What is the hack going on with the Alliance?

Soldiers in Line to Get in a Plane

From the moment D. J. Trump was elected for president of the USA, it was obvious that the Alliance/white hats are in control so predictions were being made of when will the final collapse of the Cabal take place.

It is obvious now, more than ever before that the dark Cabal has lost its power so what is going on?
Why are we plunging deeper and deeper into the abyss that was planned by the Cabal?

Desktop Wallpapers: Cabal Online

Why these delays?
There are more and more people turning on president Trump demanding that something is being done, and until recently I was also disappointed not being able to figure out the reason for the delays.

Now, because of the understanding of quantum mechanics and manifestation, a clear picture of what is going on is forming so let me share it with you.

In the video about dousing, I have demonstrated that we can focus our consciousness and we invoke any frequency to radiate in a designated area.
People sometimes accidentally project a certain frequency not realizing that this frequency will be radiating there until someone makes a conscious decision to eliminate this radiation, or to change it.

This is what causes false signals douser often encounter and does not know how to eliminate.
Now we know that putting attention to this signal and requesting it be gone, eliminates it.

I have also shown you that we can consciously make a water jar transmit energies of healing, love, hydration… and we can lock those frequencies there so that no one can change them but us simply by demanding that this is being done.

Remember, it is all about consciousness, intent, and acceptance.

Now we come to the issue of global events.
Many were urging Trump to just send a missile into the places where Cabal is and be over with.

Yes, this would bring fast victory and a battle would have been won, but the war would be lost and our planet would have to go into another cycle of terrible experiences for another million years.

In the Ayahuasca ceremony recently I was shown how we are now eliminating all of the bad emotions and cleansing our genetic code so that the evil thing does not have a chance to manifest in the new game we are creating.

We are being told that we have to know the history not to repeat it. This is actually exactly the opposite. What is in your mind, most likely you will manifest. This is how wars are being created.
We can only manifest what we know.

Battle of Passchendaele | World War I [1917] | Britannica.com

As we are cleansing our RNA, we are bringing the events into our consciousness and then eliminating them. This causes nightmares and some people have a very hard time during this period.

The biggest problem is with those who have sold their soul to evil.
To gain power over the population, they have made sacred ceremonies.
Albert Pike was a master at those but every 33rd degree Mason knows them.

The Cabal has polluted a big part of this planet and has locked bad frequencies in many places. Those frequencies have to be unlocked but only those who have created them can undo them.

A history of why you shouldn't be worried about the ...

They cannot be forced into this, they have to intentionally want to do this, so a deal had to be made with Cabalists.
They will be allowed to go onto another planet that was specially prepared for them but before they will be allowed to leave, they will have to unlock all of those bad energies that they had created.

A portal of their departure is in Antarctica and this is the reason why we see all heads of states going there.
Now as the Cabal is squeezed with nowhere to run, they are accepting their defeat and the final cleansing of our planet is underway.

This cleansing will last through most of 2022 and with it, things will be getting better and better.
Since the ceremonies of Cabal where they invoke evil entities have all been deliberately locked, only the high-ranking Cabal members can unlock them. There is plenty to do but the situation on our planet will be getting better and better as our planet is healing.

Thank you for your patience and for holding the light.

Love and light to us all.

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

8 thoughts on “What is the hack going on with the Alliance?”

    1. Darko probably doesn’t know or agree with what is said in this channel. But there are many interesting theories in this channel that you may want to check in chronological order 😊.

      In short, the theory is that the Earth we live in is a crater. Antarctica fills half of the crater and the route to go out of the crater is at Antarctica.

      I don’t try to spread rumors or conspiracy. I’m just open to anything and searching. Darko’s health knowledge is one of things that I’m constantly searching 😊.

    1. The link targettom left in the last post by Bishop Virgano { Message to American People} is exactly whats going on. There is only one Savior Jesus Christ, get on your knees and repent of your sins, and when enough of us do that, God will Heal our land, People love there pride and sin. God Bless. Merry Christmas

    2. Yeah he keeps promoting the jabs, it’s not good. Even if it prevented extended lockdowns and making them mandatory by only having emergency usage, that still doesn’t explain why he’s saying they’re amazing and everyone should get one. Something fishy there.

    3. Targettom, we are being forced to wake up and to use our power to free ourselves. We will not be able to achieve this if we accept now again another figure giving him/her our trust and allowing him/her to lead us. We are destroying the old paradigm. We have to learn to trust our experiences and to control our reality. Trump is knowingly destroying his legacy to free us. There will be no more leaders that will be making decisions for us. There will be coordinators but policies will be made by all.

  1. Cody ur 100% correct,Sadly however, the vast majority of the inhabitants of this earth live lives that are greatly offensive to Almighty God. Let us pray that men will once again respect the will of God. Following His commands will lead to peace and prosperity, while the rejection of God’s designs for mankind can only bring disorder and misery. Merry Christmas to you and all

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