Today’s reality

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Through the disclosure, we are becoming aware of things so horrible that make us think that the evil on this planet is getting worse and worse.

This is not true. Evil has been the same since its creation, we are just getting to know it on a personal level. What you are not aware of, does not bother you. Once you become aware, you can no longer remain unaware and indifferent towards it.

This article is a reflection on an email sent to me by my friend that states;

“Hi Darko, the pharma companies know that there’s always a percentage of people that do not trust them. That’s why they own the supplement manufacturers. The same entity that controls the left also controls the right. Same with the financial systems. One way to maneuver people to embrace digital currencies is to demonize the current financial system. It will be good for a while, but ultimately, digital will be the end of freedom. And it doesn’t matter what is backing the new system – how easy was it for the dollar to swap from gold to oil, and now, it’s not even backed by oil as shown by the Saudis. Our perception is being manipulated.”

It is becoming clear to everyone who observes and allows their mind to think without being overwhelmed by emotions stirred by information from the past, that our planet is run by bad people we call the Cabal. They have caused all wars and have been financing both sides of the conflict. Their power come from an evil mind that has no remorse, no compassion and no love.

The Family :: The Rothschild Archive

It is easy for them to kill, cheat, and rob just to increase their wealth or just because they love to do such things. It was never a conflict caused by the ordinary people they call the useless eaters. It was never Germany against the British or the American people against the Vietnamese people. It was always a conflict sold to good people to wage war against another group of good people under false pretenses. The good people were made to kill each other as the evil ones collected the riches by plundering.

The same evil people have taken hold of the science and weaponized it against the people they were supposedly helping. Agents of death have been created disguised as healers, I call them 007 agents with the license to kill, but officially they are named doctors of medicine.

The same as with everything else the evil people create opposites so that they can steer a conflict. The opposite of allopathic madsin and doctors, is the alternative madsin with supplement pushers.

Toxic iodized and deliberately poisoned salt was given an equally toxic alternative in Himalayan salt. Toxic medication is replaced by toxic plants, and the soyence behind it remains false although some improvements are allowed to happen so that the useless eaters gain confidence in the alternative which has since become owned by the same evil Cabal.

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Through my articles and videos, I inform about this while disclosing the truth of the power our bodies possess to adjust, cleanse, and heal themselves.

I go much further. I am explaining what is the quantum field and the quantum reality we are emerging into. The pure essence of the existence is consciousness. Through consciousness we create. Part of the conscious creation is the robot/body we use to have a deeper experience of our creation. Once in the robot we call our bodies, we are stripped of the non-essential knowledge so that we can fully experience our creation. This allows the consciousness to gain much more information so that the future game/movie can be even more exciting and beautiful.

By not having sensors, consciousness does not have the full information and knowledge of its creation until it experiences it through the robot equipped with various sensors. This is our purpose. We are the brave ones, the pilots of experimental vehicles. We gain the information and part of our experiences could be very unpleasant. There is no right or wrong. We pilot our robots the best we can and errors are made. We learn from them and continue pushing on.

What we call the conscious mind is actually an unconscious state that runs on installed programs which we upgrade with every experience as we learn a bit more about the game we are participating in. We are unconscious of who we are other than what we see, feel, an experience as robots.

The true essence resides inside the robot we refer to as a subconscious mind or spirit. The soul is the spirit with the purpose intended to guide and assist us.

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We become evil when we ignore our souls and only serve the ego’s wishes. We become corrupted, heartless, egoistic, self-centered, and cruel.

In such a state, we do not want to reach for the consciousness we chose to neglect and wage war against, so we have created the opposite of it and named it the Lucifer and Devil.

For many years evil has tried to manifest its version of the creator as a living being. They gave it a body and named it Baphomet, as above, so below.

Their manifestation of Baphomet was unsuccessful because to create one has to use consciousness from which they have separated themselves. Since Baphomet cannot be manifested, it can only enter the consciousness of those who were made conscious of it and accept it. If the evil tries to trick you by sending you the image of Baphomet, all you need is to call on the creator/God and the image of Baphomet will splinter.

Diseases we experience are related to our emotional state and as soon as we connect to the creative consciousness the diseases will vanish. That is proven by those who have briefly experienced death and have connected to their true selves.

Since we are becoming aware of the truth, we are caught in the haze of our experiences and we anticipate the future based on it. Knowing how money was used to enslave us and being aware of how it was done, we believe that the same will happen in the future. We cannot imagine life without money. How will we obtain things we want to have without the money?

