Can doctors break through the veil of false science?

Those of us who have been awakened have a long time ago left the fantasy world of television and are searching for truth elsewhere.

The computers and cellphones are the most common places but there, as well lies and misconceptions rule the information ducts.

Since our brain depends on information so that it can calculate the most probable outcome, if all that we have accepted are lies, no truth can be found.

This is why I always suggest that in order to find the truth, we have to get the information about the lies as well and use our brain to calculate and our spirit to confirm.

After enough information has been cumulated, our spirit will signal what the truth is and we are going to feel it in our gut.

If we reject the truthful information as being ridiculously false, our brain will not incorporate it into its calculations and we will not be able to experience the gut feeling guide of our spirit.

A dear friend of mine argues that God will clear the mess we have created and that a person that he trusts knows this because he is studying Bible for over 20 years and understands it correctly.

Well, here we go. Again only one box is examined and what if the truth is not in?

What about Mayan, Hopi Indian, or the Original (Aboriginal ) people of Australia…

What do they say about what is going on?

This is ridiculous: only God knows what is coming and only Bible is the word of God?

How shallow and immature it is to think in this way.

Unfortunately, a great majority of medical doctors think in the same way.

Their Bible is their medical books and journals, and the only outside information that they accept comes from preapproved final medical studies.

Again, they are fishing in a mountain lake hoping to catch the megalodon.

I can understand Dave from the X22 report when he says that the Fu-flu virus was released in China and had spread around the Globe, but when I hear medical doctors repeating this nonsense, I cringe.

The advertising of the virus came from China, not the virus.

Doctors are starting to realize that they are being controlled and they are revolting, but still, they are unable to realize the depth of the control that they are under.

Doctors are convinced that the virus is a microorganism that consists of a single strain of RNA that no one has ever seen or actually proved that exists.

If one’s base of its science is fantasy, the entire truth will be false no matter how they spin it.

Doctors are studying their Bible of viruses and no matter how hard they try, the results make no sense.

The results are manipulations that depend on the current state of affairs.

Now we have the vaccine, but we need to protect ourselves because the (nonexistent) virus has mutated. And this goes on forever, just like the war on terror.

Here is a great example of what I am talking about:

In the video, Dr. Simone Gold is talking about the Wu-flu virus and how it resembles the common flu, yet she is convinced that a microorganism is what causes them both while none of them can be proven to exist.

Dr. Simone is noticing that the symptoms are the same, but she is unable to debunk the whole COVID-19 fiasco because the tests point to Wu-flu.

What tests? It is all fake.

How can you make positive test of something that does not exist? By lying about it.

Her boss was lying, she knows and still she believes in this plandemic.

She talks about autologous immune enhancement therapy. The first vaccine creates no health problems, the second neither, but then if we get into contact with the pathogen we have been vaccinated against (with), we die.

Instead of becoming resilient to it, we become allergic to the pathogen.

This is a clear example of anaphylaxis. We are being poisoned to the level that once exposed to more of the poison, we experience a strong reaction of the body to resist further poisoning which ends up sending all of the accumulated cellular toxins into the blood.

The body goes into a self-preservation mode, increases cellular defense, produces inflammation, and can lead to death if the body was overly polluted.

What are the symptoms of upcoming anaphylactic shock?

Skin hives, a sudden increase in body temperature, nausea and abdominal pain, runny nose, arrhythmia, swelling/inflammation…

Those are all symptoms of blood toxicity and its detoxification.

All those symptoms are the result of poisoning and not of an infestation with microorganisms.

Animals that have been vaccinated with the new immuno-enhanced vaccines have died after being exposed to the same toxin/virus they are supposed to resist.

It should be obvious to everyone that it is not a living organism but a poison. The poison is in its origin just a frequency and can be expressed in a form of matter light, sound, and electromagnetic frequency.

Is the Wu-flu just an EMF signal?

I bet you that it is.

