DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) and hair loss

I have just received a video from my friend Peter with this note: “here’s some material for you”:

Since Peter follows my work, he is well aware of health problems and their causes so when listening to something that makes no sense, he gets it right away.

This is why he knew that this video will make a great topic for debunking the nonsensical “medical science”.

Again, this article is not an attack on Robert English. As a matter of fact, I would like Rob to see this article and learn some truths. This could help him to understand the body better and be even more successful in helping people heal.

In this video, Rob is questioning the claim that an increase in DHT (dihydrotestosterone) causes hair loss.

The experts of madsin are mentioning that increased levels of DHT are making the facial hair stronger while at the same time they create a hair loss on top of the head.

Medical science is telling us that testosterone undergoes changes when in certain tissues into more potent dihydrotestosterone which stimulates certain male features like the growth of testicles, and the penis, and in the skin, it stimulates hair follicles in growing hair.

When a woman takes steroids, she will start to grow more hair, which is very noticeable, especially in the places like the chest and face.

Young men with low levels of testosterone will have also low levels of DHT and they will have more feminine features and missing or weak facial hair.

Well, the madsin is telling us that both low and high levels of DHT will cause hair loss but high levels of DHT will also cause strong facial and body hair, just the hair on the top of the head will be affected negatively.

Does this information confuse you?

Well, it should because it makes no sense whatsoever.

This is just another idiotic explanation that doctors gabble regularly. They are not trained to think but to repeat what they have been told.

Indoctrination at its best.

Higher levels of DHT are being noticed in the skin of the skull in men with thinning hair or hair loss and since doctors have no clue about how the body works, they use childish logic. If the hair is falling out and there is more DHT in the follicles of the skin, DHT is causing hair loss.

Doctors know that the skin on the skull of a bold man is dry with an extra layer of cells and tight.

Also, in the early stages of hair loss inflammation is present, dandruff occurs, and skin becomes oily and then dry.

Those are all different stages and symptoms of toxicity being brought through toxic blood and the cellular dehydration of the scalp it causes.

Because of cellular dehydration and acidity, inflammation is triggered.

 When neglected, the cells start to lose electric voltage and proliferate faster and the skin becomes thicker. It flakes, and the skin pores become smaller as the skin dries out and becomes smooth and shiny.

Since we are programmed robots, as the hair starts missing and its purpose is to protect the brain from overheating and over cooing, more DHT becomes produced by the cells of the skin with the missing hair to stimulate hair growth.

Unfortunately, the cells are too acidic and the blood supply to the hair follicles is inadequate because the blood vessels are also damaged (this is often visible with the increased blood pressure), and the diminished follicles of a tight skin so hair simply cannot grow.

Rob has realized that an increased blood flow will stimulate hair growth this is why he recommends head massages.

Since the blood flow can be increased by relaxing the muscles that control the scalp, interfering with the muscle contraction through inhibition of acetylcholine neurotransmitters through the usage of botulin toxin (botox) is also showing improvement in hair growth.

Botox is not relaxing just the scalp muscles. It also affects the smooth muscles of the circulatory system which increases the blood flow in the scalp.

As you can see, the DHT has nothing to do with hair loss. It is all about the blood flow and the toxicity.

So, if you have a hair loss problem, use the SHP, and massage your scalp several times a day.

The application of colloidal silver is also beneficial as it increases the electroconductivity of the skin to where it is applied to.

Love and light o us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

10 thoughts on “DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) and hair loss”

  1. If for some strange reason, meat was not available, which foods are the next best thing to heal with plasma? Are there actually any other foods you can eat to gain optimal health without eating meat?

      1. Do you think it is possible for someone who is bald on the top of the head for 15 years, to grow it back with the SHP?

  2. Hi Darko,

    I hope you’re doing well! By additional work are you referring to scalp massages? What other additional work are you thinking about?

    Thanks and take care,

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