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Because of this, in the beginning, we will have money available but in such a quantity that we will no longer worry about hoarding it. Our lives will change beyond recognition. There will be machines capable of manifesting whatever we want to have and quickly we will become aware of the nonsense of the money.

We are creators. We love to create. Some of us create music, some create vehicles, some create food recipes, some create science… and once created, they can all be replicated so that everyone interested can experience what others have created. There will be no need for money since we will all live in harmony supporting each other.

The frequency is rising, we are changing, and as soon as we morph into our crystalline bodies, we will experience the golden age of existence. A brand new game based on cooperation and love.

To prevent the interference of evil, the evil is being dismantled and destroyed. All forms of enslavement will be taken down. No more licenses that empower few, no more permits that depower others, no more titles that give special privileges to few over others.

We are all equal but with a different focus to participate in the new dream we have named the golden age of existence.

Stop projecting your fears. Stop turning the wheel of karma. We are stepping out of darkness into the new bright world.


Love and light to us all

Can we hydrate and cleanse without drinking plasma?

My friend Peter sent me this video of Stew Peters promoting ENERGIZED HEALTH with a skeptical undertone. “If only they knew about the SHP”

I have to elaborate on this and explain certain things a bit better because here and there I see comments about the SHP the drinking of salty water, and even the “strange” diet the protocol suggests as something ridiculous. After all, we cannot see this in nature which I often use as a mirror of comparison.

So, let’s start by looking into the ENERGIZED HEALTH protocol and explain why it is possible for people to feel so much better and heal and rejuvenate while according to the SHP, they are eating the wrong food and not hydrating with plasma.

For one, people on the protocol are encouraged to let go of their medications.

I have explained that medication is prescribed to suppress symptoms of what the soyence of madsin calls diseases. I also explain that what the madsin calls a symptom of a disease is, in the majority of cases, a symptom of blood’s toxicity and its cleansing. This means that what madsin calls disease is actually the natural healing process of the body we are programmed with. What doctors are trained to do is to suppress and stop the natural healing process that I refer to as an autopilot of healing we are all equipped with.

It is logical that when you stop medicating yourself, your body will resume the natural healing process and you will feel better while your blood picture will look like crap.

I have seen this in many clients. No healing was possible no matter how much plasma they were drinking and no matter how clean they were eating until they stopped medicating themselves.

Stopping medications is often not enough if we do not change our habits which one relates to our diet. Often, reducing our food intake by stopping picking on food between meals shows an improvement in our health. Further reduction of meals, and increasing the fasting period between the meals, has a big impact on the way we feel.

Starting to drink water and eating animal-based proteins and fats creates another improvement. We receive minerals through the meat we eat and if we drink some water, the body starts having enough plasma to filter the blood but not enough to release toxins from the tissue. There is no cleansing of the body going on, but the blood is kept reasonably clean so as not to show symptoms of toxic blood.

People restrict their hydration by eating plants and spices so, the hydration of the blood is slow and more water remains in the intestine allowing softer stool. It is not the availability of nondigestive cellulose fiber plants provide that softens the bowel, it is the poisoning effect of plants that forces the cells of the intestines to tighten up which reduces the water absorption and allows more water to remain in the intestine softening the stool.

The same toxic plants, through their aromatic phenols and other plant-based toxins, force cellular closure which prevents cellular hydration, but it also prevents cells from cleansing.

This means that cells will stop releasing their toxins into the blood making the blood less toxic.

The cellular toxins are way more potent than plant-based toxins we consume so as the blood becomes less toxic symptoms ease down and may disappear altogether.

Now, you may ask, “Why then do we have to suffer by following the SHP if we can get the same results doing things in a much more agreeable way like following the ENERGIZED HEALTH protocol?”

By doing things the way the ENERGIZED HEALTH teaches, you continue with the cellular dehydration and the acidic buildup in the body, but as long as you keep the blood less toxic, you will feel better as your body continues drowning in its toxicity. It is the same principle of veganism. Because the blood is kept cleaner, we feel good since no matter how toxic we are, this does not cause symptoms unless the body starts to detoxify itself.

Eventually, a point of the toxic saturation becomes so high that it interferes with cellular activity and the cleansing of the cells occurs as the body’s alarm sets off. This is when the body collapses from a variety of chronic issues that are difficult to control and are named an autoimmune disease.

