Unless we switch the paradigm, we repeat the same mistakes

This article was inspired by the recently received email from a friend that states;

“Darko, Hi,

I think I have good reason to believe that the reverse osmosis system I had been using for plasma making for almost 6 months had caused me more damage than good…

Even though I had been doing SHP for almost a year now, even though I had made some good progress when I was using bottled water for the first 6 months,

 I have barely made any improvements in the last 6 months and my health had actually deteriorated which now seems to be getting fixed as I have switched my water source back to bottled water.

I would like to ask you

if you could tell me what my symptoms now even indicate,

what the odds are that I have caused long lasting/permanent damage,

to confirm whether I truly have been using badly structured and/or toxic water,

and how long it could take to fix these problems assuming that my diet is correct

based on my experience that I describe in the following.:

After beginning the use of my RO-system 6 months ago, my problems with pains in my groin area were not diminishing, even increasing a bit, but at some point, they just disappeared 2-3 months ago and instead, I developed chronic what seemed to be heart palpitations, or at least random pains in my left chest area and I was also getting more out of breath easily.

At first I thought that now I was detoxing something else but I don’t necessarily think that that is the case but actually, I think that I was dehydrating myself because these symptoms only started getting worse and worse up until last month, and the water from my RO-system was causing me more and more “immediate” nausea after drinking, despite having changed the filter elements twice during that time and also sterilized it with hydrogen peroxide per instructions.

I am almost 99% certain that the water was to blame now that I’m back at using bottled water after 6 months of RO-torture.

Because now I get random “exaggerations” of these symptoms but once I drink enough plasma to make them stop, I finally feel relieved and I actually have a pleasant itchy feeling in my left chest area. This is a feeling that I had only ever experienced when I was using bottled water last year before switching to RO.

Does the pleasant itchy feeling indicate healing?

Also my diarrhea is finally way more acidic which indicates to me that I am finally excreting more actual toxins rather than just plasma.

My energy and “will to work” is gradually increasing again.

My own theory is that when I was using the RO-water, my cells locked down every time I drank it and all that I was eliminating was the same plasma that I was drinking without much of eliination cellular toxicity. And now my cellular and blood toxicity is so high that even my groin lymph nodes are unable to hold it off and it is just free-flowing into my heart and kidneys. This is why I am not experiencing pain the groin but rather directly somewhere else (heart/blood?)

I would be very happy to read about your opinion on what is happening as I have mentioned above.

Thank you.”

Let just pay the attention to the obvious.

After starting to use RO water the groin pain had increased (hydration released more toxins from the tissue into the blood and symptoms increase).

Soon after the symptoms diminished and disappeared (the blood has cleansed and symptoms are gone). The hydration and the cellular detox are running perfectly.

As the cellular hydration and cleansing continue, every time the cells hydrate they expel cellular toxins. As those toxins enter the blood, the heart accelerates to speed up the blood cleansing process. We call this palpitation. Usually, this occurs during the night when the hydration and detox are stronger.

The increases in blood toxicity show symptoms such as nausea, pain, shortness of breath, blurred vision, foggy brain…

When the water you drink is acidic, so will the diarrhea because you do not absorb toxic water nearly well enough and most of it remains in the intestines.

Now, back on the bottled water, the detox stopped. The blood is toxic just enough to prevent cellular hydration by tightening cellular membranes. No toxins are released from cells into the blood so the blood is cleaner and the symptoms of a detox are gone. We feel better.

Now after evaluating the symptoms correctly, was it a good idea to switch back to bottled water?

You be the judge.

In this article I point how the indoctrinated false soyence interferes with our clear thinking and makes us do the wrong things.

I receive similar comments almost weekly.

Love and light to us all.

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

7 thoughts on “Unless we switch the paradigm, we repeat the same mistakes”

    1. The war is over. Those who did not see it, have missed the biggest thing in the Universe. The evil has capitulated. What we are shown is a scripted movie to wake up the sleepers.

  1. Clearly the type of water one consumes is of fundamental importance given the quantities required to hydrate on a cellular level. If bottled water is no good because of the plastic bottle leaching chemicals into the water creating further toxicity in the body. I’m wondering whether the tap water that drink which is filitered using the berkey light water filter system is any good. Darko whats your opinion of berkey filters?

    Would distilled water with 0% mineral content, remineralised with celtc salt be ok or is distilled water just a big No

    1. Only reverse osmosis and distilling can make water pure. By adding sea salt and structuring it with your thoughts you make a perfect plasma for your body to use.

  2. Distilled water, re-mineralised with celtic sea salt is 100% ok. I would advice you to buy a water distiller from Megahome. I bought 2 of them 4 years ago and they work perfectly. In these days you cannot trust the water suppliers anymore, so better take things in your own hands. This way you have pure water and you can put your own chosen amount of Celtic seasalt into it. I wish you good health!

    1. Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate your tip on the Megahome distiller. One definitely can’t trust the water companies. I am having to re evaluate everything as my health has deteriated as I have not been following the self healers protocol for a while and few days ago had Blood results showing my cancer markers are elevated to 131 whereas normal levels are under 35. I use Berkey filters which require replacements but I’m thinking maybe these filters are not good enough and should switch to a purer form of water and re minerals. I’d appreciate any input on berkey filters before discarding them. I’m going to try water fasting to get my GcMAF levels raised and Nagalase levels reduced to help reduced the cancer markers. Any suggestions will be most welcome

      1. This explains why drinking berky filtered water hasnt helped my recover when I followed the protocol. Time to bin the berkey and purchase a distiller.

        As a follow on to my early message, Darko messaged me on concefns regarding raised CA125 levels, which was much appreciated. I thought it might be beneficial to share the reply, so I have copied it below.

        “They are trying to scare you so that you develop cancer. 

        CA125 protein is present during inflammation so the increased levels are most likely related to endometriosis or some other inflammation in that area.

        This shows to me that you are not following the SHP, love. You are eating incorrectly.

        No matter what, do not have fear because the fear will get you.”

        As always, thank you Darko x

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