A professor’s view on a diet, good versus bad carbohydrates

In three words, pasta and legumes.

Another video was sent to me for review that demonstrates why we are so misled when it comes to our diet.

In this video, professor Cristopher Gardner shows what he knows about diet and digestion and teaches others to improve their understanding.

This is a mainstream science that is not worth the paper it is written on.

At the very beginning of the video, the professor states “I am opposed to the ketogenic diet because it excludes beans and other beneficial legumes which has no basis for it”.

This shows that this Stamford professor does not understand digestion at all. It is a pure regurgitation of the popular science that he was indoctrinated with and he continues to indoctrinate his students in the same way.

Then he makes the stupidest comment that I have ever heard.

Professor Gardener states that “eating meat makes your body create carbs/sugar that throws the body out of ketosis”.

According to this “genius”, you can be in ketosis only if you eat fat. Does he even know what ketosis is, I wonder?

He thinks that the amino acids that are not used for the construction of proteins are going to be converted to sugar. Well, if you eat a lot of meat, you will gain weight and this weight is fat and not muscles or sugar. There is no overproduction of sugar. We cannot store sugar.  The body does not produce what it cannot store. We do not have where to store sugar.

The professor is teaching us about the Krabs or the citric acid cycle in mitochondria where the sugar on one side and fat on the other side of the cycle, produce energy.

This is incorrect. There is a difference between animal and plant mitochondria.

In plants, mitochondria use sugar/glucose in the Krabs cycle to produce energy anaerobically.

Since sugar has oxygen in its structure, it can convert hydrolyzed glucose into energy and eliminate the remaining carbon by bonding it with oxygen into CO2.

The mitochondria of animals use fat in the Krabs cycle and since fat does not contain oxygen. Oxygen has to be provided. So, animal cell mitochondria have an oxygen pump to squirt oxygen into the cycle producing carboxyl groups we call ketones, which can then be used in the Krabs cycle of energy production. This is the reason why animals have to breathe. They need a high level of oxygen so that mitochondria can function correctly. Plants do not have such a need.

Animal cell mitochondria can use glucose in their Krebs cycle but they are programmed to use fat since the fat is readily available, and glucose is available only during and immediately after the meal of an incorrect diet.

Because of its oxygen pump, when glucose is used, the reaction is explosively fast. For this reason, animals contain glycogen in their brain and muscle cells as the energy booster for life-threatening situations/stress.

Animal cells are programmed to use fat for energy and this is why they store fat.

Plants are programmed to use glucose for energy and this is why they store starch/carbohydrates.

You can only be in ketosis if you do not consume dietary carbohydrates.

It is not just that carbohydrates are unnecessary for energy production in animal cells, they cause a big problem to the body when they are regularly provided.

Then the professor states that the blood-brain barrier interferes with fat being supplied to the brain. How does he think the brain got all of the fat it is made of?

These experts we call professors are incapable of thinking. They just repeat what they have been served. Robots with no mind of their own and incapable to exit the box and challenge the nonsensical science we are indoctrinated with.

Not understanding how the body functions leave no other choice in figuring out what is the best diet than statistics, watching which carbohydrate does lesser damage to the body, and even there, the wrong choice was made.

Whenever the keto diet is mentioned, carbohydrates are part of it. This is why the ketogenic diet is an incorrect diet. The correct diet should not contain any dietary (cooked or processed starches) carbohydrates.

Not understanding how the body functions keep “experts” puzzled why triglycerides rise when carbohydrates are consumed.

Almost every explanation is wrong. All the studies they performed were made on mixed meat and carb diets just in different proportions. No wonder no big changes have been observed.

Because of such nonsensical studies and wrong conclusions, legumes are promoted as healthy carbohydrates. When dog food based on legumes is fed to dogs, they become riddled with chronic health problems much more than if rice is being used.

To finish debunking this nonsensical video the same as every other dietician the focus comes to the necessity of vegetable fibers to lower inflammation in the body. The nonsense about microbiomes’ role in the gut.

All these “experts” promote plant-based fibers to support the gut flora and then they recommend the “good bacteria” of yogurt (fat and animal protein-based) calling them probiotics, to correct the incorrect gut bacteria.

Don’t they realize how mindless they are?

Everything is wrongly interpreted and then we are told to listen to the experts if we want to be healthy.

Professor Gardner, this is not aimed at you, but you have exposed yourself by providing the material that has to be addressed correctly, and just maybe, you can learn the truth by studying my work.

I hope this article provided some additional knowledge and understanding, and if you have questions, do not hesitate to ask.

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

21 thoughts on “A professor’s view on a diet, good versus bad carbohydrates”

  1. What are your thoughts on nuts? In particular, Almonds, Cashews, Pistachio, and Macadamia? Thanks for all you do.

  2. Darko I want to gain more weight to get more strong at the gym, but you talk about dairy to gain weight, but it makes me have horrible acnee, any tips for weight gain and strenght gain? I am doing intense sports.

    1. Tudor milk is plasma(water with minerals) if plasma is giving you acne you are toxic and need to hydrate. To gain weight add more eggs to your banana shake and increase your protein intake.

  3. The problem is if you completely eliminate carbohydrates you will faint from hypoglycemia. I tried it and I became very weak my body has no power when I don’t have carbohydrates.

    1. Only glucoholic body faints when carbs are eliminated from the diet. If it is happening to you, you have never been eating correctly and remained glucoholic. Bite the bullet and do the protocol correctly. Only then you will have the full healing experience, love.

    2. I was in that condition before, feeling weak and need to eat, just like most of us (glucoholic). Now I can fast as long as I want and I don’t give dietary carbs a s*** anymore. Only animal products and fruits for fun, eating once or maximum twice a day. It’s nothing extraordinary 😊.

  4. Sir you should check out purifying water with shungite it takes away all the emf in the water. Also sir which bottle water brand do you recommend for your protocol?

    1. I know about Shungite stones. Use them if you have them but you still have to structure the water with your mind. I cannot recommend any packaged water. I do not trust them. Purify your water with water purification gravity filter or reverse osmosis, or use distilled water with sea salt.

  5. Shungite can be a good tool for us to use to prevent us from cellphone frequencies and it can be used to help those who have been jabbed with the covid vaccine.

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