Here is my video on this topic

I hope that I made the process understandable. Having a clean blood makes you feel great and healthy no matter how toxic the body is.

When the blood is toxic and the blood detox is triggered we have symptoms we call disease and the higher the blood toxicity the stronger symptoms we will experience even when our body is not toxic. This is why the symptoms of a disease can be triggered by things that affect us in the moment from something we ingest or are exposed to, or, they can be triggered by the release of accumulated toxins from within the body when the body is allowed to detoxify itself.

You do not have to be strict with the SHP if you no longer want to detoxify and are happy with the status quo. Just add vegetables and spices to your diet, and drink some water. Make sure you are not constipated and you will be doing fine.

At least you understand now your body and know what to do if “disease” shows up.

Knowledge is a precious gold that sets you free and no one can take away from you.

Love and light to us all

p.s. if you are in the position that you can offer financial support, please donate, and spread this knowledge to as many people as you know.

Consciousness, genes, and diseases

Most of the time doctors do not know why some disease has formed, they blame genes for it.

The soyence of madsin made a classification of diseases caused by genetic mutations or alterations. For example, sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis belong to the group called single-cell disorders.

Down syndrome and Turner syndrome belong to a group of chromosomal disorders,

Low energy-related diseases are placed into a mitochondrial genetic syndrome basket, and so on.

Doctors became experts in classification. They classify diseases, they classify viruses, they classify symptoms, without understanding any of it other than this is what they have been told

 According to the classification, they apply medicinal remedies to suppress the symptom/disease and although they know what they are suppressing, they do not know why the symptoms have occurred. This is the reason they cannot heal anybody.

This is like investigating car accidents and finding that they are the result of a car getting out of control. Further investigation shows that the rear wheel got blocked causing the car to lose control. The mechanic makes an “autopsy” that shows that the engine had seized causing the rear wheel to lock down.  Opening the engine shows that the bearing has cracked causing debris that jammed the cylinders. There was enough oil in the engine so why did the bearing burst? If it was not the lack of oil, what was it? And it is left here as cause unknown. This is what happens in the soyence of madsin. The ultimate culprit remains unknown, why? Are doctors that stupid?

Most yes but not all. The true cause has been discovered multiple times, but then it is purposefully hidden and forgotten so that the soyence of madsin and the suffering of people continues.

The true cause, the culprit to most diseases is one and it is the low level of plasma in the body, be it on the circulatory or the cellular level.

Low blood plasma prevents the blood cleansing process. Toxic blood prevents cellular hydration. Low levels of cellular plasma prevent cellular cleansing. This causes cellular acidity and a drop in cellular voltage. Organs made of dehydrated cells malfunction and present health issues/diseases.

As the blood toxicity increases and plasma levels drop, depending on the nature of toxins, the body is designed to adjust itself and through certain organs inform the rest of the cellular structure to modify themselves so that the body can survive and thrive. This triggers hormonal, enzyme, and structural changes. Since they differ from the standard setting, doctors pronounce them problematic and such bodies diseased.

Now, doctors are trained to readjust the hormones and enzymes and cut out the structural changes without knowing why did they occur or, are they really the cause of the way the patient feels.

Genes are always at the initiating point of every disease. Not knowing the truth, doctors invent things such as a cancer gene, or the cystic fibrosis gene.

Women are falsely told that they have the breast cancer gene and many opt for their breast removal because they are told that there is nothing that can be done about genes.

Genes shift with the environment. The environment becomes toxic, the gene is activated to signal the body how to deal with the situation. The appearance of cancer is a sign of the body’s resolving the situation.

Well, if you trust your doctor, cancer is a sign of the body’s demise. You are going to die unless we poison you first. This way we can at least get your money before you die. Sorry, they forgot to tell you the truth.

Once you hear you have cancer, you are toast. The fear quadruples and your mind robs you of energy accelerating your body’s demise.

Here we are again. The body, the mind, and the spirit/soul are being used to kill you instead of empowering you so that you heal.

Ultimately it is all about frequency. Correct your frequency and you will be healthy. The frequency will correct itself if the cellular voltage increases and the voltage will increase if you drop the fear. This is clear proof that doctors are intentionally misled to create diseases and not heal them.

Here is a great video in which Dr. Bruce Lipton explains how the mind controls everything

Love and light to us all

Is salt consumption harming kidneys?

