Depopulation jab, HIV, and the immune system

After the SARS toxic garbage was spread through the gay L.A. community and later was used to infect the African children and was blamed to come from humans copulating with monkeys, the elusive SARS”virus” was spreading terror all around the world.

People were told that it is especially dangerous to people with a low immune system. This is why it was decimating malnourished children in Africa, but also it was killing malnourished people on drugs all around this planet.

Whenever there is a dengue fever outbreak in the tropics, it is after an anti-mosquito spraying campaign was launched. The mosquito has nothing to do with dengue fever, it is the toxin that was inhaled from the fumigation.

When it came to the swine flu and the avian flu, this was just a misinformation campaign the same as with the COVID 19 “virus”.

Those were fake media orchestrated plandemics whose purpose is to frighten people into accepting inoculation with toxic stuff.

No matter if it is a flu, a bioweapon, or a misinformation-based plandemic, we are being instructed to boost our immune system.

We Are Awesome!!!: January 2014

We are told to eat veggies, to supplement with antioxidants and vitamins. Keep away from animal fats (cholesterol), and to load up on the good carbohydrates/starches.

Oh yes, and keep away from sugar it is not good for you.

The table sugar is basically composed of two ingredients. One is fructose and the other is glucose.

The fructose makes it sweet, and the glucose is what we are being told is a good carbohydrate.

Fructose does not pose any problem to our body while dietary glucose reprograms the gene expression and causes countless health issues, yet, we call it the safe/good carbohydrate.

The depopulation jab that bears the name COVID 19 vaccine contains the same SARS poison that causes HIV.

We know that HIV destroys the immune system of the body.

The immune system is the electric voltage of the body.

When the voltage drops, the auric/magnetic field of cells weakens and cells start to touch each other.

The elderly are put on blood thinners to prevent coagulation of blood due to the cellular pileup because the elderly are more toxic and their electromagnetic potential is low.

No amount of vegetables, vitamins, or antioxidants will improve this state.

increase of the electromagnetic potential of the body will.

The electromagnetic potential rises with the voltage.

This means that electric voltage is what improves the autoimmune system of the body.

To be able to raise the voltage, the blood has to become a superconductor because every resistance, will drop the voltage.

For the blood to become a superconductor, it has to have an adequate ionic structure that is composed of a variety of minerals and salts that could all be found in the seawater and has to be free of resistors/toxic pollutants.

Once we start improving the ionic values of our blood, the cleansing organs spring into cleansing mode and start eliminating resistors/toxic garbage from the blood.

All toxins, including those deliberately injected into our bodies through “vaccination”, are causing electric resistance and will be forced out once there if enough minerals and water are supplied into the blood.

We are assuming that plants, mud, vinegar, and other stuff are necessary so that the detox of the blood can take place.

This is not true and my observation shows that nothing comes close to the detox that is created through the increase of plasma levels in the blood.

As long as we continue using chemistry in the search for answers, we will be stuck.

Physics is the answer. Quantum understanding is showing us that it all depends on energy, vibration, and the mind’s decision on what it chooses to believe/manifest.

Since everything is vibrating conscious energy, our brain is the ultimate healing instrument but before we are going to be able to use it to its full potential, our mind has to be cleansed of all the wrong beliefs.

The awakening process is a big part of this.

Open your eyes, allow the lite to penetrate.

Most people are still sleeping. They have to see and experience what is going on so that they can wake up.

This is on its way as the military has started with the final takedown.

I am receiving news from New Zealand, Australia, Germany, and the good old US of America that the military is now visibly on the move for the public to see.

Finally, the take-down of the media is imminent and the virus will disappear forever.

Hold the light. This is more important now than ever before

Love and light to us all



Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

24 thoughts on “Depopulation jab, HIV, and the immune system”

  1. Hi Darko , I want to ask you a couple of things what happens first cell growth or cell dehydration ? and what is the difference in the function between the extracellular fluids and the intracellular fluid? and when you say the environment of the cell is that the extra or intracellular fluid ? thank you in advance.

