Delusional parasitosis syndrome

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Recently I received an email from a young lady suffering from a variety of chronic health issues but her concern is her skin outbreaks. Being a young attractive lady, this is what bothers her enough to ask for help, and the symptoms of skipping menstruation or having very short menstrual cycles with low loss of blood, having TMJ, and having restless leg syndrome are not that important to her.

She contacted me asking about my opinion on the diagnosis doctors gave her of having delusional parasitosis syndrome. I think the only thing that is delusional about it are her doctors.

I had to laugh when hearing the diagnosis. It is like some child gave her the diagnosis.

We cannot find parasites so the feeling of crawling, itching, and inflammation that may have been caused by parasites are just an illusion. This means that the patient is delusional. Let’s drug her.

Here is what our health experts of madsin have to say about a delusional parasitosis.

Delusional parasitosis, also known as delusional infestation or Ekbom’s syndrome, is a mental disorder characterized by a persistent and unshakeable belief that one is infested with parasites, such as insects, worms, or mites, when no such infestation is present.

The experts in Mayo Clinic go as far as saying, that delusional parasitosis is a condition in which a person has a fixed, false belief that they are infected by an organism despite evaluation not showing an infection to be present. This is also called delusional infestation. Morgellons disease is a form of delusional parasitosis.

Morgellons actually has synthetic parasites visible in the skin so it was placed here to discredit the Morgellons fibers. Here you can see how doctors are participating willingly in the misinformation process of the public.

Symptoms of delusional parasitosis are skin rashes or sores that can cause intense itching.

Crawling sensations on and under the skin, often compared with insects moving, stinging or biting.

Lack of energy and difficulty concentrating.

Delusional parasitosis is diagnosed when the delusion is the only symptom of psychosis and the delusion has lasted a month or longer. The condition is often misdiagnosed as a skin disorder or a parasitic infestation, as the symptoms can be similar.

Now, as we have heard the wisdom of our licensed experts of madsin describing this syndrome, what do they know about the cause, and how to help the struggling patient?

Treatment for delusional parasitosis typically involves a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help individuals identify and challenge their distorted thinking patterns and behaviors. Antipsychotic medications may also be prescribed to reduce the intensity of the delusions and hallucinations.

Do we need to continue listening to those morons or liars (let them decide in which group they want to be classified).

Everyone who is following my work for some time must be laughing their arsess off.

The symptoms of rashes, inflamed and itchy skin, and lesions are symptoms of detoxification of very toxic blood usually occurring in dehydrated individuals.

For example, the young lady who contacted me mentioned her problems with small blood discharge and often missing her period, she has jaw nerve problems, restless leg syndrome, and low energy…those are all symptoms of chronic dehydration and toxic accumulation in her body. Since Morgellons fibers are not found and neither are parasites, the itchiness and crawling sensation must be a figment of her imagination. After all, maybe the skin legions and wounds are also imaginary holograms her body is manifesting to create an illusion of a disease.

I wonder why doctors don’t create a hologram of healthy skin as a cure instead of applying tranquilizers, antihistamines, and painkillers.

The young lady is participating in competitive sports, she sweats a lot and does not replenish her lost minerals because the health experts are warning her against salt intake.

Eating a plant-based diet with no salt added is poisoning her body and lowering her blood plasma levels. She cannot cleanse so she is accumulating toxins that try to exit through her skin causing all of the symptoms she is experiencing.

She has since switched her diet to animal protein and fat but had no idea about supplementing plasma since many meat eaters follow Aajonus and his false teaching on salt and hydration.

Not understanding how the body works makes the health “experts” sound like idiots. Diagnosing an individual as delusional about their health issue when physical symptoms of inflamed, itchy, and ulcerating skin are present, and other chronic issues are showing up as well shows doctors’ frustration and incompetence. Saying that someone is delusional about their health problems when symptoms are visible is short of madness.