15 Craziest Far Side Comics About Aliens

No matter how many times I emphasize that sea salt does not harm kidneys, a comment expressing concern about the development of kidney stones if too much salt is consumed pops up.

The indoctrination has done such a good job of misleading people that no matter how well one explains things, the indoctrinated soyence ultimately wins the duel. After all, isn’t a stone a mineral?

If the stone is made of minerals, the more concentrated mineral solution the blood plasma becomes, obviously, the more chance there is for those minerals to form a stone. This is logical to the human mind.

Most of the popular soyence is based on such a simplified way of reasoning. The supplement industry is thriving on it. The body needs calcium, provide it through food or through supplementation, and you will be good, we are told.

The body needs vitamins, provide them through food or supplementation.

If there are some problems and a buildup of some minerals or chemicals occurs, take them out of your diet. Adjust the levels by measuring how much of what ingredient you consume. This way you will recalibrate your body, we are told.

This way of reasoning brings trouble. It is very easy to make the wrong calculation and decision. Wild animals must be geniuses. They can all calculate those things on the go.

Fortunately, things do not work in such a way.

When one experiences osteoporosis, the blood levels of calcium are high. Calcium becomes a big part of kidney stones, but people are told to supplement calcium to support their bone loss. The doctor will decide if the benefits of drugs outweigh the toxic effects.

If you leave it to your doctor to decide, you are toast since doctors have no clue what causes health issues and how to prevent them. Their guess is as good as yours except, they are paid to sell drugs so they will push them no matter what.

Through my articles and videos, I explain how things work and that nothing is as simple as the simple mind calculates or as complicated as your doctor will explain when trying to hide its incompetence or boost its ego.

Have in mind, that the body is a complex electronic robot designed to monitor itself. It regulates, cleanses, and reorganizes itself; as long as it has plenty of plasma, it will do a great job. This means, that whenever the body is exposed to some surplus, it will eliminate it.

The primary level of elimination goes through the kidneys. When we urinate, we are eliminating the surplus, and unwanted elements/toxins, but we are losing a lot of plasma. The lower the plasma levels the body has, the more concentrated will be the urine, and the longer it will remain in the kidneys and the bladder. The more time such toxic urine remains in the kidneys and the bladder, the more toxic those organs become which leads to their failure. Simply, when your urine is dark and smelly, you are dehydrated and toxic. This is what will cause chronic problems with your kidneys and bladder.

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Once you look at it in this way, you realize that providing more plasma (water with minerals) will actually cleanse your organs and they will be repaired by the natural autopilot of health every robot/body is equipped with.

Kidney stones are composed of crystalized uric acid and may contain more or lesser amounts of calcium. The uric acid will crystalize if there is a lot of it and the body cannot release it because it is low on, you’ve got it, plasma. When there is enough plasma in the blood, excessive amounts of uric acid will be released through urination and no kidney stones will form.

There are videos on YouTube explaining how too much salt in the blood will cause cellular dehydration. This is another example of a simple mind in action. Yes, when we eat very salty food and do not drink enough water, the elimination of the excessive amounts of salt from the blood will dehydrate us but on the blood level, because the body will lose a lot of plasma while eliminating the surplus of sodium chloride. As long as we consume salt with water (plasma) the body can calibrate blood’s salinity and no harm will be done.

The salinity of the blood is regulated at approximately 9 grams of salt per liter of blood. This salinity remains no matter how much salt you eat because this is necessary for the optimal electroconductivity of the body’s liquids (blood and lymph). We can drink seawater and hydrate with it because the excessive amounts of salt will be eliminated and the necessary amount of salt and water will remain in the body. We just have to understand that the body has to do the calibrating so we cannot drink seawater rapidly and in large amounts.

Teenager lost at sea drifted for 49 ...

The body will hydrate slower through the skin than through the mucus tissue so exposure of the skin to seawater will hydrate us slower, and the excessive salt will be eliminated through urine.

If you want to test this process, remain immersed in seawater for an hour and you will notice an increase in the frequency of urination as time goes by.

Whenever we analyze the reactions in the body, we cannot pick and chose what supports our theories and discard what does not. Dehydration creates tremendous problems in the body. Dehydrated blood vessels do not function correctly. Since kidneys filter blood through blood vessels, when the blood circulation is problematic, kidney problems start occurring.

The usage of toxic drugs undermines kidneys by making them overly toxic because those toxic drugs will be mostly filtered out by them.

