CCTGa + modern medicine = misery and Complete heart block

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This article is based on a health situation my client is battling which is entirely caused by the fuck up of the trusted allopathic mad-sin.

With his consent, this article is about Illyas’s struggle with health and the fact that doctors have absolutely no clue about the workings of the human body (animal body as well), and pride themselves on extending the human life which is absolute bull.

Ilyas has contacted me several months ago asking for help because his skin was itching, deformed and when scratched, smelly puss was oozing out. During a consultation, I was told that Ilyas was born with a heart defect called Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (CCTGa).

Ilyas leg

During his young life, he was at the mercy of the medical establishment. He was suffering from asthma, heart arrhythmia, digestive problems, and skin rashes which have turned into a lizard looking inflamed scaly, and completely unrecognizable organ. Under the allopathic treatment, the heart started failing so the pacemaker was implanted, and now Ilyas is diagnosed with a complete heart block. He was just 19 years of age when he contacted me to help him resolve the skin problem because it was impossible to continue living with this condition not suspecting that complete healing can be achieved.

So, let us go through the history of his dis-ease, and see where did the “health experts” go wrong.

Ilyas was born with a heart defect that had self-correcting itself. This is why the “dis-ease is called congenitally corrected heart problem.

As his heart was forming/folding, the left ventricle that is supposed to pump the blood through the body has reversed itself and is pumping the blood into the lungs, and the right ventricle that is supposed to pump the blood into the lungs is now pumping the blood into the body.

Well, there is absolutely no problem there because now the left ventricle will become smaller as it does not have to create so much pressure, and the right ventricle will enlarge so that it can supply an adequate volume of blood to the rest of the body. There is absolutely no problem there, yet, we are told that since the right ventricle is weaker, it will suffer and collapse making life short. This is a lie. If not interfered with, people with CCTGa would have perfectly normal lives. On top of this, what is there to medicate?

Because of incorrect nutrition, Ilyas started developing skin rashes. Of course, he was treated with antibiotics and the skin rashes started to get worse and worse. Steroids came into the play. Now, on top of the skin rashes, his heart started to experience irregularities.

Considering that he had CCTGa, doctors concluded that this is what is causing the heart problems and they installed a pacemaker and increased the spectrum of his poisoning with a variety of heart “supporting” poisons/medicaments. Now as his heart is struggling to maintain a correct beat to adjust it to the extremely toxic body which interferes with the programmed pacemaker causing a double beat, those DIOTS/MORONS of modern madsin want to burn out the sinoatrial node where the impulse for a heartbeat is created so that they can have no interference with the pacemaker.

This would make Ilyas completely dependent on a pacemaker and any technical glitch would be fatal, but to the morons, this is a risk that they are willing to take.

Here you can clearly see the modern madsin in action.

After consulting with me, Ilyas was afraid to take the salt because of his heart problems so he started by changing his unhealthy, vegetable-based diet and started eating as required by the SHP.

Just 10 days later, Ilyas wrote me this message:

“Darko since I started to eat only meat & organs of the animal my headache went away & I have been experiencing clear vivid dreams like HD, I was smiling & laughing with my classmates in school. Once’s I woke up from my nap I wasn’t restless & angry I was calm & more relax. I can’t wait to started drinking plasma to clear my blood & get my clear skin back & Finally say good.”

This is when he started drinking the plasma and within a month his skin stopped itching, and his allergies started to go away.

He reported:

“Yhh don’t itch like crazy anymore. I noticed my skin is way softer like my legs, stomach, back. Only my feet & hand are rough. I’m sleeping better. I’m noticing small details.”

But then came the second phase of a detox, the cellular hydration, and detoxification.

He started having breathing difficulties as the bloody toxic phloem started using out from his lungs interfering with his breathing.

Through the help of diuretics, we have helped to eliminate toxins from the blood faster but the toxic lungs continued producing the toxic phloem and the breathing difficulties continue. This is his phloem

Since the blood has become extremely toxic from all of those poisons that have been accumulating underneath his skin and within his cells now seeping into the blood, there is a need for faster blood circulation so the heart is instructed to speed up, but the pacemaker is programmed to send a “normal” beat signal and here comes a conflict between the automated technology that cannot synchronize itself with the instructions of the body.

The brainwashed unintelligent doctors now came to a brilliant idea to destroy the heart so that it can be controlled by an automated system that does not respond to the healing/self-preserving mechanism of the body.

To be able to “normalize” the heartbeat, they want to burn out and destroy the sinoatrial node that produces the impulse for a heartbeat.

Obviously, this is a medical practice. I wonder how many poor souls have lost their lives from this barbaric and senseless madsin intervention?

Aren’t those licensed experts geniuses!!!

They are ripe for another Nobel Price for outstanding achievements in the field of madsin.

We have so many esteemed medical experts that now when we see what is actually going on, we do not have to be surprised why are there so many “incurable diseases”.

Those experts are working so hard to save us. Never was it so obvious and transparent as it is now and still, the great majority of doctors have just one word to say that makes any sense and that is, “beeeeeeeeeh”.

Because the less they talk, the safer is the public.

Ilyas will heal but he will suffer through parts of the healing because of the doctor’s induced toxicity.

Hopefully, they will not press him into accepting their barbaric procedure of burning out his heart’s sinoatrial node so that he can detoxify himself, heal and have the pacemaker removed.

It would be best to remove the pacemaker now but then, doctors become hostile and everything that happens will be blamed on the removal of the device so I do not want to be caught in the middle.

We have to rewrite all scientific books so that we can regain our sanity back.

By the way, here is his skin after several months on the SHP

Here is a video on this same topic.

Love and light to us all.

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

12 thoughts on “CCTGa + modern medicine = misery and Complete heart block”

  1. Use cayenne pepper as a tea or a tablet that would increase blood flow to penis.
    Premature ejaculation is problem caused mostly by the excitement of the brain.

  2. Sir can this protocol work on delta covid or only on some strains of covid?
    The only things I found that is working on stopping covid is ivermectin.

    1. Sarah, viruses do not exist. This is all just a plandemic where doctors are actors and media is the virus.
      Cleanse and nothing can touch you, but the cleansing symptoms will make you believe that you have a virus/flu because that is what the flu is all about.

  3. Godspeed to You, Ilyas. May newfound health and happyness soon be part of Your life. You are certainly on the right path when following Darko Velcek.
    Thank You for being such a great friend of the people, Darko!

  4. Is drinking salt water for the short term because in the long term the over accumulation of salt would cause water retention and stroke right?

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