Carnivore diet versus SHP

Since more carnivore-oriented people are viewing my content, the same questions are popping up so here is one of the emails I am going to use to elaborate on answering the questions.

“I started the protocol on the 15th, since then I have edema, especially in the morning – my whole body is swollen, esp. around the eyes (which makes me alarmed because of my kidneys), I cannot only see it but also feel it (it gets better during the day)

– since starting I have to pee ALL THE TIME, and it is hard to me to drink that much (I feel bloated and I also get pain in my stomach when I drink too much), and I can barely drink up to 3 liters

– the last two days I also had trouble sleeping – when going to bed I was wide awake (normal bedtime, usually asleep within a few minutes) as if I had drunk coffee, then I wake up several times during the night, and feeling groggy in the morning

– I am eating only raw beef, organs and suet at the moment and as I have heard from other carnivores it is totally normal to only poop once a week or even less, which is the case for me. Since the start of 15th I pooped once, but it was “normal” as always – no diarrhea

– I don´t know if I snored before, but since starting I can hear my own snoring, and I have the feeling I am snoring all the time – never had that before”

Edemas are a common occurrence in very toxic people. There is always this surprise. The comment is, “But I never had edema before and I have been on the carnivore diet for a while so how can I be so toxic?”

The carnivore diet is a regime of eating and not a cleansing protocol.

As I explained, the wrong type of diet (vegetables) will force the body to adjust to it. One of the adjustments is an increase and shift in gut flora. Mislead soyentists look at it as a positive thing saying, the more versatile the better. It is a political statement and not a scientific one.

The wrong food cannot be digested so microflora occurs to help break the nondigestible stuff. We call this process fermentation. Some animals are designed to nourish themselves in this way, we are not one of those. We have a small acidic stomach that prevents the growth of bacteria, and if we find the bacteria there, that is a sign that a metabolic shift has occurred. This is not a good thing because we do not feel good when this happens and soyentists blame the bacteria for the way we feel, not the food which is the real culprit.

Even with the metabolic shift we cannot successfully switch to an herbivore type of existence because the stomach is way too small to be able to provide enough volume for the amount of fermented stuff the body needs to provide enough nutrients from the fermented stuff. Most of the fermentation occurs in the colon but absorption of nutrients occurs in the first part of the small intestine. Since the flow is from the small intestine toward the colon, no nutrients will be absorbed.

The intestine inflames from plat-based toxins, and further impedes the absorption capacity including the water and minerals. The stool remains soft as the body dehydrates.

The dehydrated body cannot cleanse effectively and toxins, it is unable to eliminate, will become stuck in the connective tissue especially the subcutaneous tissue of the skin and mucosa.

It is the same with rivers. During the drought water level diminishes and the garbage stays trapped on the shore. After the rain, as the water rises, the river becomes very dirty as the garbage is washed back into the river.

River Pollution Pictures | Download ...

This is what happens in the body when we start the hydrating process. The difference is that most of the stored/trapped toxins are in the tissue that is supplied by the lymph and not the blood. As we hydrate, more lymph gets into the toxic parts of the body and becomes toxic. If the plasma levels of the blood are still inadequate, lymph will not be allowed to offload much of its toxins into the blood so the level of toxic lymph in the tissue increases. We call such an occurrence a water retention.

Water retention can become severe if the body is extremely toxic and very unpleasant even dangerous symptoms may occur.

One can thrive on the carnivore diet for several years and still be very toxic if their blood plasma levels are kept low. Their body’s plasma levels increase very slowly which can make them feel bad since the toxicity of their blood increases but the low blood plasma levels do not allow cleansing of the toxic blood since that would lower the blood plasma levels that are already too low. Since the intestines are not being poisoned by plants, their absorption is good and all necessary water is absorbed. If the blood is low on plasma, no water remains inside the intestines so the stool becomes hard and compact. This is why those on the carnivore diet have only one stool a week. This shows how dehydrated they are.

There is a huge difference between the carnivore diet and the SHP. Most people on the carnivore diet got their information from Aajonus and his followers. Some of that information is OK for those born in carnivore families and did not accumulate toxins in their tissue and cells. Unfortunately, there are very few of those. The great majority of people started following the carnivore diet after they were feeling bad because their bodies were toxic.

Switching to the carnivore diet changes the body on a genetic level. The stomach returns to being acidic, and the intestines de-flame and contain only a specific bacteria that supports their diet. Their intestine absorbs nutrients, water, and minerals much better, and since their bodies are dehydrated, hard stool and diarrhea often occur as all of the water becomes absorbed into the blood.

Many things Aajonus said are incorrect and this is why after the initial improvement in health, unpleasant symptoms start to show.

