Darko’s Books in English

The available written material like  books and booklets are exchangeable

for contributions.

Books are only available in ready to print PDF form:

                  “The Owner’s Manual For The Human Body                          28.50 $ US.

This book introduces you into completely new understanding of how the body

functions. It discloses errors of modern medicine and false knowledge our

schooling system promotes.

                “The Resonance Of Nutrition”                                                  26.60 $ US

In this book I explain digestion and I point to the errors we commit when we

analyse the nutritional values of the food. It points to errors in nutritional

recommendations and explains the reasons why we contract chronic diseases

and obesity.


                   “The Self Healers Protocol                                                         22.00 $ US

You may found recommendations in this protocol of the wall measuring

them by standard adopted norms. This is why I recommend you to read

“The Owner’s Manual For The Human Body” first and use this protocol as

a guide in your healing and rejuvenation process.

                     “Pulser for Health                                                                     23.70 $ US

In this booklet I explain the basics of human electrical body and how does

electric and electromagnetic stimulation influence healing by utilizing

the instruments of Dr. Robert Beck.

Hilno’s kookbook “Food That Heals” 25.50 $ US

Recipes that promote healing and do not interfere with the cellular hydration and cleansing process.

Donations are done through the PayPal account.

Please specify what book or booklet you are requesting on your order slip.

Thank you for the donations. They help me to continue with my work.

Feel free to share them but remind people to send donations.

Love and light to us all.

Payment in $ US.

Thank you for making the decision to take charge of your own health and pleas share the results with me.

Feel free to contact me if something needs clarifying or if you wish to be guided..

23 thoughts on “Darko’s Books in English”

  1. I have sent an e-mail with the required comment ( 🙂 about why i want to please receive your book. I do not detect how I could contribute the money without the use of Paypal, which I do not use anymore. My credit card however would work fine. Can you tell me how to obtain your book “The Owner’s Manual For The Human Body“ ?
    thanks for your answer, pdg

  2. The paypal contribution site is 1) not in English and 2) not linked to any specific product or amount. Surely there is a better way to do this – such as click through with this information already loaded.

    1. Ian, there is a indicator saying Spanish. You click on it and you can chose any language you want brother. This is how PayPal does it.
      Sorry for the inconvenience brother.

  3. Hi, Dr. V.,

    I donated “x” amount for your books, The Resonance of Nutrition, The Self-Healers Protocol, and Pulser for Health. I received confirmation from Paypal for my payment last week, but I was wondering when you would send the books along digitally. When will you?

    I sent a private email, but I am not sure you received it.


  4. Hey Darko, paypalled your self healer protocol. Can you send it to sebo(at) uploat.de? Thanks

    Have some questions:
    1) when preparing food with a mixer or juicer, does the AC Motor disrupt the frequencies of for example the banana raw egg recipe or high speed juiced apples? Is there an alternative, manual way to mix things up?
    2) does it hurt eating too much animal fats? For example smoked raw bacon. Ive heard that toxins were stored in fat tissue, and animals are often in stress situations. So whats your thoughts on that?
    3) also too much oil or proteins=no issue? Its hard for me to gain weight, and without carbs its getting even harder. So curious how to eat to not look like a junkie, skipping all the carbs. 75kg/185cm. Drinking 3L daily plasma and almost no carbs. Also ordered the Dr Beck Zapper. Cant wait to try it out 🙂 Thanks a lot. Greetings from PL/DE

    1. If the frequency would have been disturbed, the properties of the food would have changed. If you are used to consuming a lot of fat, no problem otherwise you have to build up to it. If you eat a lot of the correct food, you become fat but you will stay healthy. Fat is not toxic, the food is.
      Love and light.

  5. I’m on day 3 of drinking water with half a teaspoon of Celtic light Grey sea salt in about a quart of water 3 times daily. I’ve been diagnosed with hypertension and currently take 50mg of Losartan (I’m on my 6th day of taking it). My blood pressure wasn’t too bad the first two days but last night and today it’s been jumping up quite a bit. Activity level has been pretty consistent and I have been fasting in the first 4-6 hours of the day while drinking the sea salt water. Then I have the banana shake with eggs and coconut oil and other foods you described for the rest of the day. Could my pressure be spiking because of body cleansing? Also, I’m on my 4th day of not taking amlodipine, which I previously have been taking every day for the past 3-4 months. Google search says that amlodipine withdrawals can cause blood pressure to spike too. I’m just getting nervous and discouraged doing this and I really want this to work. Before, I was taking nicotinic acid to drop my blood pressure down and besides the burning and itching, it was working quite well. Now nothing seems to lower my blood pressure. Thank you for sharing your information with others.

  6. How can we pay for the pdf’s without going thru PayPal app.
    Our info was hacked via PayPal.
    I’ve deleted and won’t use it at all.
    Any other option?
    Thank you!

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