As more people are starting to pay attention to my work, more questions are being directed my way. It is difficult for me to answer them the way they should be addressed because most questions are complex and many things must be understood simultaneously.

What I mean by it is that even the simplest question like “Is it safe to drink so much salty water?”, requires an explanation that is contrary to everything we have been told and is repeated by our soyentists, and other parrots that are flooding the media.

This means that to satisfactory answer that question, I first have to explain why salt is absolutely necessary for the hydration of the body.

To do so, I have to debunk the soyentific claims that salt is a mineral and that the body will not accept it unless it is converted into a bio form by chelating it through plants.

Then I have to explain that the increased levels of salt will not cause hypertension as claimed by soyence.

To do so, I have to explain why hypertension occurs, so as you can see, if I do not do this, I will be receiving question after question since everything we have been told is contrary to the truth.

Since the increased ´plasma levels of a toxic body will speed up its detox by eliminating the excessive toxic load through the colon in the form of diarrhea, the question of “how long can we safely have diarrhea before we end up being severely dehydrated?”, pops up.

This requires explanation because we are being told that diarrhea dehydrates the body, and it is so if plain water is used to hydrate us. This requires another set of explanations.

Although very simple, everything becomes complicated because of the false indoctrinated soyence and a short answer will only create an avalanche of other questions that will have to be explained.

It was suggested that I make a separate page called Q&A where I document the questions and answers so that instead of asking me, people can go straight there and get their answers.

I am short of time and do not think this would have changed much.

At the top of every article, on the right-hand side next to the title of the article, there is a Search window. All that one has to do is to write the keyword of their interest and all my articles containing that word will pop up. Since there are way over a thousand articles, every question will be answered many times over and explained in various ways.

Before asking me a question, consult the search engine and see what information you will find there. If the question was not addressed, or if something still needs to be explained, then by no means, ask.

This way it makes it easier for me, and often when the right question is asked, my response will be, “Thank you for asking this question. Since the answer will benefit many, I will write an article on this topic”.

Many of my readers have received such an answer, and I am happy to provide the information.

I encourage people that are familiar with my work to answer the questions of others who had just started to read my articles or did not understand something clearly, and if necessary, I will add to their answers for better clarification.

I think that making a Q&A page would be just another page of articles that will need more clarification.

The best thing is for those who are interested in the truth in the field of medicine to get my books. After reading the books, you will have a basic understanding and my articles will make more sense and will require less explanation.

This article is directed to a new audience. To those who have read an article or two and an avalanche of questions has spurred up needing an answer because the information shared collides with the indoctrinated soyence in every way imaginable.

We are used to being served everything and we have no patience for learning. We want everything now.

If this is the case, schedule a consultation, get your questions ready and in two hours, you will know more than the best doctor in your town.

We all wanted disclosure, now we have to learn how to deal with it.

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

47 thoughts on “Q&A”

  1. As promised, here is the amount of sea salt I use to make one liter of sea water.
    I make, bless and drink 2 – 5 liters of sea water everyday, for last 9 years.

    Image of salt in palm, used to transform 1 liter of water.

    1. By the way, since it is a very long time, can you tell us a little bit of your body transformation over 9 years?

    2. Hahaha, thanks Mark, I am doing the SHP since January and already feel the changes, I just imagine you after nine years…

    3. MarkB
      Wait. You’ve been on this protocol for nine years? Have you not achieved cellular hydration yet or you just like being on the protocol?

      By the way, Darko, what does cellular hydration look or feel like? How will we know we have achieved it?

      Also, I wonder how many people have achieved cellular hydration on the SHP protocol?

      1. Mav – Find and finish reading this article by using the Search: Various phases of cleansing

        “Whenever I explain how the SHP (Self Healers Protocol) works, inevitably two questions keep popping up.

        The first question is, “for how long do we have to follow the protocol”?

        This question is closely followed by another r which is, “how do we know that our cells are clean”?

        And the third question regarding the cleansing process often mentioned is, “how come that I have full-blown detox symptoms going on now after following the protocol for 2+ years”?

        So, let’s answer those questions one by one.”

  2. Darko, about your new video back pain. I can’t sit comfortably straight, I slouch like you showed in the video. I do exercise but the results are poor. is an anterior pelvic tilt and a rounded back mainly the result of dehydration, or should exercise help?

      1. true, my 2,5 year lower back pain disappeared after 6 weeks of shp.
        i wanted to ask if body posture will repair thanks to cellular hydration or need to exercise?

  3. A thing that’s been on my head for age:

    Plants are toxic but what do you think about psychedelics like mushroom?

    I’ve heard many good about it, mainly an ego death and having a connection/being one with something they can’t explain.