The SHP is a protocol of hydration, cleansing, and healing, it is not just a shift in diet. Stop telling me what Aajonus has said and what his reasoning was.

We are talking apples and oranges here.

Since the SHP is a healing protocol that is based on the correct nutrition, hydration, and cleansing, toxic bodies will respond with symptoms that reflect their current toxic state. The toxic tissue will hold toxic plasma causing water retention. Our skin will swell, and so will the intestines. We will feel bloated and heavy.

Moderate water retention will clear up slowly without our interference, but if the tissue is very toxic, we may have to force this toxic lymph out by using salt as a diuretic or taking plant-based toxic diuretics. These medicinal remedies should be used only when absolutely necessary and for a limited time only because they keep the cells closed causing further cellular dehydration and acidity.

Here is my video explaining those issues.

Toxic people with symptoms should ask for guidance because strong symptoms will scare them and the loss of energy caused by the fear may further undermine their healing efforts.

If you speak English, Spanish, and Croatian, I can help to guide you.

Some other languages can be covered by other experienced people

If you have successfully healed your body by utilizing SHP, want to help, and are speaking some other language not listed, please let me know. It will be greatly appreciated.

We have to engage in helping as many people as possible.

Love and light to us all

Author: darkovelcek

Awakened human being. Helping to spread the truth in awareness and health.

27 thoughts on “Carnivore diet versus SHP”

  1. Darko, In this case, would it be correct to evacuate daily while on a carnivorous diet? And what would the stool consistency be like (normal or diarrhea)? Followers of the diet claim that they do not have a bowel movement every day, as the body metabolizes all the material ingested (proteins and fats) Is it correct for the intestine to have bacteria when following this diet? Does the fermentation process in the intestine not match our species?

    1. John, as I tried to explain, when we eat, we have to evacuate. Eating the correct food, we absorb more nutrients but there is a lot of stuff that has to be eliminated, depending on the size of the meal. When intestines are not poisoned, they absorb water easily and if the body requires plasma, all water will be absorbed and feces will be small and compact. As such it can remain in the colon and accumulate which is not a good thing since it continues to rot under bacterial action causing toxic elements.

      When we provide enough plasma, some plasma will remain in the intestines and will be easily removed. When we are toxic, if enough plasma is provided, the body will not only eliminate the remnants of the food but it will also detoxify the blood and the tissue. As stronger toxins appear in the colon, diarrhea is triggered to evacuate them. Since we are all toxic, when we provide enough plasma, we trigger diarrhea, brother.

  2. very true. When I started SHP, I had water retention for first 1~2 weeks and now I have no water retention whatsoever. Just got my GF started on SHP seriously now and she experiences lots of water retention atm so the article/video will help for her understanding. I also recently got an email from someone who was on primal diet by Aajonus for years and he tried plasma for first time a few weeks ago and experiences excact same symptoms as in article. I told him to continue and let it run. He didn’t seem too worried though, because he understood at some level it was detox.

    1. Hi SudenMoose, it would be great if you share your story, so we can help each other too.

      I myself am in SHP for 4 years now and I’m grateful to know Darko. I make a forum for us to easily discuss about SHP. If you’re interested, feel free to visit the site 😊

  3. Aajonus’ primal diet does have a detox component and is based on his idea that the body’s primary detoxing organ is the skin and that the toxins we store primarily in the fat.

    He advocated daily celery juice, having regular hot baths (for at least 2 hours at 39º C) and having phases of accumulating body fat and then loosing fat, and “cheese trains” which consists of eating a small piece of unsalted raw cheese at fixed intervals (like few minutes intervals).

    Btw he went further then doctors in his crusade against salt and claimed it to be toxic to our cells.

    1. Julien, this I know about Aajonus and this is why I say that he is wrong on everything except his diet recommendations. Celery is a toxic medicinal plant and through fat, we barely do any cleansing. I explain how the cleansing works.

      1. yes, and I’m extremely fortunate that I found the SHP by trusting a friend (Caesar) and followed up on his advice of doing this protocol although it went completely against what I believed in (salt is bad). Without trying to fight it mentallyz I accepted it fully and started that evening with 1l. Next morning 4l. About 3 years later I couldn’t imagine not having followed my friends advice. I was really really toxic. Am still detoxing but much better.

  4. Hello Darko

    I believe probiotics can have there place – i’ve been following carnivore – mostly fatty red meat and salt, and SHP for 2-3 years now.

    In the last 3 months, I tried some probiotics [‘phage complete’] and that improved my energy levels, fat digestion, ability to handle 1 large meal and also, I think a bit of jock itch I had and more regular stools [from 2-3 x per 2 weeks, to every other day]

    I went off the probiotics for 2 weeks and the above got worse. Back on for the last week and now its better.