Similar things occur when “natural” remedies/medicinal plants are being used. This is why we have to be careful when and how much medicinal treatments we undertake.

There is no doubt that SHP is the best and the healthiest way to improve our health on every level. Only the new, frequency-based healing tech will surpass it.

Ultimately, by learning how to use the consciousness we will manifest any state of health we want no matter our diet and plasma levels.

Step by step, we will learn more and become self-sufficient in every way.

Love and light to us all.

Commonly asked questions about diet

Very often I am asked about my opinion of other’s peoples dietary recommendations. The most common are related to the Carnivore diet of Aajonus and Atkin’s diet, but lately, some people are asking my opinion of the Ray Peat diet as well.

I used to explain how vegetable diets are unhealthy, and no matter how well I explained the digestive process and the misunderstanding of symptoms, the same questions kept popping up like a Yoyos.

When I ask a question, I want to know the answer because there is something I do not comprehend well so I want clarification. This means that I know the subject but find something in it confusing.

If you ask my opinion on the Aajonus diet, well we both promote a raw animal diet. Since the diet I propose is part of the reprogramming, hydrating, cleansing, and healing protocol I call the Self Healers Protocol (SHP), on top of the diet, I explain the necessity of hydration and how to trigger the body into a cleansing mode by saturating the blood with mineral surplus it has to eliminate which triggers the detox process.

This is why when on the SHP, one has to drink the appropriate amount of plasma daily.

Since phytotoxins interfere with the hydration process, no plants can be consumed during the protocol.

To bring excessive amounts of minerals into the body the SHP asks for sea salt.

This means that people on SHP will have to drink a lot of salty water and avoid consuming vegetables especially those with medicinal properties like garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric…

Although Aajonus promotes the same raw animal diet, he is against drinking water because we receive enough of it through our food. He also promotes eating garlic and other medicinal plants he finds important and beneficial.

My question is, “What do you find confusing that requires additional explanation?”.

The diet of SHP has similarities only in the choice of food that provides energy and differs in every other way. There should not be any confusion there.

It gets even worse when Ray Peat’s diet is concerned.

Ray Peat promotes carbohydrates claiming that glucose is absolutely necessary to provide us with energy.

Where do you find any confusion between the diet of the SHP and Ray Peat’s diet?

If you want to be healthy and in a ketogenic state do not consider Ray Peat’s diet. There are absolutely no similarities so there cannot be confusion other than you accepting one theory or the other. Do not waste my time by asking me stupid questions. You are not asking me should I buy a Ferrari or Mercedes, you are asking me if I should buy a Ferrari or a Ferry. You decide there is no comparison, one has nothing to do with the other. They can both be used for transport and this is where the comparison ends.

Here is my video on this topic

I love to accommodate and help people but be considerate and do a bit of research. Do not ask other people to do everything for you.

This is why I write two articles weekly and make videos. Use the information and contact me if something is confusing and you want it to be clarified. I will gladly help, but asking my opinion on coffee, cacao, carbohydrates, and others stuff that many diets promote is nonsensical since I explain their toxicity and health issues they create.

Simply write the key word of your interest in the search window on this site and the articles on that topic will surface. Read about it and then if there is something you want to clarify, ask and I will gladly comply.

Various diets are promoted, and all kinds of cleansing protocols available. They are all based on biochemistry. A soyence of oxidants and antioxidants. A soyence of good and bad bacteria often contradict each other. A soyence of vitamins and supplements, hormones, and boosters. A soyence that teaches you to measure your food. Take exactly what your body needs. All you have to do is buy approximately 50 of their products and supplement the missing ingredients with another 20. Before you know it, you spent all your money, you own nothing and you are (un) happy. Projects of Cabal never work well. Klaus Schwab was lying to you.

I have been fighting for freedom my whole life and way longer. I was just told that for most of my incarnations, I was a warrior for freedom, including when I was  Wiking.

There is no surprise then that the healing protocol I was guided to reveal gives you the ultimate freedom. You do not have to buy anything. You do not depend on anybody. Catch your food, eat it raw, no fire necessary. Drink water from a river or lake and if you feel unwell, drink seawater as medicine.

If you are far from the Sea with no sea salt and unwell, drink some of your urine as medicine.

 Is there anything simpler than this? Isn’t this the ultimate freedom?

The focus of my work is to reprogram the brain so that we can realize the truth and free ourselves on a physical and psychological level of our existence—freedom for the body and mind.


Love and light to us al