. This deteriorates its value and they seldom mention this fact.

Try to find out where your coconut oil is coming from and how it is produced.

And now let us see what are the “experts” talking about as the healthiest human food, the animal protein and fat is concerned.

Here we are again, the all-knowing experts from Harvard University are teaching the World about the “scientific truths” with their recent article:


In the article, “experts” are revealing the fact that the intestinal microflora is adjusting to what we eat and since we need and depend on a variety of microorganisms, we have to support them by eating “correctly”.

Parma Ham 2

On one plate they teach you what is the toxic food that promotes the inflammation and on the other side is the gut-friendly and healthy food. They are almost correct, only they are promoting the wrong side of the plate, and on the healthy side of the plate, they are showing only one item in its natural healthy state. No wonder that it almost works for their benefit since a cooked protein is none-digestible and causes rotting and petrifaction in the gut. This is unhealthy but not nearly as the promoted grains on the “healthy” side of the late.

And here it comes, a promoted article from Dr. Joel Kahn-man, so-called naturopath but more than this. Dr. Kahn-man is a professor at a medical indoctrination school so he is an expert on the topic. No wonder that his article is promoted and very quickly reached 42 000 +readers while my article barely reaches hundreds.

Here is his an article on the inflammation promoted food that humans should avoid for any cost promoted by the FOOD REVOLUTION NETWORK:


The best way to deal with the misinformation is to dissect it step by step.

So here we go, my family, and have fun.

What is inflammation, asks the good doctor?

Inflammation cartoons, Inflammation cartoon, funny, Inflammation picture, Inflammation pictures, Inflammation image, Inflammation images, Inflammation illustration, Inflammation illustrations

Here he goes, regurgitating the scientific lies that the inflammation is a “complex process in which the cells and chemicals in our bodies fight infections and other threats, and it can be activated acutely or long-term.”

Basically, he repeats that an inflammation is a war of gen and antigen in our body.

Dr. Batmaghelidj had disproved this and I am in complete agreement with Dr. Batmaghelidj.

The inflammation is nothing more than enforced cellular hydration of dry and acidic cells in our body, but it can be caused also to mobilize joints and prevent us from moving them during a naturally occurring healing process.

Here you can read more about it:



Again the good doctor is explaining that many diseases are caused by this inflammation. What do you expect from a college professor? A truth? Not a chance.

Further, he explains that there are 7 ways, meat causes this terrible process.

The meat elevates an indicator of inflammation. Typical book science nonsense that is easily disproved simply by examining the blood of a person who eats the meat properly and does not eat any dietary carbohydrates. Ups, I guess he never had a chance to see the blood of such an individual.

His expertise comes from studies that indicate how increased blood levels of certain proteins cause the inflammation because they are present in the blood of people suffering from inflammation.

This is like saying that the gasoline (petrol) is the main reason why cars burst in flames because the gasoline is present in a car whenever this happens.

This is, saying it mildly, very childish approach.

Swelling cartoons, Swelling cartoon, funny, Swelling picture, Swelling pictures, Swelling image, Swelling images, Swelling illustration, Swelling illustrations

According to this, all of us eating the correct diet should be bursting from multiple inflammations and God helps the carnivores!

Every time we eat animal-based products we absorb protein in a form of amino acids. Again this is I guess to difficult for a brainwashed “expert” to understand.

The meat causes the insulin resistance which leads to diabetes.

This is a good one. One has to be completely brainless to make this statement. How many omnivores in nature suffer from diabetes? Exactly 0.

Dr. K. is referring to studies that indicate that some protein-rich foods elevate insulin level as carbohydrate. He just does not realize that those fats and protein-rich foods still contain carbohydrate. If the person has a lot of GLUT, the sugar absorption is much stronger and a small amount of dietary glucose in the food, when completely absorbed, can bring more sugar into the blood than in a person with lower sugar absorption and higher content of glucose in the food.

There is nothing worse than a partial knowledge. This leaves everything to misinterpretation.

Our “expert” is linking the breast and the prostate cancer to this rise in insulin caused by consumption of animal fats and proteins.

It is very interesting how people on the proper animal-based diet heal from those health issues and do so rapidly. I guess the good doctor never read a study that talks about it and his entire knowledge is based on he said, she said science, making sure that his reputation stays intact.

Fat chance brother.

We are exposing this fraudulent science and the people involved in it.

“The meat promotes a heart disease”!

This is another of those “scientific” claims that he repeats in his article.

The breakup of the red meat is blamed for increased levels of TMAO (Trimethylamine N-Oxide) which is not correct. A substantial amount of TMAO is produced by the gut bacteria and it is necessary for handling the fat. It does not matter if they come from the animals or the plants. The problem is that the good doctor still thinks that cholesterol is bad for our health and that it accumulates in the coronary arteries causing an obstruction for no reason.

He forgot to mention, or he is not aware of the fact that the plaque buildup occurs as the bodies quick-fix response to damaged arteries. The reason it is there is to prevent the blood from pouring out of the artery when the damage occurred.

Bleeding cartoons, Bleeding cartoon, funny, Bleeding picture, Bleeding pictures, Bleeding image, Bleeding images, Bleeding illustration, Bleeding illustrations

Again we are blaming a symptom for being the culprit. No wonder doctors are unable to heal anyone.

Since the animal protein is the best source of nutrients for the human body, I will continue with this thematic in the next blog.

Love and light to us all.

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

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