Exposure to a stronger EMF signal puts our cells into the flight and fight mode, increases BP, some cellular toxin becomes released which increases the cellular state of emergency, causing inflammation. More cellular toxins become squirted into the blood, the blood’s toxic load increases and so do the symptoms of polluted blood and blood cleansing.

We can prevent our cells from releasing their toxins into the blood by making the blood more toxic so that the body stops the forced cellular hydration/inflammation.

Our cells cannot cleanse without water and by preventing their hydration, we prevent their cleansing.

This is what drugs do. They do not destroy the nonexistent virus, they prevent further blood poisoning and the symptoms of toxic blood dissipate as the blood gradually becomes cleaner.

Why are we guided in the wrong way?

It is all about the power and the greed of the few, and many of the week souls that kneel in fear and shame.

Wake up, grow the spine, and do not obey, or you will end up like this:

Wake up and help others to do the same.

The light is about hit and the truth will be revealed to all.

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

3 thoughts on “Can doctors break through the veil of false science?”

  1. Pardon me, for my loud thinking:
    “Can doctors break through the veil of false science?”
    Doctors “like” to use “poisons” to fight toxins. Poisons are fake reductivism science, with use, more and more complex and expensive high end technology( for profit above all, plus advertising and media). Politikers could end drug advertisements brain washing, so their pockets are filled with “ Insurance “ money. Americans like ads, with “adverse effects “, so not much help there. If they don’t like, censure is here, not for ads.
    Toxins aren’t mentioned, but full book of diseases from symptoms (Rockefeller family) is here. Environmental Toxins, missing nutritions, anti nutrients, parasites/bugs infections, radiation, stress of all sorts not much mentioned.
    It is a little unbelievable that seasonable unseen viruses are getting more attention then visible toxins. Faster kill-profit? Just because barrel is already full with toxins? Na ja, that’s the reason in western medicine, how I heard, that doctors can’t do autopsy in every hospital? They showed us blackened lungs( cigarettes), but they aren’t showing us lovely pictures of epidemic environmentally poisoned, blocked livers. God forbid, it’s called NAFLD, mostly because of to much Sugar and not enough movement??? Liver is organ of love, empathy. Organ with over 500 plus functions and possible causative agent for big profit loss disease if truth comes to light. Mind you, toxins are found everywhere in human body, hair, skin, tears, saliva, nasal drainage, umbilical cord, etc but liver is bottle neck of circulations. Auto Oil filter. Alzheimer doctors are saying, that they can’t find toxins in brains? Hmm. Last news from them (2021) is that Iron ( heavy metal) is sabotaging drainage from Glymphatic system ( garbage fluid from brain). I am not for illegal organ trafficking, but should not we ( very toxic midwest of USA/cancer valley?) send our livers to some thin undeveloped countries for examination, because they aren’t interested in keeping the own public stupid? At least, doctors there, more honest/not schooled/ brainwashed in west, will widen their eyes in wonder?
    Best remedies for liver aren’t patentable….they are just forgotten/ hidden.
    Maybe one, if part of toxic liver is so hardened, doctors will cut this part out, and liver will grow back again. Sometimes, it is not possible to clean full surrounded tissues from blockades ( hardened toxins), before closing, then you have problem.
    Lifelong prevention is key for future generations if any are left in this toxic world. Forthcoming ( West Elites) Great Reset, is environmentally contradictory system. Simpler slave life, but with more toxins? 1% are saying that in this new “ green-washed” sustainable feudal system, with all this new hi tech, life is going to be less toxic. PepsiCo on the Global food ruder? Hmm. If fog will be cleared now, most possibly, we would see that FEDERAL Bank ( private bank) cowboys are seating on the money printing press, witch it self is sailing on thin sheet of ice, not on swamp, but rather on the ocean waters….

  2. Dr Klinghardt and Dr Marco Rugiero use standard ultrasound machines to wake up lyme disease in particular parts of the body, where they like to hide. Test done that way are showing that minimum 90 % of people have lyme.
    Should we use Ultrasound tests at all? Should we use Ultrasound to test for metal Mercury in Urin to? I got this dangerous idea after watching this, how to spread mercury….

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