Is salt consumption harming kidneys?

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No matter how many times I emphasize that sea salt does not harm kidneys, a comment expressing concern about the development of kidney stones if too much salt is consumed pops up.

The indoctrination has done such a good job of misleading people that no matter how well one explains things, the indoctrinated soyence ultimately wins the duel. After all, isn’t a stone a mineral?

If the stone is made of minerals, the more concentrated mineral solution the blood plasma becomes, obviously, the more chance there is for those minerals to form a stone. This is logical to the human mind.

Most of the popular soyence is based on such a simplified way of reasoning. The supplement industry is thriving on it. The body needs calcium, provide it through food or through supplementation, and you will be good, we are told.

The body needs vitamins, provide them through food or supplementation.

If there are some problems and a buildup of some minerals or chemicals occurs, take them out of your diet. Adjust the levels by measuring how much of what ingredient you consume. This way you will recalibrate your body, we are told.

This way of reasoning brings trouble. It is very easy to make the wrong calculation and decision. Wild animals must be geniuses. They can all calculate those things on the go.

Fortunately, things do not work in such a way.

When one experiences osteoporosis, the blood levels of calcium are high. Calcium becomes a big part of kidney stones, but people are told to supplement calcium to support their bone loss. The doctor will decide if the benefits of drugs outweigh the toxic effects.

If you leave it to your doctor to decide, you are toast since doctors have no clue what causes health issues and how to prevent them. Their guess is as good as yours except, they are paid to sell drugs so they will push them no matter what.

Through my articles and videos, I explain how things work and that nothing is as simple as the simple mind calculates or as complicated as your doctor will explain when trying to hide its incompetence or boost its ego.

Have in mind, that the body is a complex electronic robot designed to monitor itself. It regulates, cleanses, and reorganizes itself; as long as it has plenty of plasma, it will do a great job. This means, that whenever the body is exposed to some surplus, it will eliminate it.

The primary level of elimination goes through the kidneys. When we urinate, we are eliminating the surplus, and unwanted elements/toxins, but we are losing a lot of plasma. The lower the plasma levels the body has, the more concentrated will be the urine, and the longer it will remain in the kidneys and the bladder. The more time such toxic urine remains in the kidneys and the bladder, the more toxic those organs become which leads to their failure. Simply, when your urine is dark and smelly, you are dehydrated and toxic. This is what will cause chronic problems with your kidneys and bladder.

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Once you look at it in this way, you realize that providing more plasma (water with minerals) will actually cleanse your organs and they will be repaired by the natural autopilot of health every robot/body is equipped with.

Kidney stones are composed of crystalized uric acid and may contain more or lesser amounts of calcium. The uric acid will crystalize if there is a lot of it and the body cannot release it because it is low on, you’ve got it, plasma. When there is enough plasma in the blood, excessive amounts of uric acid will be released through urination and no kidney stones will form.

There are videos on YouTube explaining how too much salt in the blood will cause cellular dehydration. This is another example of a simple mind in action. Yes, when we eat very salty food and do not drink enough water, the elimination of the excessive amounts of salt from the blood will dehydrate us but on the blood level, because the body will lose a lot of plasma while eliminating the surplus of sodium chloride. As long as we consume salt with water (plasma) the body can calibrate blood’s salinity and no harm will be done.

The salinity of the blood is regulated at approximately 9 grams of salt per liter of blood. This salinity remains no matter how much salt you eat because this is necessary for the optimal electroconductivity of the body’s liquids (blood and lymph). We can drink seawater and hydrate with it because the excessive amounts of salt will be eliminated and the necessary amount of salt and water will remain in the body. We just have to understand that the body has to do the calibrating so we cannot drink seawater rapidly and in large amounts.

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The body will hydrate slower through the skin than through the mucus tissue so exposure of the skin to seawater will hydrate us slower, and the excessive salt will be eliminated through urine.

If you want to test this process, remain immersed in seawater for an hour and you will notice an increase in the frequency of urination as time goes by.

Whenever we analyze the reactions in the body, we cannot pick and chose what supports our theories and discard what does not. Dehydration creates tremendous problems in the body. Dehydrated blood vessels do not function correctly. Since kidneys filter blood through blood vessels, when the blood circulation is problematic, kidney problems start occurring.

The usage of toxic drugs undermines kidneys by making them overly toxic because those toxic drugs will be mostly filtered out by them.

Similar things occur when “natural” remedies/medicinal plants are being used. This is why we have to be careful when and how much medicinal treatments we undertake.

There is no doubt that SHP is the best and the healthiest way to improve our health on every level. Only the new, frequency-based healing tech will surpass it.

Ultimately, by learning how to use the consciousness we will manifest any state of health we want no matter our diet and plasma levels.

Step by step, we will learn more and become self-sufficient in every way.

Love and light to us all.

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

9 thoughts on “Is salt consumption harming kidneys?”

  1. Darko, I have heard that the skin is like a reverse osmosis filter and that the kidneys are like water distillers (apparently the inner workings have names similar to this) but I am not medically trained. And that the urine is an ultra filtrated form of blood plasma with excess things that the body has in it like stem cells too. Good knowledge if stranded on a boat or life raft. I’d hydrate by swimming and drink hydrated pee 😁

    When I have been doing SHP, during the salt flush my urine has not been ultra salty so this suggests potentially salt is at least not passed this way during the SHP salinity rebalance of the diarrhoea flush in SHP 🤔

    I’ve known about urine therapy for almost 2 decades and this is even more of a mind program belief system to break than high salt and carnivore diet!

    So glad to have discovered SHP and your teachings Darko. SHP is the med bed we are all waiting for, the other “med beds” I am not holding my breath for but if they arrive I will be open to them but am not fully convinced of Q and Trump being the saviours we expect them to be. All the best, John.

    1. John, we are now starting to be exposed to what was happening and things will become more and more obvious for everyone to see. Our savior is the awakening process, at the physical level, someone has to take the evil out. This has been happening on a big scale since 2016 and now we will see the culmination and the result since everything will be revealed for everyone to see. The rest of this year and the following year will be very turbulent. The awakened people will be celebrating and those waking up will be lost in fear.

      The destruction of the old system and the rebirth of a new one are happening now simultaneously.

      Have no fear. This had to be done this way.

      Love and light, brother.

  2. I’ve been following SHP for almost two years now. The first year I put 9g sea salt per litre and the second year 15g in the flushing plasma in the morning. I have had about 35-60g of sea salt diluted in water a day for two years. If the sea salt I’m using was bad, which symptoms would I notice? And if it was harming my kidneys eating this much sea salt – how would that manifest? I have had diarrhea every single day since I started.

    I don’t have any particular symptoms except from lacking energy/being tired every now and then (I think this is due to too little plasma, the earth raising its frequency and maybe what they spray the skies with).

    Hope the new world will begin soon❤️! I’m so tired of all the lies and all this manipulation…

    thank you for all the work you do! And thank you for educating us.

  3. Hey Darko,

    I have been making plasma by putting salt into water bottles (plastic but good water from aquifiers)

    Would it be better to purchase a water distiller or is that problematic too as it will contain plastics like the bottles, also how do you keep plasma in glass jars when most lids are metalic and the salt causes them to rust

    1. I would advice you to buy a water distiller from Megahome. I bought 2 of them 4 years ago and they work perfectly. In these days you cannot trust the water suppliers anymore, so better take things in your own hands. This way you have pure water and you can put your own chosen amount of Celtic seasalt into it. I wish you good health!

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