Gut bacteria and salt

Whenever the truth starts to penetrate the surface, it quickly becomes attacked by science.

As people are rediscovering the health benefits of salt, science is being used to create disbelief and fear towards it.

My friend Marin sent me this article that suggests that salt “may” interfere with lactic microflora which s the good gut bacteria in milk and dairy.

The article starts with the suggestion that a High-salt diet “may” kill gut flora.

What does the word “may” represent?

This is an article about science so if you are bashing salt, you should know what you are talking about and not use the guessing game by saying “may”. Maybe yes, maybe no. Science has spoken.

This is the typical propaganda article. Implanting doubt to spark fear.

The entire article is based on lies we have been indoctrinated with like the one that salt increases blood pressure.

Another statement, is that gut bacteria control blood pressure and our immune system. This is mentioned as if this is true and undisputed.

I have proven that this is incorrect. Gut bacteria have nothing to do with either one of those.

“High-salt diets may also speed up the progression of autoimmune diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis”, states the article. This is another lie that I debunked years ago, yet, here it is brought to the light to amplify the fear factor.

Salt destroys lactobacillus which is the good bacteria in milk and dairy so it interferes with the good gut flora. This is the stupidest thing that only an indoctrinated brainwashed moron can say.

The hydrochloric/stomach acid destroys all proteins including the bacteria, so it really does not matter if the lactobacillus is present in the food or not. Obviously, those scientists have no clue about the science they are talking about.

High salt diet caused encephalomyelitis in mice? This cannot be. Mice are fed a carbohydrate diet; this is the culprit. Salt triggers the detox so inflammation occurs in dehydrated and toxic tissues that cause the symptoms of detox/disease.

If mice would have been given the correct diet, salt would not trigger cleansing on that level and such symptoms would not appear.

Another thing that is neglected in the entire article is the importance of water.

When we use a lot of salt, the body has to eliminate the surplus, it urinates and defecates it and loses a lot of water doing so. We dehydrate if we do not provide an adequate amount of water. This is why if salt is being used for medicinal purposes, it should be used in a form of plasma, mixed with water. Saline solution, anyone? Are you thinking?

The statement that salt kills off healthy gut bacteria is misleading. The type of gut bacteria depends on the type of food we eat. The wrong food brings the wrong bacteria and no matter how many probiotics you will take, this will not change so it is a waste of money to buy probiotics. The entire article is geared toward selling probiotics and it is full of lies and deception.

The information I provide in this article is nothing new to those that follow my work, but since new readers are discovering my work, I have to keep repeating myself. Through repetition, we reprogram ourselves so everyone benefits from it.

The truth will make us free.

Love and light to us all.

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

20 thoughts on “Gut bacteria and salt”

  1. Hi Darko, doctors tell us to not eat fruits like mango, strawberry, orange because it is high in calcium oxalate and not to eat a lot of meat because it can increase uric acid in the body ,can you address these things especially for people with kidney problem?

  2. But salt does increase blood pressure this is not indoctrination.
    Also you say when salt is used by itself without water it dehydrates us but when you drink sea water the salt content is extremely high compared to the water content so you technically would still be dehydrating.

    1. Troy,this channel is to educate truth seekers and people with an open mind.Reading your comments it seems difficult for you,to open your mind for the truth Darko is revealing to us.Try to forget everything you have been told in the past by the indoctrination systems and all starts to make sense,when putting Darkos lessons into practice.When you cannot do this,then it is useless to visit his channel. By the way,I consumed 10kg celtic seasalt in 18 months,in combination with the Self Healers Protocol and my blood pressure is perfect and my health is still improving every day. So,what kind of proof are you really looking for??

      1. Were you hypertensive before the protocol?
        Dont forget hypertension is a genetic disease you probably have good genes thats why.
        My mom had hypertension and my dad had hypertension so I caught it genetically.

    2. Actually, severely decreasing salt intake will decrease blood pressure – by about 2 mm of mercury
      (the unit of measure for blood pressure) – an absolutely token amount.

      Insulin has far more of an effect on blood pressure, triggered by sugar,
      and also by starches, which are made of sugar molecules (glucose) linked together,
      which begin to come apart as soon as we put the starchy food into our mouths.

