Thirst relating to salt intake

Since we have been so brainwashed into believing that salt is bad for our health, the more educated we are, the more manipulated nonsense we have accepted to be our truth, and it becomes more difficult for us to change our minds and realize the truth.

No matter where the information comes from, if it is informing us about the benefits of salt for our health, there is always the indoctrinated fear that salt will harm us.

This is why so many people are commenting about the negative symptoms caused by ingesting salt.

One of them is the fear that ingesting too much salt will dehydrate us and since I suggest we focus on our experience, a thirst that occurs after we consume salt suggests that salt is dehydrating us.

Thirst is a sign that lets us know our body needs more water, and not that it is dehydrated.

There is a big difference between being dehydrated and being thirsty.

Most people are severely dehydrated and are not thirsty at all. This goes especially for the elderly.

When they drink water, their thirst is quenched but they remain dehydrated.

We are dehydrated on two levels. One is the dehydration of the extracellular fluid which is the blood and lymph, and the other is the intracellular level which is the liquid inside of our cells.

When our blood becomes dehydrated, it cannot be cleansed efficiently and becomes toxic.

Our cells tighten up in the toxic environment and refused to hydrate in it becoming toxic themselves.

When the blood is dehydrated, its blood plasma levels drop. We are being told that our blood is thick. By drinking water, we do not thin the blood because we need plasma (water with minerals/salt) to raise blood plasma levels. Plain water and especially distilled water will be immediately rejected. We will urinate and sweat it out.

When we drink the plasma, our body will accept it and the blood plasma levels will rise diluting the blood. We are now holding the water.

If we drink water with just a pinch of salt in it, our blood plasma level will slowly increase and no other symptoms will occur.

 If we add more salt than what the body needs, the surplus will be eliminated and cleansed out of the body, but for this, more water is needed, so we become thirsty.

Since the SHP is a protocol that involves cleansing, by drinking a larger quantity of plasma we are creating a cycle of hydration and cleansing. If we do not drink enough plasma, the body will reabsorb all of the available plasma that is in our intestines and our stool will become hard. We will experience constipation.

As long as the blood is very toxic, we will be thirsty after drinking plasma because we will be eliminating a lot of plasma during the cleansing process. As our blood becomes cleaner, our thirst will subside.

Some people experience dry lips and dry sexual organs. This is another sign that the body requires more plasma, but in general, the stool is our dipstick of hydration.

The stool should be soft and pasty.

If harder pieces of the stool are mixed with soft, mucous stuff, this soft part is the toxic mucus being eliminated, and the hard parts are dehydrated feces indicating that more plasma is required.

If we do not provide more plasma, we will experience constipation which can be eliminated only by drinking a sufficient amount of plasma, or by inflaming the colon through “medicinal” remedies. An inflamed colon will not be able to absorb water and the feces will be soft, containing water.

Fibers have absolutely nothing to do with the consistency of feces. It’s all about hydration.

Since there are two phases our bodies go through during the cleansing process, the amount of plasma needed for this process changes.

The first stage is the cleansing of the blood.

To do this, one gallon of plasma a day is usually sufficient to provoke diarrhea and cleanse the blood.

As the blood becomes clean, cells relax their membranes and trigger the osmotic pump into hydrating them. As plasma enters the cells, toxic stuff becomes released from them into the blood.

This pollutes the blood again and often the pollution is so high that the body reacts with an emergency response that shows symptoms of sepsis such as tachycardia and fever.

This is the reason why I suggest that everyone with chronic health problems and especially if medicated, ask for guidance during the first month of the protocol.

What we call influenza or flu are nothing else than symptoms being created from toxic blood and its cleansing. There is no virus present because viruses do not exist.

Are you waking up?

Do you realize that the entire medical field is based on manipulated nonsensical information where non-existent “diseases” are being treated with toxic medication designed to shorten our lives and make us live in misery?

Almost all biochemical laboratories are focussed on creating poisons to poison our bodies slowly so that we do not realize what is being done to us.

What do you think virologists are doing?

The exact thing I am describing to you now. Creating slow-acting poisons that are injected into our bodies under the pretense of vaccination.

Please, share this information and help others in their awakening process.

One of our friends found herself in a very unfortunate situation. Please if you can, help her to resolve her situation.

Katannya FundMe acc.

Love and light to us all.

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

7 thoughts on “Thirst relating to salt intake”

  1. Sir you said medication shorten our life span and makes us live in misery but would you not say it helps saves lives by lowering blood pressure which is a good thing and medication can prevent heart attack like aspirin.

    1. All medicines are toxic and as they suppress some symptoms, they create several others. Healing is the right way. Medicated/poisoned body cannot heal, it only gets worse much faster while being medicated.

  2. I have been drinking about 4 liters of plasma per day with 12 grams of salt in them. Today I drank 7 grams but am still experiencing great thirst & craving plain water to quench my thirst. Am I adding too much salt? Do I have to wait it out & eventually the thirst will subside? Is it ok to drink a glass of plain water occasionally to quench my thirst?

    1. I meant to say that today I drank 7 liters. And also I am experiencing diarrhea daily. Will that eventually go away?

      1. You have thirst because your body is cleansing. The plasma you drink is washing your body and the dirty water is constantly being eliminated. This requires a constant supply of plasma. As you become cleaner, the cleansing process will slow down and your body will require a lesser amount of plasma. Your thirst will vanish.

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