For the licensed experts of madsin, this is nothing new. Many people who are suffering from chronic health problems and are in pain are sent home with a diagnosis, “There is nothing wrong with you. It is all in your head. Here are some tranquilizers and call me in the morning.”

Whenever we have problems with the skin, there is a culprit causing those problems. The culprit is either external, some toxic chemical was spilled onto the skin, or some toxic plant touched it. Or, the culprit is internal, some toxic medication or medicinal remedy, or chronic accumulation and high concentrations of mild toxins produced by cells that could not be cleansed by kidneys or the mucus tissue because of low blood plasma levels.

There is nothing delusional about it. An inflamed skin will cause itchiness up to the point of pain producing a feeling that something is biting and moving in the skin. There is nothing delusional about it. Such an individual has to be helped through the elimination of the culprit and not be sedated and pronounced delusional.

Anyone having chronic skin problems should correct their diet and hydrate with plasma. They will cleanse and correct their gene expression resulting in healing.

The truth is so simple which makes it hard to believe especially by the indoctrinated licensed experts of madsin.

Get hold of the SHP, and heal yourself.

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

8 thoughts on “Delusional parasitosis syndrome”

  1. Darko I was not breastfed as a child, was vaccinated, and grew up eating the standard american diet, needless to say I feel very suboptimal with allergies and low vitality. Not only this but I was also medicated for several years on stimulants such as adderall, and antidepressants such as prozac, and antipsychotics. I have been eating raw meat for multiple years now and have felt better for it. However a while ago after I started the SHP with the pulser my nose got really really bad to where I couldnt sleep well and couldnt breathe out of it at all. I got an MRI and the doctors said I had extreme blockages, from polyps and a benign tumor that were obstructing my nose. I am very very scared to go through the protocol again due to this, I had surgery to not only get the polyps and tumor removed, but also my septum straightened. Now I my hair seems to be thinning on the front of my scalp. I am 20 years old yet feel cheated out of my prime due to my upbringing. I feel stuck, my parents were so much healthier than I was, but they were and are brainwashed and I payed for it. I want to dig myself out, what should I do? Would I get polyps again if I did the SHP?

    love and light.

    1. Doctors do not know anything except to cut. Your sinuses must have been very toxic so your body created storages to remove those toxins from your blood. You should have worked with me to empower your body to cleanse and repair itself. No butchery is necessary.
      You must be very toxic and symptoms of toxic blood and detox will occur when you start hydrating. If you are not ready for this, you can go slow by eating correctly and drinking structured water. You will have symptoms of toxic blood but not as pronounced and in time you will heal.

  2. Hey Darko,

    I know you said plasma fasting for even 90 days is not harmful

    but why is that because wouldn’t the body eat parts of you organs like the liver for vitamin a or muscle for amino acids since sea salt dosent have vitamins and body fat does not have enough protein etc.?

    Why do all people for water fadt for a long time gain the weight back so fast, doesn’t it mean the body is screaming for nutrients?

    1. I have said that we can fast with plasma for as long as we have fat reserves. The more obese you are, the longer you can safely fast. Our fat is loaded with fat-soluble vitamins so there is no problem having a prolonged fast as long as we hydrate with plasma.

  3. Hello Darko,

    You said we should structure our plasma with thoughts or music like mozart

    But how do the mechanics work, when you tell the water to cleanse and hydrate you does the water have to be near you and the bottle open and how long does it take after speaking to it to structure itself and for how long does this last, do you have to keep playing mozart for 1 or 10 minutes etc?

    1. Thoughts are electromagnetic waves that structure water. Open bottle is better, and using your voice amplifies it. It takes approximately 17 seconds for the water to react.

  4. Hi Darko, is it true toxins are stored in our fat deposits? If this is the case, eating animals’ fats means we are eating their toxins?

    1. some toxins may be stored in the fat but toxins are mostly stored in the subcutaneous tissue. They are not strong toxins and when you are hydrating, when you ingest toxins, your body will eliminate them as soon as they show up in your blood. Many will not even be absorbed.

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