Can we hydrate and cleanse without drinking plasma?

My friend Peter sent me this video of Stew Peters promoting ENERGIZED HEALTH with a skeptical undertone. “If only they knew about the SHP”

I have to elaborate on this and explain certain things a bit better because here and there I see comments about the SHP the drinking of salty water, and even the “strange” diet the protocol suggests as something ridiculous. After all, we cannot see this in nature which I often use as a mirror of comparison.

So, let’s start by looking into the ENERGIZED HEALTH protocol and explain why it is possible for people to feel so much better and heal and rejuvenate while according to the SHP, they are eating the wrong food and not hydrating with plasma.

For one, people on the protocol are encouraged to let go of their medications.

I have explained that medication is prescribed to suppress symptoms of what the soyence of madsin calls diseases. I also explain that what the madsin calls a symptom of a disease is, in the majority of cases, a symptom of blood’s toxicity and its cleansing. This means that what madsin calls disease is actually the natural healing process of the body we are programmed with. What doctors are trained to do is to suppress and stop the natural healing process that I refer to as an autopilot of healing we are all equipped with.

It is logical that when you stop medicating yourself, your body will resume the natural healing process and you will feel better while your blood picture will look like crap.

I have seen this in many clients. No healing was possible no matter how much plasma they were drinking and no matter how clean they were eating until they stopped medicating themselves.

Stopping medications is often not enough if we do not change our habits which one relates to our diet. Often, reducing our food intake by stopping picking on food between meals shows an improvement in our health. Further reduction of meals, and increasing the fasting period between the meals, has a big impact on the way we feel.

Starting to drink water and eating animal-based proteins and fats creates another improvement. We receive minerals through the meat we eat and if we drink some water, the body starts having enough plasma to filter the blood but not enough to release toxins from the tissue. There is no cleansing of the body going on, but the blood is kept reasonably clean so as not to show symptoms of toxic blood.

People restrict their hydration by eating plants and spices so, the hydration of the blood is slow and more water remains in the intestine allowing softer stool. It is not the availability of nondigestive cellulose fiber plants provide that softens the bowel, it is the poisoning effect of plants that forces the cells of the intestines to tighten up which reduces the water absorption and allows more water to remain in the intestine softening the stool.

The same toxic plants, through their aromatic phenols and other plant-based toxins, force cellular closure which prevents cellular hydration, but it also prevents cells from cleansing.

This means that cells will stop releasing their toxins into the blood making the blood less toxic.

The cellular toxins are way more potent than plant-based toxins we consume so as the blood becomes less toxic symptoms ease down and may disappear altogether.

Now, you may ask, “Why then do we have to suffer by following the SHP if we can get the same results doing things in a much more agreeable way like following the ENERGIZED HEALTH protocol?”

By doing things the way the ENERGIZED HEALTH teaches, you continue with the cellular dehydration and the acidic buildup in the body, but as long as you keep the blood less toxic, you will feel better as your body continues drowning in its toxicity. It is the same principle of veganism. Because the blood is kept cleaner, we feel good since no matter how toxic we are, this does not cause symptoms unless the body starts to detoxify itself.

Eventually, a point of the toxic saturation becomes so high that it interferes with cellular activity and the cleansing of the cells occurs as the body’s alarm sets off. This is when the body collapses from a variety of chronic issues that are difficult to control and are named an autoimmune disease.

Here is my video on this topic

I hope that I made the process understandable. Having a clean blood makes you feel great and healthy no matter how toxic the body is.

When the blood is toxic and the blood detox is triggered we have symptoms we call disease and the higher the blood toxicity the stronger symptoms we will experience even when our body is not toxic. This is why the symptoms of a disease can be triggered by things that affect us in the moment from something we ingest or are exposed to, or, they can be triggered by the release of accumulated toxins from within the body when the body is allowed to detoxify itself.

You do not have to be strict with the SHP if you no longer want to detoxify and are happy with the status quo. Just add vegetables and spices to your diet, and drink some water. Make sure you are not constipated and you will be doing fine.

At least you understand now your body and know what to do if “disease” shows up.

Knowledge is a precious gold that sets you free and no one can take away from you.

Love and light to us all

p.s. if you are in the position that you can offer financial support, please donate, and spread this knowledge to as many people as you know.

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

12 thoughts on “Can we hydrate and cleanse without drinking plasma?”

  1. Darko, I hope you can write an article about, what doctors call IBS. I have a friend who clearly suffer and try to convince him to follow your advice!

  2. unrelated but have you seen the new documentary featured on stew peters website called “old world order”. Darko, u agree that past civilizations were advanced with technology, like us. We live in a post-reset society with the purpose of enslavement via banking, education, etc and it’s all truly meaningless except we suffer cause they want us to. I recommend to watch the trailer and see if it is something that interests you my friend 🙂

    1. Also is ok to drink plasma if not doing the protocol? Is it helpful or only if doing the “complete” protocol?

  3. Darko, you have an abundance of white hair since your last video! I almost didn’t recognize you.

    Care to comment?

    Thank you

      1. Thank you for what you share Darko, I do what I can to share your material. What causes white / grey hair… And can it be reversed?

        My coloured hair is getting slightly darker and thicker, but I still have grey hairs on SHP (12 months now).

        I also see thin surface veins on my ankles starting to reduce / disappear.

        How long does eyesight take to improve on SHP?

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