    A question please. After the above I still seem to have a low white blood cell count [been this way for several years now] and high monocytes. I would have thought that after such a long time on carnivore + SHP that all this would be fixed – apparently not. Any ideas please?



    1. Mick, as soon as you stop hydration and detox, you feel an increase in energy, and symptoms of a detox may disappear. You are not doing a good thing. You are just making yourself feel better. Toxic stuff has “medicinal” effects.

      Since you still have symptoms of detox, this shows that you are still very toxic and this keeps your body in the wrong frequency.

      Either you are doing something wrong or, you are very toxic on the cellular level and your blood is being poisoned daily by the cellular detox. Email me your daily eating and drinking routine, and any psychological problems you may have, and let’s try to identify your issues. Love and light.

  5. Anyone have experience lowering their BP? Mine is high. I am scared I am having headaches, tinnitus and anxiety. Love and light

  6. super great great great – thanks for the explanations and differences

    Darko – you often write about energy/vibrations/frequencies

    I have a question: what do you think about the B.S.M. treatment method known in Poland

    Bioemanation Coupling with the Brain – this is a procedure based on radiation from living organisms such treatment is based on the belief that the centers of the cerebral cortex control the diseased parts of the body for treatment, a hand is placed against the skull, and the radiation emanating from the hand stimulates the organs to heal themselves

    love and truth 🙂

    1. Renata, our brain separates information it receives by frequencies and supplies those frequencies to the sensory organs that convert it into our “reality”. Whenever there is a distortion of the provided frequency, it shows it as a shift in the reality of our lives. The distortions that cause changes we perceive as negative, we call toxins.

      It is a common understanding that so-called energy healers or quantum healers have the capability of influencing the frequencies and providing healing. It is not advisable for a practitioner to use their own energy in this process because they themselves will lower their voltage and experience a shift of their frequency making them sick. This has often happened in the past and healers had poor health because of it.

      We create through intent. By developing confidence in our ability to heal, we can help anybody to correct their frequency by simply requesting (making an intent) for the individual to heal. More and more people are utilizing this comprehension and are having incredible healing results. No machine can do it better, not even the med beds.

  7. Hey Darko,

    If your reasoning for why plasma with natural sea salt causes diahrea is because you ingest alot of minerals quickly with water giving the body an abundance to eliminate toxins,

    then if we did the same with table salt and water which is devoid of minerals then it should not cause diahrea / detox right?

    1. Table salt is toxic and may cause diarrhea because the body will want to eliminate toxins, but plasma levels will not be the same so more plasma may be needed to trigger cleansing while polluting the body at the same time.

      1. But how can you tell if you are having diahrea because of an abundance of minerals and detoxing or just reacting to toxic salt? maybe salt itself triggers diahrea as a toxin, how can we tell the difference between the two scenarios maybe even the sea salt we xonsume is polluted and causes a toxin related diahrea

      2. The release of toxins makes the blood more toxic and symptoms of toxic blood occur. If one has diarrhea without any symptoms of toxic blood, they can start drinking less plasma and see if their stool remains soft.

        If stool becomes hard, detox is still on and more plasma has to be consumed.

  8. Hi Darko

    Wouldn’t it be better for the woman you’re talking about to start more slowly with the plasma? Just 1-2 grams per litre and then she can gradually increase up to 6 and more when the symptoms are more liveable. I can testify that laying awake at night from plasma is no fun, I also experience it when I’m detoxing deeply.

    1. Slow hydration often causes more problems. The tissue is releasing toxins and since there is not enough blood plasma, blood cannot cleanse them out. Blood becomes more toxic and symptoms of a toxic blood increase.

      1. I agree that stronger plasma is better for a faster detox of the body. But for very toxic elderly people going too strong on salt at the beginning might give very unpleasant symptoms like you mentioned.

        I think it’s better to cleanse the blood calmly at the beginning and then go higher on the salt after few days or weeks of hydration?

      2. Wouter, by eating some mildly toxic vegetables the water absorption slows down and more water remains in the stool making it soft and easy to evacuate.

        Less salt and slow the entire detox process down.

      3. But eating vegetables also slows down the detox process as they are toxic, and we don’t have to deal with the bad digestion of them.

      4. Please, read my latest articles several times to grasp the message.

        When the detox has to be slow, the intestines have to be poisoned to slow down the absorption so that there is no constipation. The toxicity becomes the medicine.

      5. I understand the way of thinking Darko. But I think there’s another way without poisoning the body.

        If you eat enough fat like butter and cream, you also defecate easiliy, even with less strong plasma. And we don’t have the stop the hydration. The carnivore community also promotes this high fat for defecation.

      6. Wouter, with the SHP you are not polluting the body. I cannot explain things better. You get from it what you can and do what you think is right, brother.

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