The evolution of dis-ease

Plague mask - medieval medicine's version of a hazmat suit

We are under the impression that a disease is something that has suddenly occurred. We say, he/she got ill.
The same thing is instigated through the medical, scientific literature. We are being told that a germ has attacked our body, and our low immune system was not strong enough to combat this pathogen. This is why we got sick.

If we pause for a second to think, we will realize that something here is not correct.
Even during the Bubonic Plague, many have survived.
Everyone was exposed to the pathogen (bacteria) but not everyone had the same symptoms, some have milder symptoms and have recovered, some people were not affected by the pathogen at all.

If it was the pathogen that caused this disease, everyone should have been evenly affected, showing the exact same symptoms, but this was not the case, as it is not the case with any disease.

Ponderin' the Medieval Medicine! | Book Ponderings

If some pathogen microorganism would have been the cause of a distinctive disease, then as soon as we would see the symptoms, we would know exactly what pathogen is causing it and how to treat it.

Although diseases are diagnosed based on symptoms that the body exhibits since the same symptoms show in almost every disease, the final diagnosis depends on proving the pathogen.

Nobody is focusing on blood’s dehydration, toxicity, low electric conductivity. The hunt for the “Red October” has to produce the pathogen.
If the bacteria or fungus was not found, then based on symptoms we declare the pathogen to be the elusive/nonexisting virus, or if a chronic disease is in question, we are told to pin it to a previously existing genetic problem, or an autoimmune reaction, and wash our hands off of it.

The brainwashing is so deep that eminent scientists continue referring to viruses as microorganisms even now as the truth is surfacing, and the shenanigans with the COVID “variants” are laughably transparent.

Dr. Tasuku Honjo ( ) has made a public statement about the COVID 19 virus:

Based on all my knowledge and all the previous research that was done, I can say with one hundred percent * (100%) * certainty that the * Corona 19 virus * is not a natural virus. It is not a bat virus. China created it intentionally and deliberately. If what I say today turns out to be wrong now, or even after my death, the government of China can withdraw my * Nobel Prize. * But China lies and all its terrible communist government must be punished severely and with the full weight of the law. international criminal law, because this terrible, unforgivable and dire truth will one day be revealed to all people throughout the entire world.”

In reality, what China has done is publicly kill and document many of its citizens and has used this as a propaganda/advertising campaign of a nonexisting disease to be spread around the world through the script readers of the major media that is controlled by the Israeli deep state/Illuminate/Cabal.

Infected people seen 'dead in streets' in quarantined ...

The only “thing” that was developed in Wuhan’s laboratory is the toxic cocktail that ended being the COVID-19 vaccine, and to be able to poison people with it, they had to be frightened into accepting the jab.

Every country that is enforcing the jab/vaccine is paid and controlled by this deep state/Illuminati/Cabal.

Those who are organizing vaccination, those who are performing the vaccination, the doctors, nurses, hospital administration, are all on it and being rewarded handsomely for killing the scared unsuspecting public.

If we go to the statistics and if we remove every death that has involved a preexisting health issue, the deaths from traffic accidents, and other natural causes of death that have been falsely claimed as COVID deaths, we will notice that fewer people have died from the commons flue in the past year then usually.

This shows us two things.
1st that as fewer people were receiving medical help, less of them had died from flu.
2nd that not a single individual has died from COVID-19 until the vaccination has started.

The problem is that even those who realize the truth are afraid to say it because their credentials would have been questioned.
I simply refuse to believe that no doctor/scientist can see the full truth.

7 cartoons about Trump's coronavirus response

The truth is sticking out like a sore thumb. One has to be in on it, insecure, brainwashed beyond a repair, or plain stupid, not to see it.
You decide to which group of “scientists” you belong.

Through my work, I demonstrate how an increase of toxicity in our body causes symptoms of dis-ease.
The higher is the toxicity, the stronger will be the symptoms.

The reason for this cumulative toxicity is dehydrated blood which does not contain enough water. Toxins cannot be cleansed without water.

The corrupt “science” is teaching us to fear salt, failing to inform us that sea salt is the main mineral provider which is absolutely necessary for proper hydration of the body.

The same “science” is telling us that vegetables are the most important source of minerals and nutrients for our bodies, and our energy depends on the sugars they provide.
In this way, we are brainwashed into reprogramming our metabolism and creating the wrong genome so that we can survive eating this poison.

We become dependent on the energy that is provided by our meals and which our body cannot store. Since we have no storage of the energy we have reprogrammed our cells to, we cannot function without eating frequently and we develop various health issues.

I am providing the correct information so that we can use it and liberate ourselves from the clutches of Satan/Lucifer and the minions’ Cabal/Illuminati/deep state and the rest of those that serve him.

This war is described in Bible that the Semites have put together as the book that will guide humankind to its own demise.

Bible is not the word of the Creator that prophesies what is to come.
It is the book that is designed to lead us in this direction.
The human mind has concocted this plan which can be seen in the electromagnetic imprint and sensed by those who are sensitive to it.

Such people can make predictions, the same as what Nostradamus and many others have done.

Nostradamus has seen the possibility that the Biblical prophesies will not come true if humanity “snaps out of it”.
This is exactly what has happened. The evil is being destroyed in the best way imaginable. It was led to self-destruct.,1)/bush-caddyshack-56a752fc3df78cf772949778.jpg

My brothers and sisters, what we have achieved is being celebrated in the entire Universe.
We are the Biblical God-consciousness that has destroyed Satan.
Not only that we had the first row in this movie theater, but we are also physically and mentally participating in it.

Use the SHP, cleanse and heal yourselves until med beds become available. Especially those of you who are now waking up and have been poisoned by the jab.
Cleanse this poison out of your body.

There will be no diseases in the future because this is one of those things we will no longer manifest.

Love and light to us all.

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

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