      This is one reason why people with ‘metabolic syndrome’ aka ‘pre-diabetes’ and
      those with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes commonly have high blood pressure.
      Stroke, cardiovascular disease, and loss of peripheral circulation leading to amputations,
      vision loss are other common afflictions of those with chronic high blood sugar
      and high insulin. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is also commonly resolved
      by reducing sugar and carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates.

      Dr. David Unwin, a physician in the UK who has been helping people to regain
      their health by eating real, whole foods for 9+ years, explains:

      Seed oils, deceptively sold as ‘vegetable’ are also industrially processed,
      highly oxidized, and TOXIC.

      These presentations are interesting – and include references.


  3. No, just in the normal range. Genetics are involved in everything,but by changing your behaviour and food tradition and then with the right diet in combination with drinking plasma,your genes will slowly adjust. Gods creation is perfect,but because of so much misinformation,we forgot how to treat our body the right way. If you want to change your situation,just ask Darko to guide you,it will change your life for the better!

  4. Darko while I agree with the most of what you say, I don’t understand how can you say viruses don’t exist and no one has seen them when there are photos of coronavirus available on the internet. Here is a link:

    I personally had the virus, it was not a normal flu I’m sure, and there have been so many deaths around the world, so many in my known as well. It can’t be a coincidence, sorry.

    Sure the jab could be a scam, I didn’t take it.

    1. The pictures they are showing you are straight from Walt Disney studio. They are as real as the Mikey mouse. Actually, Mikey is based on the creature, of a mouse. This drawing of a virus is based on imagination since the virus was never identified. It simply does not exist. The same as the spike protein does not exist. I will write another article on this topic. In the meantime, please read this article

    2. Mike – The events of the past several years have been confusing, for sure.

      It is true that no virus, ever, has been truly “isolated”. What virologists call “isolation”
      is not truly isolating, or separation of viral particles from everything else. Virologists
      call this “purification”- but they don’t do it.

      Koch’s Postulates were used to demonstrate that certain bacteria can cause disease,
      (though almost always when the diseased organism is under some other type of stress,
      like toxic exposure). Bacteria can be seen under a regular optical microscope, moving,
      dividing, etc. Bacteria suspected of causing disease were taken from animals – with one
      or more distinct symptoms – and introduced into healthy animals, that then became ill
      with the same set of symptoms.

      This has never been done for viruses.

      ‘…The Tragic Psuedo-science of COVID-19′
      documents this and more. Several doctors share the shock they felt when they learned
      that the images were all computer-generated illustrations- artists’ ideas of what the
      SARS-CoV2 virus said to cause COVIEE-19 might look like.

      References are given throughout this documentary, so you can look up and verify all
      the information shared. View free here:

      Even if you don’t believe anything the physicians, scientists, and other professionals
      share in the movie, it is interesting to watch.


    1. In Peru, a silent military takeover has started. Military and police joined forces and 20 corrupt politicians are behind bars so far. The full action will start synchronized with the rest of the world. When? The events are unfolding and they control the speed at which things unfold. The arrest of Trump is the marker, but Dems. are procrastinating.

      1. Thanks keep us posted. I saw a cell phone video of Inca in the streets marching but not knowing for sure if it was true. Tks again

      2. Wow, thanks great news Darko. I’m in San Francisco Bay Area, California and haven’t hear a thing about these developments online or otherwise. Thanks for the update!

  5. What doesn’t make sense is that when we go into the hospital from dehydration, they give us saline solution and we feel much better and then in the other hand tell us to stay away from salt. I understand completely why this saline makes us feel better after following your work. What doesn’t make sense is how the medicine world contradicts this.

    1. Yeah it’s crazy how people are so indoctrinated and can’t think. For doctor, at least in my country, saline water supply is a good extra service for income. So sadly, why should they stop? Unless patient is fainted and cannot drink, give them saline water bag to drink lol.

      In addition, a very popular product that my fellow countrymen use is saline water eye drops. Lots of people have dried eyes and use this simple eye drops. Same idea can apply when people can just dive in to the sea to cleanse the skin 😁

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