    Not sure is the mushrooms/psychedelics are simply the plants defense mechanism and it then expresses its memories onto you as a defense too, I’m not completely sure about it and if there’s any negative & positives. Would love to hear your thoughts, thanks

    1. All plants are toxic. One can use some plants that contain hallucinogens for a particular purpose, the same as medicinal plants, but then it has to be cleaned and hydrated.
      Nothing was ever created without it being designed first. Most of the time, the creator does not have the full understanding of what it had created until it was manifested into a “reality”, and experienced through senses. This is the purpose of our manifestation.

    2. i experienced ego death after marihuana and meditations. best experience in my life but we have to be careful. better to get there without psychodelics.

  4. I don’t believe the creator created something without knowing the effect of it. He can change it if he liked. I just find it weird how every religion doesn’t really talk about mushrooms and dreams.

    You can see mushrooms in a lot of places if you look at ancient symbols (probably has another meaning to it so I don’t know). Seems tricky to fully comprehend what it is, and it’s abilities/benefits/effects. To me, they both 100% have hidden “secrets” or meanings and usage

  5. I have a question. For how long will you continue to preach love and light? Love and light are only one side of duality here; hate and darkness exist as well, and seem to have ruling authority over this place. When you witness evil, what can you say in response? Is it not a mockery to only vouch for love and light without mentioning the other side of the coin? https://youtu.be/jpOzbWCoyaA

    1. Assadis, go and knock yourself out with the darkness if you want. Where there is love and light, darkness and hate vanish. You make your choice, brother. I made mine a long time ago.

  6. Darko, in recent summer months, many friends are attempting to climb high mountains and naturally concern about “Mountain Sickness”. Could you help us understanding the problem and best way to avoid it? I don’t recall you discuss that in this forum. Thank you very much!

  7. I know this is probably not a simple answer but here goes –

    I read(and watch videos) a lot about your work, although I am now nearly through all of it.
    My mother(79) had a hip replacement last year. Her legs and feet are swollen since then and her legs are very sore when you touch them.
    She started about three weeks ago to drink plasma, having diarrhoea every morning, so I know it is on the right track.
    When can she expect to have relief from the swelling?

    1. Jan, the older we are the more toxic we become especially when we are medicated. Surgery is very tough on the body. Your mother has to eat correctly as well and move her body even if it is just her upper torso and arms to speed her blood circulation and movement of lymph.
      The recovery will be slow, but it will happen. A time stamp cannot be applied.

      1. Much appreciated.
        My parents are living on a farm in the south of Namibia. Meat is their staple. NO chronic medication, but she took alot of painkillers before the surgery.
        She is relatively active.
        I told her, it is a slow process, or slower than a headache tablet. 🙂

      2. Jan, people also drink a lot of bush tea. This is toxic and dehydrates the body. They have to limit drinking that stuff only as a ceremonial drink on occasion.

      3. They are going off coffee now, but they already low on coffee consumption.
        Tea once a day…
        I will tell them to quit.

  8. Interesting. I don’t drink tea now or coffee ever. But I did get caught up in the Rooibos tea popularity for awhile before SHP. They talked about how hydrating it was and football teams were using it, etc., etc., etc.

  9. I’m 19 (so I haven’t got years of toxicity built up) and have been on this diet and SHP for almost 2 years STRICT (no cheat days). Eating only Raw meat, eggs, dairy (milk/cheese) and organs (95% of the time its liver). I now drink minimum 4 Litres of plasma daily (2L in the morning for diarrhea).

    I don’t get ill but I do get skin breakouts here and there (and also dandruff). Can I really ever get clear skin and a healthy look if I constantly achieve diarrhea daily? It just seems like I’ll be constantly detoxing (through my skin) non-stop.

    People just think I have spots on my face because I eat lot of junk and/or carbs/sugars when in fact I eat near to ZERO (from milk, eggs & liver only).

    I’m in a never ending hamster wheel. So I was wondering what I could do? Or should I just not achieve diarrhea and decrease my salt to help me look healthy (and presentable).

    1. Sam, keep in mind that we are being poisoned daily through toxic air and products, music/noise, and microwave energy. We are being kept in fear so we create toxic emotions and all of this has to be cleansed out. Keep hydrating and as soon as the old system falls, you will experience a rapid improvement since our deliberate poisoning will stop, brother.

      1. Thank you bro, I agree. I think the only option I have right now is to decrease my salt for now so I can at least look presentable for work, image, and just overall networking.

        Honestly, I’m not sure if the new system will be any better than the old from my viewpoints and even so, I can’t guarantee the timing so it could be years from now (which I can’t wait for).

        If there’s any other solution than to decrease salt and water (plasma) then I’d love to hear it. Thank you again, I appreciate your work a lot 🙂

  10. After cleansing my face, I mist it quite well with silver at least once or twice a week. I just let it air dry. I don’t have skin problem’s though – never really bothered with acne – though my sister was. So this may not help with your skin problem. You may want to do it when you have some time off.

