SHP & Fasting

Intermittent fasting explained

I wrote about fasting before and I have explained how fasting accelerates the cleansing and healing process.

Since more people are fasting while following the SHP, experiencing symptoms that confuse them, I have decided to explain those symptoms through this article.

Those who have decided to start the protocol with fasting on plasma will blame all symptoms on the salt and diseases and have nothing to compare to what is happening. They feel bloated with gas, and feel as if they are full of water.

Since the reason for most people to do the fast was to lose weight because they are overweight, disappointment set in as they do not see any weight loss at all after one week of not eating.

The body is using its fat for energy so it should be losing weight, but the scale is not budging.

The reason for this is the amount of plasma that they have gained. They have more blood and water is heavier than fat so sometimes people gain some weight while short-term fasting when they drink not the water, but plasma.

Often, they notice that their bodies are getting slimmed but the weight is not coming down.

When people continue fasting and continue passing gas, they become concerned about this. They are not eating and digesting so why do they produce gas?

 Many toxins are related to emotional energy and when emotions are being cleansed, they are eliminated in a form of gas.

The emotional organs are the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. This is why we feel bloated while drinking plasma. Since the sea salt contains all minerals and minerals vibrate with their correct frequencies, the crystalline vibration replaces the toxic vibration of an emotion of a similar frequency so the wrong emotional vibration becomes expelled and the brain is programmed to manifest this into our reality in a form of bad odor and gas.

Usually, people start noticing weight loss after 10 days of fasting with plasma, and they start to feel really good. There is no hunger, but the desire to eat remains.

When they start to eat, their weight continues to drop so a fear of anorexia shows up. They think that the fast has disrupted their bodily functions and there will be consequences.

The reason they continue losing weight is a loss of water.

So, why are we losing water when we start to eat even when eating correctly?

Hydration is energy-demanding. When we eat, we trigger digestion which is also energy-demanding. The two things cannot be done at the same time so hydration stops during digestion.

The cleansing continues so we lose more water than we absorb and our weight continues dropping.

My weight was 95 kilograms when I started a 24-day fast. The first 10 days I did not notice any weight loss at all. Then I started to lose about 250 g a day. On the 24th day of the fast, my weight was 74 kilograms. I looked wrinkled (had extra skin from losing weight), and old and as I started eating, my weight continued dropping so a week later I was down to 65 kilograms and my wife told me that I look terrible, but I was feeling really good.

Then my weight started slowly increasing. So, I was losing bodily fluids faster than they were replenished because of the digestive process.

Since the cleansing of my cells slowed down because of the energy management, a lesser amount of toxins was flooding my blood, and finally, within a week, the body found the balance between daily digestion and nightly detox, and everything got into its place.

Once we understand our body, we can interpret the symptoms correctly which eliminates the fear that symptoms bring.

If we use the “science” we have been indoctrinated with to analyze the symptoms, we will be in a fear of disease since every symptom of cleansing is blamed on some disease by our health gurus/doctors.

Since more energy is available for hydration purposes during fast, we tend to hold more water. This forces more cellular toxins into the blood so we will detoxify faster on the cellular level.

Keep in mind that ultimately, we are talking about toxic frequencies often related to the way we respond to our experiences. This creates emotions that are often toxic, and fear is the worst of them all.

This is why it is important to understand what is going on with our bodies. Knowing the truth will minimize the fear and speed up the healing process.

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

9 thoughts on “SHP & Fasting”

  1. Thank you for the another great article Darko. Right on time. I just have completed one week of fasting on plasma. It was such an easy thing for me, I probably would go for an extra week of fasting, however my family started get anxious about me. Although I was feeling great, no hunger at all. Can please explain why I was having the diarrhea every second day or so, and my sleep was a bit disturbed with frequent visit to the washroom. I guess it is because of ongoing detox… Thank you again!

    1. 2bawaken, if you have some fat on you, you can fast with plasma as long as the fat is available. After the fat is gone, your body will start breaking the muscle to get to the needed energy so it is best to start eating again. No health deterioration will occur, only good comes out of it. Since during plasma fasting the body is hydrating and cleansing, the released toxins are eliminated through urination and defecation.

      1. Thank you Darko. Your simple truth is shining so bright over the veils of fake science and “the expert knowledge”. Grateful to be your follower for the last two years.

  2. When I’m fasting, I load up on salt to induce diarrhea, so I’m constantly flushing out the acids. I feel it’s a lot better like this. What do you think?

    1. This is good. If you continue to hydrate with the same plasma you use for cleansing (one teaspoon per liter of water) you will have diarrhea. Drink a gallon of it per day.

      1. Can you maybe write an article about circadian rhythm disorders. I have something like delayed sleep phase syndrome. My sleep cycle keeps going forward.
        Although, what are you thoughts about Bob back pulser Two wrists vs One wrist methods. I used the pulser a lot with not much results. This guy wrote an article about this.
        Thank U.

      2. There could be a minor benefit when pulsating on both wrists but negligible.
        When hydrating, you have to eat correctly otherwise you are poisoning your cells. As soon as you electrify your blood, your cells start producing potassium and the osmotic pump goes into action. It is important to hydrate during the process so that the released toxins can be eliminated. If this is neglected, those toxins linger in the body causing more harm than they would if they remained inside your cells.

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