SHP for the elderly and the very toxic

To those familiar with my work, it is obvious that toxicity is the reason for our health problems and plasma is the solution. This is why the SHP is focused on hydration, detoxification, and diet change so that the poisoning stops.

This is simple to do when following the SHP but becomes increasingly difficult the more toxic the body is because the symptoms of toxic blood and its detox become increasingly difficult to handle.

One of the difficult symptoms to handle is the pain, but right next to it is water retention which is caused by the accumulation of toxins in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The more plasma we drink, the more lymph goes into the subcutaneous tissue and into the skin dissolving those stored toxins and becoming too toxic to be allowed back into the blood circulation.

Most people with such toxicity also experience skin problems so as the hydration of the blood occurs, the skin problems explode causing rashes, itchiness, and lesions.

The older we are, the more toxic we become and the more difficulties we encounter during the hydration and detoxification processes.

When the younger people experience the marvels of SHP and heal, it is natural that they want to help their parents and recommend them to do the same.

Here is when their parents may run into problems no one has anticipated. After all, the flu is nothing else than a toxic body triggered into a cleansing, and often the elderly and chronically sick people die from it as the suddenly increased toxicity of their blood caused by the toxic release from the subcutaneous tissue mixed with some cellular toxins their cells had released as a result of a sudden change in their environment. Wow, this is a long sentence.

I was guiding many toxic elderlies through this process with more or less success in controlling their pain and water retention. I am still figuring out what would be the best way to do this because our body has a set mechanism of how to respond which doctors were told to suppress. Once we allow the body to do its thing, the toxicity of the body is beyond anything that would ever occur if we had listened to our body or been guided by shamanic healers.

The worst thing we can do is to medicate ourselves unless the medication is just a brief necessary suppressant to ease the symptoms after which healing is supported. Unfortunately, we are not told the truth and doctors have no clue about healing whatsoever.

To cleanse, we need to provide plasma (diluted seawater, or water with sea salt). As the blood plasma starts to rise, toxic elements from the tissues are washed into the blood making it more toxic.

The brain runs the programs and decides, what is more important in the given situation, eliminating toxins or increasing the blood’s plasma levels, and acts accordingly.

The body accumulates all kinds of toxins (out-of-sync frequencies). Some are more toxic than others, and some concentrations of toxins may cause more problems. This is why sometimes we can drink one glass of plasma and experience diarrhea because the body finds the opportunity to expel a very toxic load from the blood. Then the following day we may drink 3 liters of plasma and we go into constipation because the brain calculated that the remaining toxins are not as problematic as the low blood plasma levels. So, it continues hydrating the blood by sucking every available drop of plasma/water from the intestines. This causes dehydrated/hard excrement and constipation.

This causes problems because how can we control the body to eliminate toxins and prevent water retention if the tissue is toxic without oversaturating the blood with toxins, or limiting the water retention and speeding up the detox of the blood without creating water retention?

We can force the cleansing process when the body is in hydration mode by suddenly poisoning the blood with a diuretic. Once it is in the cleansing/eliminating mode, the body will be cleansing even the lymphatic tissue and the swelling/water retention will go down. This is one example where medicinal/toxic remedies are very helpful.

If the elderly individual is in no discomfort but wants to hydrate and cleanse, a better way is to change the diet first. This way they will stop poisoning themselves and the slow detox that is occurring on a daily basis (urination and defecation) will slowly start lowering the toxic load.

Then introduce sea salt to the food and drink water during and immediately after the meal to allow plasma to increase in the blood, and then several days later, start introducing plasma to increase the speed of blood hydration but with a low level of salt in it, about 6 grams per liter of water.

As plasma levels increase, the blood will slowly become more toxic by the toxins released from the tissue and more plasma will be required for blood cleansing. We have to supply the necessary plasma by monitoring the stool. If the stool becomes hard, more plasma is needed.

Once everything is running smoothly and no symptoms occur, we can start increasing the salt concentration in the plasma to speed up the cleansing process.

The fastest possible cleansing is achieved when diarrhea is triggered and sustained. In most cases, 10 g of sea salt per liter of water is enough, and approximately 5 liters of water daily will do the job.