    Silver healed a stroke patient’s foot ulcer and I think the podiatrist was surprised the ulcer healed. The ulcer looked bad – but I sprayed and bandaged it every day and it would have copious drainage each day but then started healing. Normally pressure sores do not bleed and are hard to heal, but silver just seems to “wake” it up and make it heal.

  11. I used to have colloidal silver, but never thought to try that, instead I use salt water and spray it on my face occasionally. I might give that a try, thank you for the suggestion!

    1. I do have to give credit to Darko. I had never used colloidal silver before finding his website and SHP. My brother now carries a small brown bottle of it with him.

  12. I heard carnivores don’t need the same requirements as people that eat carbs (not sure if that’s true).

    How would you respond to people saying carnivore isn’t optimal, for example someone said this:
    “vitamins C, E, K, magnesium can be low, same for calcium if you consume raw dairy without additives, potassium is an obvious one”.

    Do we need those? If we do, where do we get enough to fulfill it? Thanks

  13. Whats your take on blue solar water ?

    The natural color and frequency of water are BLUE, and preferably Cobalt Blue, the color of the deep ocean, its happy place. When you keep water in blue glass, it remembers its pure essence, and it returns to its original Zero State of innocence, where all negative frequencies are healed.
    So you honor your water by holding it in a blue glass container and allow it to have its highest frequency, and this makes it possible for the water to carry your preferred intentions.

    Ancient Hawaiians used this water to heal their bodies and mind from their past agonies. According to those teachings, our body cells stores painful memories that cause all the sufferings in our lives and when the blue colored solar water enters our system it transmutes all those memories and negative energies.

    We all know that solar energy has been believed as a catalyst to healing by many spiritual institutions and the blue color represents serenity.

    Drinking this water will cleanse you, it will help to clear your negative data and programming, it will bring the frequency of truth and will reveal who you truly are.
    So by using the blue glass combined with the power of the sun you are purifying and healing the water, and when you drink it, it heals you too.

    Solar water therapy is also a great tool to raise the collective consciousness. This solar infused water voids memories replaying problems in your Subconscious mind.

    The greater you let the water absorb the solar energy, the better it is, but you can use it after about one hour.

    After that you can use this water in any way you wish to, obviously drinking this water is the simplest method to benefit from it.

    This is what Dr. Hew Len has to say about solar water:
    “The water works spiritually for us. When you drink it you say ‘I am sorry, please forgive me’ to Divinity. So you’re inviting Divinity to come into your heart and to erase anything that’s not you, that’s toxic. So the healing of problems, which are memories replaying, are always done spiritually first. Now only Divinity can solve the problems spiritually. So all of your problems start in your heart as memories replaying.

    The interesting thing is if you have that problem, you had it before, your family and relatives and ancestors had it. So now when you drink it, the idea is to clean it from you and get cleaned all the way back to the beginning, to your beginning ancestors.

    So the more you drink, the fewer problems you have. Drinking solar water is like paying off debts and it prevents death

    By healing the thoughts in you, you heal everything around you. So before I do anything, I do my cleaning, I say “Thank you for being here” to all things. And physical things also like gratitude. The problem we have with people and places is that we don’t appreciate them. So when you drink the solar water, it’s an appreciation for everything.”

    Water is the source of all life, it is everywhere and it is all connected, it is ONE.
    So it is very important that we are grateful for it and that we bless it. We can bless it by simply saying ‘thank you, I love you’, or with our positive thoughts and intentions, or just by feeling gratitude for it.


    1. Well said. Blue light is like a tuning fork. Water gets purified by the blue sky. The chemtrails interfere with this process. I refer to water as the three-dimensional expression of conscious energy. Without it, there is no manifestation. Love and light

  14. hey Darko i’ve noticed your skin and lips looks pale compared to your old videos from 4-10 years ago…

    what could be the cause of this ?

    how much sun exposure do you get daily ?

    have you tested your blood and vitamin D levels ?

    i hope you are doing well. Regards, Juan.

  15. Hello Darko,

    I remember when I was a teenager I had lunula on all the nails of my fingers.
    Later they disappeared from the pinky, the ring and the middle finger.
    Now after doing the SHP I have seen that most of them came back.
    I thought it might be interesting to mention, maybe it could be an indication of good hydration if there are lunulas on all the fingers?

    Kind regards.

  16. Hello Darko,

    I wonder what you think about the best alcoholic beverages to consume.

    I always had the best nights on rum, beer was never my favorite

    Are there any differences in the beverages?

    And if we drink alcohol any idea what might be the most interesting to enjoy the moment 😉

    Kind regards,

    1. Alcohol is neurotoxic but beer has additional plant toxins which make it an allergen. Many people develop an allergy to it. I prefer rum myself. Some old Venezuelan rum.

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