      1. what is the difference in the function between the extracellular fluids and the intracellular fluid?

      2. Read my book, it is all there. The main difference between the two fluids is that one is loaded with sodium and the other is loaded with potassium. By increasing the potassium concentration, cells activate the osmotic pump and actively hydrate.

  2. Hi Darko, This might seem like a weird question but can you take a teaspoon of dry celtic sea salt and drink a liter of regular water? Will the results be the same as drinking pre-diluted sea salt in water?

    1. Louise, you will play catsh up for a long tme since increased mineral levels in the blood will trigger diuretic effect and as you get thirsty and drink water, now most of the salt has been urinated and sweated out so now your body will continue releasing the excess of water that it cannot level to the low salt content. By drinking plasma, you are instantly increasing plasma levels and body only adjusts the proper ionic values and steadily increases the blood plasma levels.

    1. Click on “Darko’s Books in English” page (at the top). Then scroll down and click on the PayPal symbol. That will take you to Paypal and it will state Asesoria (at top of the page). That’s the business you are paying to (it’s Darko’s wife’s Accessories business). In the Description field type the books that you require. Then click continue.

  3. Truly great article.
    Nothing like a little history, to show, Covid is just one in a the long line of things they are trying to use to lower your immunity.
    ( I personally have never thought this was about health or even a vaccine. What we are seeing is rather, a raw expression of power. The proof of this will be, when vaccines and covid flu talks become unpopular, the ‘new problem’ and ‘new focus’ will arrive. And our grand middle class will move over to it as if covid and yes, remember AIDS, never even existed. Remember these words. Want more proof, remember the 1st female pres candidate, the greatest one to ever run for office? The one.. now, no one can remember the name of. And when you do remind them the name, HRC, they don’t seem to really know who she is, or if she is still alive. That was only 5 years ago….)

    NOW, my question: If we are on SHP, sea water and rare meat – why can’t we just process/throw off this vaccine/gene therapy, just like we do to all the other garbage coming from our enviroment when it comes into our blood?


    (Just noting, after 4 years, Kar is still asking the same, useless assine questions. Why can’t these dummies just move on?)

    1. Mark, hi. In my oppinion, our body will eliminate everything that was injected into it when it has enough plasma to do so. The longer we allow those toxins to remain in the blood, the stronger electromagnetic field they will radiate that affects their organs, the brain included, and everything around them.

  4. I am working more on structuring my water and it now does taste different – good. I personally like the saltier taste, but now I prepare a salt solution ahead of time – (8 – 12 oz. solution with a dose ratio of 1 tsp salt to 1/2 oz. water.) It’s enough water that the salt is all absorbed. I also pour my water through marbles several times (not sure they are lead-free, but the water just passes through. The water tastes good – and not salty. I even tested my brother with the old way vs. the new – and he says he can not taste the salty water anymore. I am going to try making my salt solution with distilled water next time as the salt will dissolve faster.
    Maybe the water tastes good because I am concentrating on structuring it more where as before I would forget and just drink it down. Have also taped words on the bottles. My sinuses have been cleansing, so I think this water works even better than the old way.

    1. I should have stated for clarity that in each liter of water I pour in a 1/2 oz of the salt solution – so that I have 1 tsp sea salt for each liter.

    1. This was written by someone in medical profession and professionals cannot accept the fact that virus does not exist. The article is based on observation and interpreted through the knowledge we are given in medical school.

  5. Hi Darko,

    I’m not sure if my previous comment posted. I’ve been drinking plasma for almost a year. Is it possible to drink too much plasma in a day? All of a sudden I’m getting bruises on my arms and legs. Can you tell me what this might be from? Thank you.

    1. No matter how much plasma you drink, no negative symptoms will occur. Are you taking aspirins or some other blood thinner?
      What is your diet? If you wish, you can contact me through email.

      1. Hi Darko,

        Just want to make sure you received my email. Will you be responding soon? Thank you.

      2. Darko,

        Thanks for letting me know! I just resent the email. Please let me know if you received it. Thank you!

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