Is the truth being disclosed?

Since we have been lied to on every level of our existence, it is very difficult to accept it all. This is the reason why we should go about it slowly, in our own pace and even then, the truthful information will sound unbelievable to most of us.

Here is an excellent video my friend Stu sent me that in detail addresses a variety of topics while the main topic remains focused on health.

Although this video is really great, it is based on alchemy and the consciousness and the quantum field are not included.

Some of the information is not complete since the three different organs that participate in blood cleansing are not mentioned, but in general, the explanations are right on the money.

Deeply religious people will be disappointed, but not nearly as much as brainwashed doctors since the truth has nothing to do with the information we had to learn during our indoctrination process.

All of the 12 basic salts can be found in seawater. This is why seawater is the best natural medicine. It is plentiful and free.

I highly recommend that you watch the entire video as it is very well put together and it will force you to open your mind to observation and re thinking the stuff you thought you knew so well.

And here is my latest video about thoughts and healing

On Bitchute

On Rumble

And here we are, discovering for the first time what we should have known from the start while making our first steps into the quantum reality.

There is much to learn and much to process so have fun and leave the fear behind.

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

9 thoughts on “Is the truth being disclosed?”

    1. As long as we focus on explaining our reality using the box of our reality and neglecting the essential field of quantum mechanics, we will be sidetracked. No one knows the entire truth, but the 12 salts are what our bodies need. The only thing is that they are all found in seawater, plasma.

  1. I wish you all a very blessed Christmas, what a divine mystery we celebrate today, Today He Who Is, is born,and He Who Is becomes what He was not. Today Our Savior is born, let us rejoice. The fear of death has been swallowed up, life brings joy with the promise of eternal happiness, no one is shut out from this joy, we all share the same reason for rejoicing. Our Lord victor over sin and death , finding no man free from sin, came to free us all. Reflect on these words, and what they mean. God bless us all

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