Consciousness, genes, and diseases

Most of the time doctors do not know why some disease has formed, they blame genes for it.

The soyence of madsin made a classification of diseases caused by genetic mutations or alterations. For example, sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis belong to the group called single-cell disorders.

Down syndrome and Turner syndrome belong to a group of chromosomal disorders,

Low energy-related diseases are placed into a mitochondrial genetic syndrome basket, and so on.

Doctors became experts in classification. They classify diseases, they classify viruses, they classify symptoms, without understanding any of it other than this is what they have been told

 According to the classification, they apply medicinal remedies to suppress the symptom/disease and although they know what they are suppressing, they do not know why the symptoms have occurred. This is the reason they cannot heal anybody.

This is like investigating car accidents and finding that they are the result of a car getting out of control. Further investigation shows that the rear wheel got blocked causing the car to lose control. The mechanic makes an “autopsy” that shows that the engine had seized causing the rear wheel to lock down.  Opening the engine shows that the bearing has cracked causing debris that jammed the cylinders. There was enough oil in the engine so why did the bearing burst? If it was not the lack of oil, what was it? And it is left here as cause unknown. This is what happens in the soyence of madsin. The ultimate culprit remains unknown, why? Are doctors that stupid?

Most yes but not all. The true cause has been discovered multiple times, but then it is purposefully hidden and forgotten so that the soyence of madsin and the suffering of people continues.

The true cause, the culprit to most diseases is one and it is the low level of plasma in the body, be it on the circulatory or the cellular level.

Low blood plasma prevents the blood cleansing process. Toxic blood prevents cellular hydration. Low levels of cellular plasma prevent cellular cleansing. This causes cellular acidity and a drop in cellular voltage. Organs made of dehydrated cells malfunction and present health issues/diseases.

As the blood toxicity increases and plasma levels drop, depending on the nature of toxins, the body is designed to adjust itself and through certain organs inform the rest of the cellular structure to modify themselves so that the body can survive and thrive. This triggers hormonal, enzyme, and structural changes. Since they differ from the standard setting, doctors pronounce them problematic and such bodies diseased.

Now, doctors are trained to readjust the hormones and enzymes and cut out the structural changes without knowing why did they occur or, are they really the cause of the way the patient feels.

Genes are always at the initiating point of every disease. Not knowing the truth, doctors invent things such as a cancer gene, or the cystic fibrosis gene.

Women are falsely told that they have the breast cancer gene and many opt for their breast removal because they are told that there is nothing that can be done about genes.

Genes shift with the environment. The environment becomes toxic, the gene is activated to signal the body how to deal with the situation. The appearance of cancer is a sign of the body’s resolving the situation.

Well, if you trust your doctor, cancer is a sign of the body’s demise. You are going to die unless we poison you first. This way we can at least get your money before you die. Sorry, they forgot to tell you the truth.

Once you hear you have cancer, you are toast. The fear quadruples and your mind robs you of energy accelerating your body’s demise.

Here we are again. The body, the mind, and the spirit/soul are being used to kill you instead of empowering you so that you heal.

Ultimately it is all about frequency. Correct your frequency and you will be healthy. The frequency will correct itself if the cellular voltage increases and the voltage will increase if you drop the fear. This is clear proof that doctors are intentionally misled to create diseases and not heal them.

Here is a great video in which Dr. Bruce Lipton explains how the mind controls everything

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

10 thoughts on “Consciousness, genes, and diseases”

  1. Genes shit with the environment.

    I think you mean “shift.” We all forgive typos, but this one is worth correcting. Feel free to delete this comment.

    And thank you for the post. I enjoy reading them and sharing them.

    1. Usually, I prepare the article a day before publishing it and re-read it. Yesterday I did not. I am dyslexic and often when reading what I wrote I see what I want to see not necessarily what I wrote.

      Thank you and others for alerting me to my mistakes. Love and light

  2. Well said Darko – It takes a big man to freely admit to the shortcomlngs of nature that we all of us have in some form or another ! …

    1. I can’t speak to the plasma part, but I do know that dyslexia can be fixed by a healing modality known as vision therapy. It’s basically like physical therapy for the eyes, a series of specific exercises to retrain the relevant muscles and nerves.

      1. Medicinal remedies have to be chosen if necessary and according to the symptoms. They will just suppress them so that the healing process is more comfortable.

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