Start your reprogramming process

Many of my longtime readers have already reprogrammed their brains to a new way of thinking, and to those who are just now becoming exposed to the truth, this article will help them realize the truth faster.

Through the indoctrination/education system, we have been programmed to see the world in a certain way. We bow to nobility, teachers, professors, politicians, and laws, no matter how ridiculous they may be. We are trained to respect them and trust what they say. What they say becomes a law be it a science, customs, or politics.

They actually want to be called the honorable. It is the honorable judge, the honorable senator, the honorable professor… How much honor is there behind their titles?

Since every aspect of our lives has been controlled by the Cabal who wants full control over humanity and to depopulate about 80% of what they call Goyam or useless eaters, it is easier now to see all of the ways we have been manipulated and enslaved.

The most hideous fraud is not the fiat currency that they have controlled, it is the field of medicine they had enslaved. To go ahead with their plans for global depopulation, medical science was twisted and made complicated to mislead doctors and make them into disease enablers instead of making them into healers.

Other than dealing with emergency situations, doctors are totally misinformed about what diseases are, what causes them, and how to heal people.

While dissecting various diseases, I point to the fact that just about every chronic disease has an unknown cause. How can doctors heal something they do not understand or, how can they prevent a chronic disease from occurring if they do not understand what the culprit is? Well, this is why chronic diseases are not healed, they are cured/preserved and their symptoms are suppressed through constant medication. At one point the medicaments can no longer suppress the symptoms and such diseases are then renamed into an autoimmune or a genetic disease.

It took doctors to see their patients dying after being jabbed to realize that those jabs are poisonous, yet, they still claim that the children’s vaccines are beneficial and necessary to protect the children from dangerous diseases.

As some people started waking up, they realize that the child they had that died in the crib from so-called crib sudden death syndrome, was vaccinated before they died. Now they see grown-up people dying suddenly after they have been jabbed with the COVID jab. They are starting to think and connect the dots. The realization is hard to take because they have willingly had their children jabbed, trusting their doctors and their soyence. The emotions start taking over and the way they start seeing their doctors is changing.

I can only imagine what will happen when the majority of people realize the truth. What is going to happen to the doctors and nurses who have encouraged them to have this done to their children, brothers, sisters…

How will doctors react when they realize that the soyence they use made them into 007 agents with the license to kill?

The dark days for humanity are in front of us. The awakening process will be full of anguish and pain. I call doctors and health professionals names because I am trying to wake them up. Once they wake up to the reality and realize the consequences of what they have been doing, I will stop and pray for them because everyone has to make peace with himself/herself and they have a large load to bare.

Through soyence, doctors refer to symptoms of toxic blood and its detox as a symptom of a disease that has to be suppressed to prevent a disease from developing. Their soyence says so. By doing so they are interfering with the body’s mechanism of cleansing and self-healing. By repeating this process their patients become chronically toxic and symptoms of chronic health problems appear. Those symptoms are given bogus names and diseases are born.

By following soyence, doctors do not realize the problems they are creating and pride themselves on saying how they are extending human lives. A bogus statement by misled professionals of human depopulation called the Doctors in the Science of Medicine.

This is coming to light through the exposure of the WHO (World Hell Organization).

WHO wants the ultimate say on how to deal with diseases in every country and wants their decisions backed by the UN military force to enforce them.

Through the “Honorable” politicians’ crazy laws are implemented and enforced to close down entire countries. They created the fake COVID flu as a reason why such power is necessary. People have been vaccinated against a nonexistent virus with depopulation jabs and as people are dying, new plandemics are promoted as an excuse to jab more people and close the entire Planet down.

Photo young woman being vaccinated

The Honorable Judges are manufacturing charges against an innocent man to prevent him from becoming a US President, and the same Honorable Judges are letting Biden, Clinton, and Obama free knowing the crimes they have committed.

The ATF goons are entering a private residence at night and killing a legal gun owner while the illegal invaders can openly purchase weapons, no questions asked.

What else do I have to add here so that an average Goyam wakes up?

Oh, yes, you cannot enter a bank with a cap or a hat on because it obstructs the view of your face, but you can be masked because you are protecting yourself from a virus!

Stupid laws for stupid people to obey. People are being treated as sheep because that’s what they are.

Do you realize that things are becoming more and more stupid. Did you ask yourself why?

Here is the answer. The average useless eaters are not waking up no matter what they are shown and no matter how ridiculous it is. They are protesting causes they do not understand.

They still call Israel their friend and allay no matter how many times Israel creates false-flag operations and with the intent has killed US people. The 9/11 event is just one of them.

When will normies realize the truth, when they are dead?

What is happening now has nothing to do with Palestine. It is all about exposing Israel but even this is too much for normies to comprehend.

And to normies that are attacking my way of thinking, I do not follow anybody but my sense of reasoning. I observe and think. I have learned a lot while investigating the Rockefeller soyence of madsin. I broke out of the boxes that enslave us and I am not hiding behind false righteousness.

As long as we believe those scripted movies they present through the media, we are feeding the fire they want to ignite.

Please wake up, it is the time to do so.

Love and light to us all.

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

6 thoughts on “Start your reprogramming process”

    1. The best you can do, although much damage has already been done: Start using the Self Healers Protocol strictly, drink a lot of plasma (water+celtic seasalt) and eat a lot of coconut oil. Besides this, ask Darko to guide you. Good luck!

    2. Be aware that when the bodies cells start to “switch back on” the symptoms of pain and aches can be intense.

      A fellow SHPer who had Parkinson’s had massive pain spells of hours as his body started to heal with SHP. Many will reach for medicine or be in fear duty this.

      It is best to consult with Darko for those with quite serious health concerns. Being strict and flowing enough plasma to stimulate diarrhoea will be key and activating the cellular osmosis pump and maintaining hydration. Also less informed loved ones and friends may be creating peer pressure to go back to “the system” of medicating/poisoning the body. Know this works and the road may be less travelled.

      Good luck with your healing journey.

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