Diagnosis cartoons, Diagnosis cartoon, funny, Diagnosis picture, Diagnosis pictures, Diagnosis image, Diagnosis images, Diagnosis illustration, Diagnosis illustrations

So far, every single client that came to me asking for my help with their health-related problem, came because they had tried everything else and their health had deteriorated to the point that they will even try something that is in complete contradiction to everything that they had been told before.

The first thing they say when they see me is, “Darko, I was diagnosed with xxx and they have tried everything and it is not working. Can you help me?”

Then they make me look at the bundle of papers which were used as the base for their diagnosis of the health problem or the disease that they are suffering from.

After giving me their paperwork they look intensely for my reaction and expect to hear the same as they had heard before.

Today we have some really sophisticated diagnostic equipment and a lot of money is spent simply to be diagnosed.

How important is the diagnosis after-all?

Well, in some cases to properly and timely recognize the problem can save someone’s life but in most cases, what difference does it really make to know the exact cause of your pain the way doctors diagnose it?

I have pointed several times what the word diagnosis means.

It comes from the old Greek language where du or di means number two, and the word agnosis means without knowing or not knowing. So together the word diagnosis means two not knowing which makes perfect sense as far as the modern medicine is concerned.

If the patient would know what causes his health problem he/she would not need to visit a doctor. On the other side, if the doctor would know what causes the health problem of his patient he would resolve it but he does not.

So how important is it to have the diagnosis made really?

Recently I spoke to my friend Robert who is a young chiropractor. He uses a sophisticated computer program to find the stagnation points of his patients which he relives through a simple muscle manipulation. He is doing well and many people come often for a new realignment.

He is happy and so are his patients, it is a great indefinite business. Why? Because the patient is never healed and the “healer” has guaranteed return business, permanent patients.

The root cause of the patient’s problem is never addressed.

Why does the body slip out of an alignment in the first place?

Doctor’s answer to this question will be a wrong movement.

So, is scoliosis (twisted spinal cord) caused by a wrong movement?

A doctor will answer that the problem is the wrong posture.

Diagnosis cartoons, Diagnosis cartoon, funny, Diagnosis picture, Diagnosis pictures, Diagnosis image, Diagnosis images, Diagnosis illustration, Diagnosis illustrations

Well is it really so?

The skeleton is held in its place by the muscles. When the muscles are properly hydrated they have the proper tension and they keep the bones in their correct position and the joints are tight and stable. It is not easy to take them out of the alignment no matter what movement you do and what posture you take while relaxing.

Once when the muscles become dehydrated, they lose their tension and their consistency. They become weak and brittle. The joints that they support become loose, noisy and unstable. This is when misalignment occurs which chiropractor puts back in their place. So if nothing is done to hydrate the muscles, they remain weak and misalignment will continue to occur. It is like putting a table leg in its place without tightening the screw. It is just a matter of time when that leg is going to fall off again.

As I have said, it is a great business.

When I told Robert that my wife had scoliosis and it repaired itself through the Self Healers Protocol’s hydration, he replied that this was impossible. “The spine cannot recover without being manipulated he said”.

This is obviously not so since many of my clients recovered from varieties of joint problems without being manipulated by a chiropractor.

This is not to say that I do not approve their work. I am simply saying that healing has to be a part of the reparation. So hydrate, change the diet and have your body aligned for faster and pain-free healing.

I have used joints as an example but we can take any health problem and I can show you the faulty medical science in action.

Let’s take diabetes as an example.

Diabetes signifies high levels of sugar in the blood.

So doctors will give you drugs that prevent sugar synthesis in the body but they will tell you to have pasta, bread, and rice daily so that you do not go into hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Cooked and processed carbohydrates are pure sugars so how can they be good for your consumption when your health is being destroyed by too much sugar in your blood.

We can use as an example myopia, osteoporosis, hypertension, headache, stomach ulcer, digestive problems, mental problems and we are always going to end up with the same result.

The medical approach is not addressing the culprit and it only manipulates the symptoms for a short period of time. Then the symptoms change as the toxicity increases and a new set of symptoms will have to be addressed all over again. Now our medical “experts” proclaim that a new disease has formed which has nothing to do with the previous disease that was cured since the symptoms of that disease ceased to manifest themselves.

Great business if you ask me. This is what makes the pharmaceutical industry the most profitable industry on this planet.

Diagnosis cartoons, Diagnosis cartoon, funny, Diagnosis picture, Diagnosis pictures, Diagnosis image, Diagnosis images, Diagnosis illustration, Diagnosis illustrations

For this charade to continue, the most important part is the diagnosis itself because the diagnosis will determine what set of treatments (poisons) will be used and it will scare the patient into a submission. After all, the doctor knows what he is talking about.

This is why new ways of easy diagnostics are being promoted.

The new one comes from Japan and it is a urine test for diagnosing cancer.


Diagnosing AIDS is of a great importance because the majority of people who contracted the AIDS virus would not ever know that they have it since it is very weak. Even the poorly functioning immune system of the sugar eating humans cannot be affected by it unless the people are malnourished or further poisoned by drugs, legal and the illegal one.

Once the AIDS virus is diagnosed, the doctors can use strong poisons to further undermine the immune response and make the patient dependent on those so-called AIDS cocktail medication.

All lies and deceits.

Often just a mentioning of some diseases sends patients over the wall with fear. This is another reason why knowing the diagnosis is counterproductive especially since the doctors know nothing about healing.

The diagnosis is being used as a tool and not in a positive way most of the time. This is why I do not care to know what the diagnosis was. I just have to be polite and ask so that the client feels better. They think that I will do a better job if I know what their problem is.

This is not true. It is often enough for me to see the client and I have the picture of what may be going on. The true situation will be revealed during the detoxification process since symptoms will be the tells.

What is important is the history, the customs, and the present environment.

As you are following my work you are very well informed of the toxic problem and the relation of the toxicity to the chronic health issues. There is no separation, there are no diseases.

It is all just the response of the body to the toxicity.

It is all just about the environment within and outside of your body.

So next time you are diagnosed with something do not panic.

Change the environment and allow your body to heal itself.

If you have a problem with it, give me a shout and I will help you.

Love and light to us all.


Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

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