If hard stool appears even when 5 liters of plasma is consumed, an increase in plasma is necessary until the diarrhea is achieved.

If we have diarrhea after drinking 5 liters of plasma and then suddenly, encounter hard pieces of stool with diarrhea still going, we are very toxic, and more plasma is necessary. This means that during the protocol while we are cleansing, we will either have constipation or diarrhea as long as the blood is very toxic.

Some people have to drink 8 or more liters of plasma while cleansing or they will be constipated. This shows how toxic they are and how fast they are cleansing.

When we do not provide a sufficient amount of plasma and become constipated or end up having hard stool, symptoms of toxic blood will intensify the longer those toxins remain in the blood.

This is why whenever some symptom increases, drink more plasma and flush those toxins that are responsible for this symptom out from the blood as fast as you can.

It is important to understand this process so that we do not fear drinking plasma, and we do not blame the salt for the increase in symptoms.

Controlling the fear is very important because fear draws our energy making us susceptible to the frequency shift, we call disease.

The fear by itself can worsen our symptoms and stay in the way of healing no matter what we do.

Fear can kill you.

Read my articles, and learn the truth about your body.

 Have faith and heal yourself.

I hope that this information will be helpful, especially to those who do not want to seek guidance.

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

15 thoughts on “SHP for the elderly and the very toxic”

  1. Thanks Darko. I noticed if i start to have headache and i try to deal with it by drinking more plazma – more plazma i drink – more headache i have. Doing like that i need paintkiller becouse pain is insane. So now i tried to not drink too much plazma when headache arrived. And it helped. I still dont understand this process fully. More plazma we drink, more toxins go to blood. And blood is very toxic, but why cells dont close when blood is that toxic and continiue pushing it to blood? And if we eat something toxic, cells will close fast, even if blood was less toxic than while headache.

    1. Michal this means that your meninges are still inflamed and a slight increase in BP will cause pain. As you hydrate better and cleanse your meninges, this will change, brother.

      1. i see brother, so continiue drinking if headache occur? probably i need paintkiller then. how much time does it take to detox 1-2 tabs of ibuprofen?

  2. Hi Darko, How do a person live to 114 years old eating everything, that was her advice for longevity, should not all her cells be dead from lack of nutrients that are closed to her toxic blood ? thks

    1. The average lifespan of Dalmatian people used to be 90-110 years. This was before pesticides and artificial fertilizers. The body is very resilient and adaptable. It takes a huge amount of toxins to bring it down. Still, this is a far cry from our genetic potential of 600-900 years that we are programmed to live.

    1. It takes the cell about 10 minutes to stop absorbing so when a toxin appears, some of it enters the cell. Also, cells create acids they have to eliminate. When they are dehydrated or closed, they cannot cleanse and become acidic.

  3. I commented on a previous article – on this very same issue.
    MUCH appreciated Uncle Darko, my mother’s legs were very swollen after her hip replacement.
    After your comments I ask her to take a little bit less salt in her daily dose of water. Finally the swelling of her legs came down the best in almost a year after the operation – almost back to normal.
    She is continuing with her plasma drinking.

  4. Sir you are recommending a carnivore diet but you cannot get vitamin c from a carnivore diet so you can develop scurvy like this sir.

    1. Sarah read more of my articles and learn. We produce vitamin C and we receive it when we eat animal products. Animal-based vitamin C is 100% absorbable and we only absorb less than 10% of plant-based vitamin C because we actually have to adapt it.

  5. Darko, I have another question – I am eating only raw meat, and I only have bowel movements about once a week as there is no fiber in meat and fat. How could I get diarrhea daily then with the protocol? Thank you!

    1. Tanja, you have to have stool daily. Not having the stool is a sign of dehydration. The surplus of plasma the body uses to flush the digestive tract no matter how much stuff is there, it has to be removed, love.

      1. Ok I understand – I have a couple more questions, I’m gonna scedule a consultation – I will send you my Skype information through the online formular. Looking forward to it! 🙂

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